crazy talk plus there is no way you could sustain a long term strike plus they would just view it as a sign the end is near
JoinedPosts by Atilla
Stopping the WT
by Celtic intaking a leaf out of the book from the road protest camps and other campaingning groups against this and that which i have been involved with, it occured to me the other day perhaps one of the most effective means of stopping the wt in it's tracks is to halt the litureture distribution system they employ, i.e.
in the uk setting up a protest camp right outside their bittacy hill complex, to actually stop the trucks from entering onto the roadway, if no one is up for that, how about tipping bagfuls of sugar in their lorry deisel tanks?
any other ideas?
Moscow Rule on JW Ban for this Wednesday
by Gerard in[...] moscow city prosecutors have been trying to shut down the church for nearly six years, charging that the witnesses are subversive foreign cultists intent on breaking up russian families, endangering children and inciting religious discord.
a ruling on a final appeal of the case is due wednesday [...]
One man was so unnerved by a Witness appearing at his door that he attacked her. He broke two of her ribs, then successfully sued her for invasion of privacy.
Oh, I love that line. I'll have to remember that one for the next visit. Of course that would never work here in the good old U.S. I would get sued and sent to Guantanomo or something.
Safe.... For Now!!!
by imallgrowedup inthis guy just has no life!!!!
court allows 'under god' on technicality .
I agree, using his child is kinda low, he proabably is doing it to get back at his exwife who has remarried and claims she is raising her daugher in a Christian household. Then again, sometimes sacrifices must be made and his daughter could have been the sacrifice.
One more victory for the Christians and it sucks!!!
by Atilla ini saw that today the supreme court threw out the case with the atheist father arguing that the under god phrase in the pledge of allegiance was unconstitutional.
i guess the case was thrown out on a technicality because the daughter does not live with her father but with her christian mother thus making the father's case invalid.
i knew about this case but i did not realize that is was dubbie prez.
I don't know why I get into these political religious discussions, like mental masturbation, no fun at all and it reminds of my dub days when I would argue with some hard core Protestant preacher, who lived next door to the church, for an hour for no reason at all. I guess boredom is to blame.
New 'Asleep', uh, I mean, 'Awake' information on b-days....
by TallTexan ini was looking in one of the more recent copies of the awake and there is a question from the readers on pinatas.
i won't go into the whole thing, but in the response, at one point, the awake says that (paraphrase) "the bible puts birthdays in a bad light.
however (and i love that word, 'cuz it implies, 'well, we've changed our minds again') if a practice has no current false religious attachments, then it is up to each individual to decide what they will do".....that's not verbatim, but it's close enough.
They probably connected the third sentence to the second in an ambiguous way to make it look like to those on the outside that JWs don't actually have a strict rule on the subject, while those indoctrinated inside the faith know that birthdays in practice are not permitted. It also gives them wiggle room for the future.
That's assuming people on the outside or even on the inside even read the magazine. If I was still a dub, I would have been skimming through, said, oh another article on pinatas, and chucked it.
What religion are your puppies?
by Deleted ina neighbor stopped by to see 8 year-old billy's new puppies.
billy told the neighbor that these were jehovah's witness' puppies.
the neighbor was puzzled, but let the comment go by.
My dog must by a JW because he is part of the 144,000 going into heaven. Earlier thread, never mind.
The Costco Parking Lot Was Filled With JWs!
by Swan inafter work tonight we swung by costco to stock up on some items.
it was filled with jws!.
i didn't realize it at first.
JW's=Costco sandwich sample people by day=Lord Elders by Night who wield complete power over their subjects
The transformation is amazing.
One more victory for the Christians and it sucks!!!
by Atilla ini saw that today the supreme court threw out the case with the atheist father arguing that the under god phrase in the pledge of allegiance was unconstitutional.
i guess the case was thrown out on a technicality because the daughter does not live with her father but with her christian mother thus making the father's case invalid.
i knew about this case but i did not realize that is was dubbie prez.
I'm not really making arguments, just my opinions and how I view the world. I am pretty sure about the Eisenhower thing, if you were raised by a JW parent, then you are going to be influenced in some manner.
One more victory for the Christians and it sucks!!!
by Atilla ini saw that today the supreme court threw out the case with the atheist father arguing that the under god phrase in the pledge of allegiance was unconstitutional.
i guess the case was thrown out on a technicality because the daughter does not live with her father but with her christian mother thus making the father's case invalid.
i knew about this case but i did not realize that is was dubbie prez.
I'm not for throwing out all the traditions but sometimes traditions stand in the way of progress. The pledge the way it stands is probably going to fall just like gay marriage and everything else, it's inevitable. So, I guess you can hold onto your pledge and change it a little bit or have it completely removed.
Just because Eisenhower never proclaimed to be a JW doesn't mean he was dramatically influenced by his parents, especially him mom who was an ardent JW until her death. Plus, I think the dubbies were even more crazy back then than they are now, they are just disallusioned now.
One more victory for the Christians and it sucks!!!
by Atilla ini saw that today the supreme court threw out the case with the atheist father arguing that the under god phrase in the pledge of allegiance was unconstitutional.
i guess the case was thrown out on a technicality because the daughter does not live with her father but with her christian mother thus making the father's case invalid.
i knew about this case but i did not realize that is was dubbie prez.
If there is a God, does anyone actually think that a nation can collectively actually curry favor with that powerful creator just because they put his or her name in their pledge or on their money. Who are we kidding? Is it not obvious that God is helping this country or any other country for that matter. Would God even want to be attached to the wars and deeds done by this country?
Now, I do think that the father of this girl with the pledge case is exploiting his daughter because every time there is a camera around, he goes off. However, I still think it is a good idea, just maybe a different approach would have been better.