hey ao ! ... marilyn has posted twice on here and is obviously a good sister who slurps up to co's and therefore a bad apostate so she should be sent back to the hall to suffer in her disapproved-approved state ... (sheesh this is getting too complex now ...)
JoinedPosts by alliwannadoislive
Apostate overseers visit
by sleepy inhello i've been sent from botchtower headquaters to see how the flock of apostate are digressing spiritualy.. as we all know it is important to be inactive in the service and meetings and i see that many of you are doing well.. it can be hard though , sometimes when we come home from work tiered it is all too easy to get washed and changed and to rush of to a meeting without stoping to eat.. but without trust in the holyspirit you can become stong and my be able to get into the habit of watching tv or maybe even going to the pub.. even if you can do a little tv watching a day instead of reading the watchtower and awake it will help.. in order to combat the desires of the spirit we must replace them with more apostate things.i notice that some of you have not been active on the internet recently.. this is not good for your progress.. on my next visit i would like to see more non attendance at meetings less studying and more engagment in materialistic pursuits.. oh and some of you have been reporting your hours, please consider the relevent material as whether this is unscriptual or not.. with warm love and apostate greetings ,.
Apostate overseers visit
by sleepy inhello i've been sent from botchtower headquaters to see how the flock of apostate are digressing spiritualy.. as we all know it is important to be inactive in the service and meetings and i see that many of you are doing well.. it can be hard though , sometimes when we come home from work tiered it is all too easy to get washed and changed and to rush of to a meeting without stoping to eat.. but without trust in the holyspirit you can become stong and my be able to get into the habit of watching tv or maybe even going to the pub.. even if you can do a little tv watching a day instead of reading the watchtower and awake it will help.. in order to combat the desires of the spirit we must replace them with more apostate things.i notice that some of you have not been active on the internet recently.. this is not good for your progress.. on my next visit i would like to see more non attendance at meetings less studying and more engagment in materialistic pursuits.. oh and some of you have been reporting your hours, please consider the relevent material as whether this is unscriptual or not.. with warm love and apostate greetings ,.
i've bin trying hard too ao - i've bought loads of cd's and made sure every one of them was second hand in the hope some nasty demon loving druggie had it before and sold it to get more smack - plus - i made sure every cd had a parental guidance sticker on it - do i get a promotion to a position of irresponsibility ???
DA or not DA or continue slipping away ?
by alliwannadoislive infor weeks now, i've been trying to put together a disassociation letter - incidently, it's you lot that have put me up to this - and it's nearing completion but i'm feeling nervous about sending it.
the fast approaching christmas celebration thingymajig is kinda egging me on as i want to blaze christmas lights everywhere and not feel nervous about the possibility of a visit from the po who drops the mags in to me fortnightly (i'm generally 'not in' ... ahem ...).
i would appreciate your for's and against's - to either convince me to go ahead, or to think again and stay the execution ...
you guys are all pretty well amazing - i am stunned at the amount of trouble you've gone to in replying - makes me feel angry that i never saw similar concern and fellow-feeling when i was at kh ... but so glad to be here ...
bboy - some real strong reasoning there - you've dragged me back to the centre having almost been convinced to just carry on slipping ... thanks ... and thanks also to all of you who have given me so much more to consider than i had been ...
still in doubt but what a cool committee of experts i have in y'all ...
DA or not DA or continue slipping away ?
by alliwannadoislive infor weeks now, i've been trying to put together a disassociation letter - incidently, it's you lot that have put me up to this - and it's nearing completion but i'm feeling nervous about sending it.
the fast approaching christmas celebration thingymajig is kinda egging me on as i want to blaze christmas lights everywhere and not feel nervous about the possibility of a visit from the po who drops the mags in to me fortnightly (i'm generally 'not in' ... ahem ...).
i would appreciate your for's and against's - to either convince me to go ahead, or to think again and stay the execution ...
