I hope he put the donation money back after he used it for the illustration.
JoinedPosts by Atilla
At the Memorial......
by New Castles ini did make it to the memorial with my wife this past sunday.
at first everything was going the same as always...the talk, the passing of the crackers and wine, but then towards the end the brother giving the speech did something i had never seen.
he was talking about how we could never pay a price for what christ has given for us...he then pulled a big wad of cash with what was clearly either a 20 or 50 on the front and flashed it to everyone in the audience.
If The Watchtower Allowed You To Ask A Question From Readers......
by minimus inwhat would your question be?
If you were to drop the donation arrangement and once again go back to paying money for the WT & Awake, how much would they be? Up to 75 cents now or maybe even a dollar each now, just curious how much your slave labor is costing you these days.
Hey im NEW
by kozmik ini pertain to a congregation in the orange county.
from the ages of around 5-16 i went to all the meetings etc etc.
i am currently 18 years of age, although i am not the ''ideal'' christain boy, i have strong faith in jehova.
there really is no favoritism when it comes to violating the word of god
unless, of course your dad is an elder and you say so sorry, never happen again I'm telling you this is the last time.
I for one can't watch this obscene show that willingly violates broadcast standards. Why just a couple of weeks ago Simon Cowell was flipping fellow judges the finger and all of us, the audience. In fact I called the FCC today to complain about such indecent behavior. They sent me this email so that I can write a formal complaint. I hope you will all join me in making sure garbage like the American Idol doesn't stay on our airwaves. Save our children.
| | | Subject : FCC Consumer Center response from representative TSR03 You are receiving this email in response to your inquiry to the FCC on 4/6/2004 11:36:26 AM. NDECENCY * Indecency is defined as language or material that, in context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium, sexual or excretory organs or activities. PROFANITY * Profanity is defined as ?including language that denote(s) certain of those personally reviling epithets naturally tending to provoke violent resentment or denoting language so grossly offensive to members of the public who actually hear it as to amount to a nuisance.? RULES * 47 CFR 73.3999 Enforcement of Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1464 (restrictions on the transmission of obscene and indecent material) FCC rules online - http://wireless.fcc.gov/rules.html * 47 U.S. Code, Chapter 5, Subchapter III, Section 326, Censorship; indecent language WEB ADDRESS: * The Enforcement Bureau's Web site on Obscene, Profane and Indecent Broadcasts is available on the web at: http://www.fcc.gov/eb/broadcast/opi.html WHAT I CAN DO: * Advise you that it is a violation of federal law to broadcast (on TV or Radio) indecent programming between the hours of 6AM and 10PM. * The FCC is the federal agency responsible for enforcing the law that governs indecent and profane broadcasts. The FCC may revoke a station license, impose a monetary forfeiture, withhold or place conditions on the renewal of a broadcast license, or issue a warning, for the broadcast of indecent material. File a Complaint with the FCC The complaint must include: 1 - Information regarding the details of what was actually said (or depicted) during the allegedly indecent or profane broadcast; 2 - The date and time of the broadcast. (this is very important because if the FCC fines a broadcast station for an indecency or profane violation, it must specify the date the violation occurred); and 3 - The call sign of the station involved. * Mail complaints to: Federal Communications Commission Enforcement Bureau Investigations and Hearings Division 445 12th St., SW Room 3-B443 Washington, DC 20554 or You can file online at [email protected] Representative Number : TSR03
Though Time magazine claimed Ida Stover Eisenhower was a member of the River Brethren, a Mennonite sect, Time was merely continuing its consistent policy of slander in all that pertains to Jehovah's witnesses. She was never a River Brethren. She was one of Jehovah's witnesses. The first study in the Watchtower magazine in Abilene, Kans., started in her home in 1895. Her home was the meeting-place till 1915, when a hall was obtained. She continued a regular publisher with Jehovah's witnesses till 1942, when failing health rendered her inactive; but she remained a staunch believer (Knorr, 1946:7).
