That is most distressing...I hate to be one sided, but, once again it's women and children that get the least protection isn't it? I know times are changing but the progress towards looking after the innocent just isn't moving fast enough.
I grew up in the organization and never heard of anything like this. My dad was an elder. If it happened I never knew about it. But I am not surprised at all because they are so good at keeping the rot hidden.
Recently I had the opportunity to meet up with two of the younger ones who have left the organization. The one girl was actually my little flower girl at my wedding. She approached me in the grocery store. I gave her my phone number and then we met up in a store where she is employed. She took my phone number again. Don't want to push her into visiting me.
Then I also had another younger one come and visit me for tea before she moved to the west coast of Canada. I remember her Mom and Dad who are still in the city I live in. She told me about some of her situations with the violence in the home between her dad and her brother.
I moved away from the city I grew up in for about ten years and have moved back...( I was disfellowshipped on the grounds of apostasy while away) I have sought out and accepted counselling in the past at one of the local clinics.Quite the adjustment moving back.... Almost felt like Daniel in the lion's den. One of the Social Workers there told me about all the kids that have been kicked out of their witness homes. He sounded most distressed. And it turns out that I knew many of these precious little ones from years ago. I still have a daughter at home and must look after her interests but I hope that I can be somewhat of a stabilizing influence on these young women if and when they contact me. I guess we shall see what we shall see.
I have jotted down your email and hope to be touch soon
Thank you for sharing the story even though unhappy.