Very good work indeed!
As the one juror in the Martha Stewart trial said "This is one small victory for the little guy!"
did our letter-writing campaign work?
here are some lovely instructions drafted by syn, and hosted by valis, on how to navigate to the site yourself..
Very good work indeed!
As the one juror in the Martha Stewart trial said "This is one small victory for the little guy!"
"and they're both getting baptised today!
no, not that kind of experience.. .
this happened this last weekend at the circuit assembly my (jw) wife attended.
No Ap,
You should tell your wife that the next time she goes to the assembly she should try the same thing-fall in the front and just lay there, maybe cry out in agony, see how long it takes for help to arrive.
i remember how little kids got so excited when they got to actually touch the glass and the dish!
yet, most people seemed to (respectfully) keep their heads down and try to look morbidly serious.
was the act of "passing the emblems" a thrill for you?
The best thing about the memorial was that is was usually less than an hour but the sad thing was that my parents would always get there two hours early. Thus, all time that was gained was lost and then some. Also, since our parking lot was small, we would park far away in a parking lot across the road, and then for a couple of years, I got stuck outside directing cars as an attendent. Although, being outside was better than being inside trying to figure out if any of the so called "new" people (actually just people who hadn't been to KH for years) were DF'd or not. I mean did we actually think that these people would come back after seeing this crazy ceremony with wine passing and everything? I actually think that our KH was so cheap that they used the same wine every year but I always did want to see what that unleaven bread tasted like.
you won best foreign film in america's academy award celebration!.
the barbarian invasions .
I thought this post was about the Canadian town that banned dubs from going door to door down to having a permit which you had to pay for and that you could only use for 3 months out of the year. For that, I say congratulations Canada!!!!
just out of curiosity.... how many of you here have an intel processor in their computer.
how many have amd?
how many dont know what they are using?
Celeron 600 home base and 1.4 Centrino in my X1000 HP notebook
I just set up my wi-fi network which was a real peace of work, had to buy two different rounters and spend several hours on the phone before I could get everything working. I'm still trying to figure out how to network my printer and exchange files though, internet sharing work good but everything else is a mystery and someone is probably hacking into my network right now!
there was a lot of threads that i've seen recently asking where everyone is at.
so i thought i could just make a reference thread for everyone to reference to when they're wondering.
share if you want to!.
I would challenge you but everyone here knows that the WT has laid out clear guide lines about the evils of chess. Chess is a heathen sport that was probably invented by Satan himself. Not even the King of the North would be caught playing chess. Maybe checkers will be ok.
i think bush is trying to screw this country one more time before he's voted out of office....
Given this, the desire of a few individuals shouldn't override the will of the vast majority (about 76% oppose "gay marriage")
Using this logic, we would still have slavery, it would still be like the 60's with prejudices and divisions abounding between the races. Surveys in the 60's indicated that many people, the vast majority in society, were not for desegregation. I thought the whole reason for having a democracy was not to just protect the rights of the majority but also the minority.
Also, when you say a few individuals, do you think that there are only a 1000 gay people in this country? There are millions of so called "gay people" in this country but as I showed earlier there is no such thing. For the most part, genetically, everyone is bi-sexual. So, the more you oppose the integration of homosexuals into our society, that means the more you are trying to cover up your own insecurities about your own sexuality. It called homophobia, the fear of being feminized and being outed as being "gay". Thus, any survey showing indviduals opposed to gay marriage is flawed because the so called majority that is opposed are simply homophobic.
As far as marriage goes, the states, nor the Federal Government should have no rights in my mind to decide who I marry. The states are only into granting marriage licenses for the money aspect, the taxes, etc. Why don't they make some more money by granting more licenses or here is a better idea, get out of the marriage license business all together. Shouldn't we be more worried about the quality of the marriages in this country and not about the sex of those being married. Nearly half of all marriages end in divorce, the most tumultous event that can happen to a young child. It's hypocritical for so called heterosexual people to complain about gay marriage when their own marriages are a wreck. I thought having a happy family unit where a child has two loving parents were suppose to be "conservative values." Face it, intergration of homosexuals into our society is inevitable, it will just take some more time unfortunately.
if you do what kind do you have ?do you take them to shows?
we have a 1968 dodge charger,1969 roadrunner and a 1970 dodge challenger.
there is nothing like the old cars with the big motors and loud exhaust.
Any of the above cars would be perfect for service. I don't know what possessed him other than price but my one pioneer friend in my hall bought like a 72' Green Dodge Aspen. This thing was like the worst thing for service ever. Amenities included vinyle seating, no A.C., no power steering, just lap belts in the back, AM mono radio, and no cadillic converter which made spewing toxic fumes all the way to the front door that much better. Then, to make things better, the kid ended up wrecking the front end which made the car look even better for service.
However, I'm kinda against classic cars for their lack of safety. A very close witness friend of mine died when his classic Aston Heily went off the road and hit a telephone pole. Ever since, it has been my motto to buy as new and modern as possible. My list of cars that I've had now include a Saab, Volvo, and Toyota Camry. Also, no matter how much money I have or how much of an A**hole I become, I will never ever buy an SUV unless of course I become a farmer.
there was a lot of threads that i've seen recently asking where everyone is at.
so i thought i could just make a reference thread for everyone to reference to when they're wondering.
share if you want to!.
I live in the Northeast of the U.S., to be more precise Harrisburg, PA. Due to my geographic location and my infallible interpretation of Biblical passages, I consider myself to be the new King of The North. Any challengers?
jeeez, who'd have thought it, you travel for days to the other side of the world, get jetlagged & hang out for a week, then go to do your laundry and... lo an behold i see in the laundrette, my book of bible stories, family happiness, green new world translation, as i recover from the shock and nervous laughter, i ask the african lady working 'who put these books there', she says 'the owner' hmmm, i think, i better not bin them, so i open the my book of bible stories & guess what it says.... "if you like this book please leave your name at the counter.".
ha ha ha.
you can run but you can't hide.. live from africa
Missionaries-God love em. These honest hearted people doing everything they can do to help these poor people gain spiritual wealth for if you have God, who really cares if you don't have running water. Get God in your life and everything else is trivial say like malaria or having little food-no problem-you've got God.
I'm not so sure that all the dub missionaries have it that rough. From what I've seen, they get the hook up when they go to a country. One couple from my hall, just a year ago, that was doing construction and missionary work in Zimbabwe pretty much had all expenses paid for by the society. When they got there, they had their own brand new Land Rover and everything else that they could want including housing. However, they came back to the states because the wife did not like the hot weather and being on the road. Basically, her husband is a real stict dub who has been pioneering like since he was like 15 while she is not quite that zealous. From what I saw of their pictures, doing the missionary work was hard due to the environment, but most if not all material things were provided. Thus, if you like life on the road and not having a real job, I think it could be a lot of fun if you were really helping people.
The only bad thing I know about missionary work is that in the past the society has been slow about pulling international missionaries when war would break out in these countries. You know if you waited too long to leave if you are being rescued by the marines. Thus, I have heard the society has had a cavalier attitude towards the safety of its missionaries in times past, not sure if this is still true. I wonder if there are some dub missionaries freaking out in Haiti right now.