I found this information on a sight about Eisenhower at www.premier1.net/~raines/eisenhower.html
God bless those editors over at Time magazine, maybe they still have it in for the dubs after all those years. It would be great to see a Time Magazine with the front cover with giant JW letters with a big red X over the letters, you know like the big X they had on Hitler.
JW -
Dear Pioneer Couple:
by Atilla inmy parents became dubs in the late 70's, after the 1975 debacle.
admitedly, my mom did have one dub relative on her side of the family but the main reason my parents became dubs was because of one influential and convincing pioneer couple who studied with them.
i know we are all mostly victims of victims but often i think of what if, what if that pioneer couple had never studied with my parents, perhaps i would have had a much better childhood and a better start to my adulthood.
My parents became dubs in the late 70's, after the 1975 debacle. Admitedly, my mom did have one dub relative on her side of the family but the main reason my parents became dubs was because of one influential and convincing pioneer couple who studied with them. I know we are all mostly victims of victims but often I think of what if, what if that pioneer couple had never studied with my parents, perhaps I would have had a much better childhood and a better start to my adulthood. More disturbing is the fact that now that I know what I know about the WT and the year 1975, among many other things, how could they of in good conscience preached to my parents?
It just so happens that I know where that pioneer couple live, (they actually live in Grenada in the special pioneering work), and I was thinking of writing them a pay it forward type of letter. It might read like this:
Dear Pioneer Couple
I am the son of Mr. and Mrs. **************, no doubt you remember my parents from your old KH and how you brought them into the "truth". I am writing to let you know that your damaging message stops here. I will never be a Witness, and I will make it my goal to make sure that everyone knows the real truth about the corruption of the WT. I want to thank you for my wonderful childhood. I want to thank you for never being in any school activities. I want to thank you for never having a girlfriend. I want to thank you for all those missed holidays. I want to thank you totally screwing up my life and my parent's life. (I might go on but you get the point.) Anyways, all of your work is being undone. I realize you are not totally to blame and that someone else studied with you before you studied with my parents. Thus, please forward this letter to them as well. Also, please feel welcome to write a response to explain your actions.
OMG!! It's a Copperhead!!
by arrowstar in...and i don't mean the snake.. when will i ever learn to leave well enough alone...?
in an effort to lift my spirits after a long week of mishaps and bad news, i decided i would do something for me.
I always wanted to dye my hair or atleast highlight my hair when I was in school but my parents always said absolutely not. I guess one of the minor sacrifices you make for the priviledge of handling the microphones. Then of course, I couldn't do anything when I got out of highschool because I was pioneering. In my KH it was ok for sisters to dye their hair, but for brothers it was highly frowned upon. Well, now I that I'm 24 and out, I guess I could dye my hair but really what's the point.
Hey im NEW
by kozmik ini pertain to a congregation in the orange county.
from the ages of around 5-16 i went to all the meetings etc etc.
i am currently 18 years of age, although i am not the ''ideal'' christain boy, i have strong faith in jehova.
Welcome there Kozmik
i am constantly learning about the good that JWs bring to this world, many scientist, doctors, etc etc. They build with the money they are provided with
I'm a little confused by this line, do you mean JW's as scientists or doctors because they cetainly didn't become professionals after becoming JW's. Since college education or any better way of life is pretty much out, about the only thing a dub could invent would be a new kind of cleaning agent for toilets or something.
I also feel sorry for all those "worldly" girls you are defiling but hey they are probably going to die anyways. I just hope you can find a good clean virgin dub girl who won't care if you been with lots of sluty worldly girls. On second hand, you better not tell them, forgive and forget right.
Well, good luck.
Second question: If you weren't roped into this religion by your parents...
by 2good2bad inwould you have chosen this faith on your own?
is it too hard to live righteously?
do you really bel i eve it's a cult?
Gee, I hope there's a third question.
Second question: If you weren't roped into this religion by your parents...
by 2good2bad inwould you have chosen this faith on your own?
is it too hard to live righteously?
do you really bel i eve it's a cult?
If only google would have existed 10 years ago and I knew how to use it. These days I google everything and now no one fu*ks with me.