... Why if God called me and then kept me around for all those years did he reject me in the end? Why did he do the same to so many others who I knew over the years--some very good people have come into and then gone out of the Org over the years. If God has truly called us because he knew our hearts were so pure and good--did he make a mistake-can he really read our hearts afterall? In the end I committed no sin, but to practice unconditional love towards non-JW family and friends. If God is all loving and merciful why would he reject me for that??? Unless of course the WT God doesn't want us to practice unconditional love.....???
Even though my faith has been damaged it is a comfort to know that there are those out there who believe in a loving God.
I am truly sorry you also have been treated unfairly by the men who are currantly running God's congregation. Even though it is our natural inclination is to hold God responcible He has not caused us harm. The record of God's relationship with mankind (and I believe with the angels) is not at all times to micro-manage their lives but to give/point them in the right direction and let life's course unfold naturaly, good or bad. He could have stopped Adam and Eve before they acted badly. Ancient Israel was on the wrong course most of the time since Mose's death, yet they were still God's people. Today is NO differant, those leading God's people are proud, narrow and small thinking. They (the GB) oppress those who want to have and enjoy a good relationship with God the same way the Scribes and Pharisees did the Israelites. They deviated SO much they murdered God's Son! We must not terminate our PERSONAL connection with Jehovah because of the gross error of those who, temporarily, are in power. How often and how severe did Jehovah discipline Israel? He will do the same to his people today...It will happen!
Your cyber-brother ~ Flash
I certainly hope the average man is not capable of violence on THAT scale. It's scary to think about. Maybe I should follow a fine biblical example tonight. I can go out and kill 200 of my employers competition. I can bring my boss their foreskins in the morning. Maybe I'll get a raise.
Violence has its place, God is not wrong to get violent when the situation justly calls for it. Also, we shouldn't accept the premise that just because its in the bible means it is a standard for us to live by. That is an example of the wrong reasoning drilled into us by the GB/WTS.