hmm 'tis interesting - you guys are sharp ... ty messenger :)
JoinedPosts by alliwannadoislive
Data Lists for UK Elders
by JEMIMAH inthe following is the latest instructions for uk elders, does it apply to any other countries yet????.
"paste in page 143.ks91.
specialised sheperding - isaiah 32:1,2. in the congregations confidential file the secretary will maintain the "specialised sheperding list".
It'll be a COLD day in hell...
by JanH in...before we see this happen in the usa, i fear:.
norway minister marries gay partner.
oslo, norway (ap) - finance minister per-kristian foss has married his gay companion, becoming the first member of a norwegian government to enter a binding homosexual partnership.
sheesh! - about as much chance as a president fainting after just one pretzel ...
by BoozeRunner ini love this one-i know you ladies love it also.. fairy tale for women of the 21st century.
once upon a time, in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self-assured princess happened upon a frog as she sat contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant meadow near her castle.. the frog hopped into the princess' lap and said: .
elegant lady, i was once a handsome prince, until an evil witch cast a spell upon me.
ken - you still active ?
ty boozy - have sent it off to a neverbinajw friend who is going through a bad time with her partner right now ...
Working with JWs
by Ivor Hope inhas anyone out there had experience of working for or with jws?.
is it just me, or are they the worst people to work with....they "use" anybody for their own ends, they expect everyone else to make allowances for their life style but are not prepared to make allowances for anyone else's, they do as little as they can for as long as they can and have absolutely no loyalty to their employers or fellow workers!!.
my recent experience is that they also will be "economical" with the truth (the real truth), as long as it benefits them.. maybe i'm a bit biased, but i would never want to work with or for another witness ever again!
hey patriot - that was harrassment - your sister could have got her cautioned or sacked even ...
by larc inquestion one: what is your favorite vegetable?.
question two: do you think some vegetables are phallic symbols?
bitter - that is NOT real ...
my fave is marrow - they say people look like their pets ... and ur ... um ... vegetables ...
Working with JWs
by Ivor Hope inhas anyone out there had experience of working for or with jws?.
is it just me, or are they the worst people to work with....they "use" anybody for their own ends, they expect everyone else to make allowances for their life style but are not prepared to make allowances for anyone else's, they do as little as they can for as long as they can and have absolutely no loyalty to their employers or fellow workers!!.
my recent experience is that they also will be "economical" with the truth (the real truth), as long as it benefits them.. maybe i'm a bit biased, but i would never want to work with or for another witness ever again!
i must be one of the luckier people alive - i always wanted to work with brothers but never got the chance - i see now how lucky i was ...
You can live forever on paradise on earth
by BERNARD inhello people im feeling great, im just passing through to say.
you can live forever on paradise on earth all you want.
its 2002. and bernard is having a feild day as an ex jw the past two years.. my wife and kids are going to the circuit assembly tommorrow and.
hey bernard - after five years of not going to meetings - i still enjoy the delicious taste of having meeting times to myself ... to sit back watching tv and thinking ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh where could i be right now ? ... heh-heh ... like you say, paradise ...
Picture Of My Living Room
by Undecided inthis is my living room at x-mas.
i bought this house and the one next door in 1975 for $12,000 for both.
i was working second shift and spent several weeks during the day making improvements.
why have you got laundry hanging over the fire ?
Who will be the next 'king of the north'?
by YoYoMama ininteresting news article:
how ludicrous ... china have the mcdonalds arch and the olympic rings - how can they possibly be an adversary ?
Anti-JW leaflet campaign
by freeborg ini have been a reader of this message board for a number of years and this is the first comment i have made in that time.
i have been part of the wts for 20 years my parents believed they had found the truth when i was 10 and from then on we hung to every word uttered from the platform at the kingdom hall.
my wife was a witness brought up in the wts all her life so the wts was a massive part of all our familes lives from parents to brothers and sisters.
a cool fighting spirit freeborg ! welcome friend :)
i suspect you will be inundated with ideas before the night is over - well, over in the usa that is ... i tend to have a more passive aproach, as i did when i was a jw, but when i am asked by anyone, i am very happy to discuss how unjust the borganisation is
a leaflet to hand out would be very cool !