there's about as much chance of that as the watchtower printing a retraction or apology ...
JoinedPosts by alliwannadoislive
I'm Going Too. Hello Again.
by Englishman ini'm going to the pub.. see you tomorrow.. englishman.. bring on the dancing girls!
Fear, nightmares and such...
by terafera inokay, something has been bugging me and i'm wondering if anyone else suffers from the same thing.. growing up in the 'truth' i was given many scary 'visuals' as to what could happen in my lifetime.
i remember hearing a talk that my family taped that was considered a real eye opener.
it described no water, witnesses living in the cold woods.. your own brother being captured by the officials and ratting you out.
what a dumb-ass thing to have done - has echos of the orson welles radio broadcast of 'war of the worlds' ...
OUTLAW`S House of Gambling and Sportin Ladies
by OUTLAW inwell it seems like everybody and their neighbours dog is leaving the board.but for how long?they seem to leave and come back and leave and come back get the my question is how long will..fill in the blank..take to come back.or will they leave at all?place your bets on this post!now belly up to the bar have a drink and let outlaws sportin ladies entertain you!
(hey yo-yo wanna job?
um ... you're still here outlaw ... i thought you were leaving too ...
If we really took God serioursly, we'd beging to..
by YoYoMama inif we really took god seriously, we'd begin to listen and love .
by tom ehrich / the dallas morning news .
let's assume that the incarnation, as originally conceived, wasn't about gifts, jingling bells, make-or-break retail sales, school holidays or turkey.
YoYo - i respect your right to be here - but what would your elders say ? you are doing stuff that would result in disfellowshipping - look what happened to ray franz ...
Para todos los que hablan español - 2
by CPiolo inyoyomama:.
yo estaba ocupado ultimamente y solamente recien tuve tiempo para responder.
empece otro hilo porque el original ya esta enterrado y dificil encontrar.
sigh ... i always wanted to do languages ... where's that link for altavista babel fish ? ...
Farewell to all
by Amazing ini already said farewell in my apology post to julie.
but many of you may not have read it since it was specific to her.. i was planning a long farewell statement because i have a number of things i want to share, but decided i would do that in private if anyone wishes.
you can reach me at [email protected].. i chose to leave for a number of reasons, and some stated on my last post.
is this a rite of passage that peeps here go through ?
is it part of the healing process ?
why can't people just post less often when they reach this point ?
i dun understand ... -
Just an update for you all!!!
by HyTech inmy wife just called me at work to inform me the same 2 elders that paid us a visit the other night stopped by this morning ( while i wasn't home, of course!).
they said they wanted to talk to her about the way she felt about the organization.
she basically said the same things i did and they told her that there would be a letter of disassociation read at the next meeting.
further proof that the spirited, intelligent, free thinking ones with a personality break away from this restrictive, controlling and cruel cult ...
JW expansion cancelled in Britain - official
by dmouse inforgive me if this has been covered before but i only drop in occasionally.. i seem to remember some months ago that a poster talked about the planned relocation of the british branch to milton keenes.
i think he said that the move had been scrapped because of the lack of growth in britain?
i also believe that this decision had been made before the sept 11th attacks.
it's that old patronisingly reassuring 'nearly there kids' - just to make sure no more leave 'cos it's sooooooo close now ...
The Best Signature At The Bottom Of a Post !!
by OUTLAW infor sure!
dung beetles new signature is the best one ive seen for the new year!if you haven`t seen it yet check it out!
dung gonna do a 'charlies angels' spoof too too huh ?
Wasted Life Story..The Uncaring Husband 1.2.02WT
by ISP inthis is the wasted life story from the feb 1 2002 wt.. i would have entitled it the uncaring husband........ this guy gets married in 1954. tragically his wife has to have an operation to remove a brain tumor in 1957. this leaves her in a fairly desperate state.. as a result, my wife was left partially paralysed , and her speech center was badly affected.
now a whole set of complicated challenges arose for both of us.
even the simplest task became a major obstacle for my dear wife.
isp - your outrage is oozing from the screen ...
i too thought the gate and resultant three year coma was ironic ...
i think maybe you are being a little too hard on this guy, but i must admit, when i read it, this very morning - i was aghast at one comment:
After finding his (at that time) fiancee had a brain tumour he said "what was i supposed to do in this situation? In view of the changed circumstances, should i end the engagement and set myself free? No! With my betrothal, I had made a promise and I wanted my yes to mean yes."
i thought that if he was so committed - why did he even think to say such a thing - was this perhaps a freudian slip ?