hey i totally appreciate your input here - and i'm surprised it's not more strongly for DA-ing
i was baptised in 1983 so i didn't dedicate myself to the organisation - i agree there is a mental freedom in that knowledge
however upset with the organisation i am though - i could never slam the door in the face of anyone - i am so not religious, but for me, people are everything and i would never want to humiliate or disrespect anyone - much as i would love to have a devil-may-care attitude, i can't do that
i've been slipping away since 1997 and i kinda want closure but there are two or three people in the congregation that i enjoy the occasional hug from - but also there are many who pretend not to see me and have even shunned my children ... JW love seems to be shown in the form of petty and immature social inadequacies ...
in this community i have found so many of you who have the knowledge and understanding that has made all the difference to me over the past months - thanks to you all :)
DA or not DA or continue slipping away ?
by alliwannadoislive infor weeks now, i've been trying to put together a disassociation letter - incidently, it's you lot that have put me up to this - and it's nearing completion but i'm feeling nervous about sending it.
the fast approaching christmas celebration thingymajig is kinda egging me on as i want to blaze christmas lights everywhere and not feel nervous about the possibility of a visit from the po who drops the mags in to me fortnightly (i'm generally 'not in' ... ahem ...).
i would appreciate your for's and against's - to either convince me to go ahead, or to think again and stay the execution ...
for weeks now, i've been trying to put together a disassociation letter - incidently, it's you lot that have put me up to this - and it's nearing completion but i'm feeling nervous about sending it
the fast approaching christmas celebration thingymajig is kinda egging me on as i want to blaze christmas lights everywhere and not feel nervous about the possibility of a visit from the PO who drops the mags in to me fortnightly (i'm generally 'not in' ... ahem ...)
i would appreciate your for's and against's - to either convince me to go ahead, or to think again and stay the execution ...
Have you worn a suit since you left JW
by sleepy inhave you worn a suit since you left the org of jehovahs witnesses?.
i havent.
what am i going to do with all my shirts ties and suits ?
hey KenUK - howdy and welcome !
sleepy - actually like wearing a suit - however, love changing out of it when i would normally be going to the hall (yipee) ... sigh ... life is sooooo much sweeter innit ?
talking of bad taste clothes - the halls and conventions did seem to have such a cool array of 70s polyester on parade - and stripey ties that clash badly with checked shirts ...
The JW/Diamond Ring Scam
by Mindchild ini was going through some old papers today and found reference to a really nasty little scam that is still very popular in the usa and perhaps around the world.
it is typically called the diamond ring scam but it can take several different forms.. here is how it typically works.... a very well dressed and affluent looking person (male or female) will go to a business that only has one person working there.
quite often this is a gas or petrol station but it can just as easily be a liquor store or a convenience store.
hey skips !
did you pinch the story from sherlock holmes ?
must admit to having fallen for the same scam as you :(
Being Mislead and Deceived
by individuals wife ini think these quotes give a good insight into the minds of the societys publication writers - they are misleading people and are so deceitful and they know it.
its no wonder the org.
do not want you to read anything except for society books, if the jws did then they would be caught out.... taken from the book 'the jehovahs witnesses' by doug harris - if you read this doug - brilliant book!
hi iw - thanks for this info - still writing my da letter and it all helps keep my fire going
waiting - try this link to see the brit amazon page http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1899746137/qid=1006092026/sr=1-1/ref=sr_sp_re/202-4475263-6253419
by beroea ineuropean jw versus usa jw.
this board is very dominant by experience from us about the jw lives.
we are only a few from others parts of the world participate.
hey beroea !
others of us europeans have a different understanding of the phrase 'women wearing pants' - to the americans, i guess they understand exactly what you are referring to
however, us brits think and use our language differently - if our women don't wear pants, then they are 'going commando' ...
Allow No Place for the WTS! (Pt. 1)
by comment inallow no place for the watchtower society!.
let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the watchtower society.. a vicious wild beast is on the prowl.
he has an insatiable desire to devour regular people living their lives.
ooh i went all kinda tingly when i read this - was the watchtower i really wanted to study for on a sunday morning ... hee-hee ...