I remember how little kids got so excited when they got to actually touch the glass and the dish! Yet, most people seemed to (respectfully) keep their heads down and try to look morbidly serious. Was the act of "passing the emblems" a thrill for you? Did you feel a little weird because you knew that even if you wanted to, you couldn't "partake"? What went through your mind during the "silence"?
Did You Enjoy Simply Passing The Bread & Wine At The Memorial?
by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends
***What went through your mind during the "silence"?***
Seriously..........I always vigorously prayed that my kids wouldn't drop the glass or the plate, and after the kids were gone, I prayed that *I* wouldn't drop the glass or the plate ;o)
pathetic, huh? We were more worried about dropping things! Thanks for sharing!
Passing the emblems was, without a doubt, the second most exciting thing that dubdom had going for it. The first was the full-costume dramas, which they have done away with, replacing them with stupid "modern-day" ones. I don't want modern day dramas! I want wooden swords, big aluminum shields, and fake beards a mile long!
i hated the memorial, i always thought it was total garbage.
My earliest memories of the memorial are of my parents taking the emblems and passing them right over my younger sisters and over my head so that we did not have to handle them. I was thinking oh mom I won't drop it. So I was a bit excited the first few times I was allowed to handle them. Then later I was a little anxious not to drop them. Then it just became a boring ritual.
Never ate it, how could I pass it?
To me, the memorial was just another undesirable experience in a childhood made miserable by "Jehovah's loving organization." I hated the songs that preceded the event, the prayers, the talk, the emblems, and the subsequent association with brainless drones that was forced upon me by my parents. For me, the best part of the memorial was getting up to use the toilet, and taking as much time in there as I could possibly get away with. The foul stench of the latrines was far preferable to the unbearable stench of the "talk" being spewed from the platform like so much effluent from a broken sewer pipe.
It was all "ritual". And they talk about the Roman Catholic Church!
new light
Like many others, my main concern was getting through it without a spill. I guess it was sort of a thrill, in a pathetic way. This is my first Memorial season since I started to think for myself, and I probably will not attend. Even if I were Christian I would not go because not partaking of the emblems seems to contradict any real respect for Jesus' sacrifice. Just last night, my cousin asked me if I was going, and I said that if I did I would partake. He then said "There's nothing like the second death." You know, the whole eternal Gehenna trip for undeservedly partaking. I held back the laughter and just replied "Are you serious?" He was.