I hate the Yankees but i need to have some teams fans be more misrable than my Indians
JoinedPosts by freelife
Oh my poor Red Sox and my Broken Heart
by confusedjw ini really thought this would be the year.. george has purchased and all-star hitting team and the yankees.
no pitching can stop them.. damn evil empire.. and now pedro will end up a yankee next year on top of it all.. .
i'm going to sulk about this and be miserable for a while.. - red sox nation
Hi all its been awhile
by freelife ini know i have not posted for months but, i just wanted to let you all know that i didn't fall off the face of the earth.
my wife and i are doing good but we have been very busy.
i hope that everyone here has been doing ok. i have been trying to make some strides in improving my life.
I know i have not posted for months but, i just wanted to let you all know that i didn't fall off the face of the earth. My wife and i are doing good but we have been very busy. I hope that everyone here has been doing ok. I have been trying to make some strides in improving my life. I have changed jobs and now i am doing plumbing and heating. My old company is about ready to go under and, i'm glad i am outa there. I also am not partying too much now, I have actually not smoked the hippie lettuce for almost 3 months now. Sometimes it gets rough though when i get stressed out, like on wednesday I had my wallet stolen and the a holes wipped out my bank account. I was really wanting to burn one then. I was not able to sleep all night. I was worrying about identity theft because my drivers license had my socal security number on it. i hope that they were too stupid to keep it. Oh well time will tell. I guess i will try to keep in tough more with the fam here later all.
Getting married today
by freelife intoday is the big day.
we are praying that we won't get any more rain there is a 60% chance of it today.
i am so excited and no matter if it rains or not i am sure we are going to have a good time.
Today is the big day. We are praying that we won't get any more rain there is a 60% chance of it today. I am so excited and no matter if it rains or not i am sure we are going to have a good time. I wish it was time to start the wedding already. I don't even feel too nervous so i guess that is a good sign that it is ment to be. Thanks in advance to all the well wishers as i may not be able to respond back for a while. We will be in the Riveara Maya for the next week. Love to all of you.
Make up your own Young People Ask titles
by doodle-v input yourself back in a dub's kids shoes and make up your own young people ask titles.. here's mine:.
young people ask:.
why do i have to go to these lousy meetings five times a week?.
Why does the PO have a porno mustache?
What can i do to make my penis happy and not get df'ed?
Why are the meatings more interesting when im stoned?
How can i get the hottie pioneer sister in the sack?
Most hated WT publication
by Nosferatu inwhat is the wt publication you hated the most?
why did you hate it?
for me, it was probably that damn pink great teacher book.
i think my most hated was the Revalation book it is the most boring book that i think i have ever read. I would rather beat my head with a brick than ever read that book again. But i do have to admit they get a A for creative writing.
less than a week left
by freelife inmy fiance and i have less than a week left until we get married.
we are doing well now that we are done having our bachlor and bachlorette parties.
we both are ready now, we wish that the day was here already so we can get over the nerves and get to our honeymoon.i wish we could have invited everyone here but unfortunately we were not able to swing it.
Mum I think you have mistaken me for someone else but thanks for the thoughts. And to all OF COURSE I HAVE HAD A CHAPERONE... (you can't have a three way without them HA HA). Thanks to all of you.
less than a week left
by freelife inmy fiance and i have less than a week left until we get married.
we are doing well now that we are done having our bachlor and bachlorette parties.
we both are ready now, we wish that the day was here already so we can get over the nerves and get to our honeymoon.i wish we could have invited everyone here but unfortunately we were not able to swing it.
My fiance and i have less than a week left until we get married. We are doing well now that we are done having our bachlor and bachlorette parties. We both are ready now, we wish that the day was here already so we can get over the nerves and get to our honeymoon.I wish we could have invited everyone here but unfortunately we were not able to swing it. Thanks to all who have been supportive of us and who have given advice with our situation. I will try to post after we get back from the honeymoon and let everyone know how everything went.
Sexual Chemistry and abstinence before marriage
by Elsewhere inhave you ever "been with" someone only to discover that there was absolutely no sexual chemistry... no matter what either of you did, it was just not satisfying?.
i've had that happen with a woman before and it made me start wondering... how often does this happen to people who get married after being abstinent?
how does this affect the marriage?
Sexual chemestry is exactly why i now belive in "try it before you buy it." Sex is a important part of relationships if you are not compatable with someone you are in for a misrable relationship. I think that some when they are stuck in a relationship with no spark get afraid to say that they are not satisfied and this puts extra strain on relationships.
It's crunch time
by freelife inwell evryone i have just over a month until smurfy and i are going to be married.
we are putting the finishing touches on things.
we have had some slight problems with some of our plans but we are getting them worked out.
Well evryone i have just over a month until Smurfy and i are going to be married. We are putting the finishing touches on things. We have had some slight problems with some of our plans but we are getting them worked out. One of our bridesmaids is going to have to back out because of some personal problems but we can deal with that just fine. May 1st is coming up so fast it just seems like yesterday that i asked her to marry me. I am so exited and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.
My parents have decided to come to our reception but not to the wedding being that it is being done by a preacher. They won't come to it even though he said he would do a non-religous ceremony. Mom and Dad kinda pissed me off a little because, i would not have went through hassleing the preacher about doing a non-religous ceremony. Now i told the preacher to do whatever ceremony her prefers to do. Oh well i guess its on their heads not mine i tried to do my best to keep them happy. ok i have to run but if i get more time i will post more updates. oh by the way i have missed posting with all of you i have just been to busy.
Your Bro
by Hunyadi in.
various colors and sizes available.. 16.00 each s, m, l, xl.
20.00 each xxl, xxxl
If you make them they will come. I want the religous cult one in a X-L and a south park in X-L. If you make them Let me know for sure and i will defenitly buy one.