look at you Sao, all typing paragraphs and sh**.... lmao
Posts by bisous
TATA!!! I am on my way to the U.S.A.
by mouthy inpensylvania here i come.
so all you yankie's ,,,, watch for an old, crippled, fat, ugly gray headed woman & say hello!!!!!!.
but if you are believers pray for me it is a 9 hour drive...if i dont come back in the flesh -i will visit you in the spirit .
I was called "The Dog" tonight
by restrangled ini am very angry.
i visited the active talk site tonight, identified myself as restrangled as most of you know who i am, and skally referred to me as "the dog".
i have been a member for just about 2 years, contributed cash to those in need without question, supported those in any way i could and my husband has done the same.. i am beyond hurt..i.thought myself and my husband had supported your cause......to be called "the dog" by one one of your most prominent members lets me know we don't count for squat no matter what we do...much like the witnesses.. thanks skally...you made my day today.. r.. .
The 'active talk site' is a chat room - gabbly.com - no big deal, not a very sophisticated chat room either ... not nearly as fun as the old JWD chat used to be.
Linguistic Scholar Chomsky: "Manufacturing Consent" (about news media)
by frankiespeakin in"manufacturing consent" explores the the propaganda model of the corporate owned news media:.
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5631882395226827730&q=chomsky&total=2145&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=8 .
I adore Chomsky. The truth is sometimes painful to hear ... or read .... but thankfully there remain great minds amongst us attempting to provide enlightenment. N. Chomsky's insights on the illusion of corporate america and the fabricated *un*reality it represents are stellar, and some of my favorites to read. Yeah, yeah the *marxist* ... *commie*....and *traitor* accusations are familiar barbs which fail to pierce.
I was called "The Dog" tonight
by restrangled ini am very angry.
i visited the active talk site tonight, identified myself as restrangled as most of you know who i am, and skally referred to me as "the dog".
i have been a member for just about 2 years, contributed cash to those in need without question, supported those in any way i could and my husband has done the same.. i am beyond hurt..i.thought myself and my husband had supported your cause......to be called "the dog" by one one of your most prominent members lets me know we don't count for squat no matter what we do...much like the witnesses.. thanks skally...you made my day today.. r.. .
1. Skally is NOT a troll (contrary to easily rendered remarks here and elsewhere)
2. Why would you paint this entire site and its membership according to what one poster said?
3. Is there any possibility that she was identifying you with your Avatar?
4. Again, refer to 2.
5. If you have been here over 2 years and THIS is what you measure your worth by ... the random words of one poster vs. all the contributions you cite and countless others must obviously know to be true, then I suggest you re-evaluate.
6, and MOST Importantly: I ascribe to the Four Agreements, one important component of which is "Don't Take Anything Personally" ... the premise of this tenet is
Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering. I recommend this small book and its contents highly, here is a link http://www.miguelruiz.com/fouragreements.html -
I got a new kitten
by noni1974 inthe kitten is sleeping.he's tired from all the playing he does.. .
the kitten is reading and posting on jwd.. .
no i'm not keeping him.i named him trouble.i'm just going to take care of him till i can get him a good home.. .
noni gal, I am SO not a cat person ... and yet that little kitten is strangely appealing .... sweet pics!
Well, Trev is ill now!
by iamfreenow inat least i don't think so.. he has a flu-like illness and feels pretty awful.
by his own admission, he's been neglecting himself these last few months, and i think with all the stres he's been under that perhaps his immune system is very low.
he looks pretty awful as well, like he's had all the blood drained out of him.. even so, he was going to get on with the things he needs to do today, at least until i intervened.
One really needs a true friend or 2 in times like these. Many years ago when my husband died, I had a dear friend who literally came and set up housekeeping in my home. I was still *in* ... and there was a barrage of people calling, stopping in, etc. She shielded me from them, cooked and served visitors, and eventually took me in to her home and cared for me (I was preggers at the time). It is all such a blur now (many years later), but she was there for me like no other person in my life.
In fact, I believe I owe her my life. at the minimum, my sanity.
my point is, your kindness and friendship will be remembered for a long time and is definitely making a difference.
lol @ mini
In (partial ) support of Danny Hazard
by stillajwexelder indanny you have been fearless in your exposing jws for the cult they are and the harm they have done and are doing.
keep up the good work.
but please be careful in what you do as this board and recovering xjws need people like you who are fearless in exposing the wt.
Sorry Baba, I just can't agree. Might be a crime, dependent on where he lives. But a hate crime? I don't think the situation would qualify legally for that definition.
Prisoners of the WT cult
by Maddie ini wanted to research more on cults and the mind control techniques they use.
if i had any doubts (which i haven't) that the wt uses these highly sophicated techniques, then i certainly wouldn't now!!!!!!.
as we have had a thread asking why people don't leave the wt when they know that it has major flaws, i thought it would be beneficial to explore how powerful these methods of control are.
interesting analogy, on the way. got to mull that one over a bit ... good food for thought. thanks.
Prisoners of the WT cult
by Maddie ini wanted to research more on cults and the mind control techniques they use.
if i had any doubts (which i haven't) that the wt uses these highly sophicated techniques, then i certainly wouldn't now!!!!!!.
as we have had a thread asking why people don't leave the wt when they know that it has major flaws, i thought it would be beneficial to explore how powerful these methods of control are.
Excellent information and updates. I confess that I am always surprised to hear so many XJWs continue to refer to the WTBTS as a religion ... like Lutherans or the like! This is very important knowledge to impart and in fact, IMO, acknowledging this difference (cult vs. religion) can be helpful to many who in looking back feel guilt regarding their participation in the system. Thank you for sharing.