Actually, Puternut, many people I know say that is usually applied to just getting something off your chest though. However, I think only JWs would say something like "Are you in the truth?"...
JoinedPosts by cypher50
Say Something Only A Jehovah's Witness Would Say
by minimus ini'll start.
"at least i know god's name is jehovah!
".......any others?
Say Something Only A Jehovah's Witness Would Say
by minimus ini'll start.
"at least i know god's name is jehovah!
".......any others?
The FDS is "God's Channel of Communication on earth
I always found it funny that JWs are quick to insult Catholics for putting so much faith in the Pope but many JWs don't even know who is part of the Governing Body or what they exactly do.
Say Something Only A Jehovah's Witness Would Say
by minimus ini'll start.
"at least i know god's name is jehovah!
".......any others?
Brothers, Please don't lean upon your own understanding!
Yea, because all of the JW teachings are exactly the same as what is taught in the bible.....ahahahhahahahahha.......
Oh, another one: We are the only religion working to vindicate Jehovah's name...
Say Something Only A Jehovah's Witness Would Say
by minimus ini'll start.
"at least i know god's name is jehovah!
".......any others?
You don't find this type of brotherhood & friendship in the world...
Really? I guess the other 6 billion humans will never experience an intimate friendship then...
Smokers of the World, Unite and Take Over
by gitasatsangha inahh.. nicotine.
since leaving the jdubs, i find i enjoy lighting up a pipe in the evening, or sometimes the occasional cigar.
tried cigarettes but i don't care for them much, myself.
Shamus...smoking marijuana can cause lung & throat contains just as much tar as most cigarettes.
EX-JW's Fated To Quarrel.
by Englishman init's almost 32 years since i left the jw religion.
a bunch of us left around the same time, some were df'd, some weren't, one or two went back into the witnesses over the years.. one of the df'd one's became re-instated and last year i had the pleasure of sending him the letter that we sent to every congregation in the uk, the letter that announced that the wt was an ngo and, incidentally, the whole shebang was full of paedophiles and you lot were going to be on telly nexy week in bbc's panorama!
i digress... anyway, one thing quickly became very clear to those of us that were left.
I'm glad I am not the only one with this problem of feeling socially inept...other people around me find it so easy to start a conversation and I feel like a dumbass if I even open my mouth sometimes. Yea, some people don't bother with anything spiritually thought-provoking (and I am not just talking about Christianity when I say "spiritual") and I don't blame them considering that they are coming out of the WTS doctrines...but it seems like they don't want to let those of us who do believe in a particular religion be. Same goes for those overzealous Christians who post about how people are so wrong for not wanting to pursue Christianity further....some people have valid reasoning & evidence not to and some are just too hurt to trust any religion again. I think that being a Christian should mean that you would be empathetic to someone who has gone through the same type of situation you have...
I Only Get To Say This Once Every Other Year So....
by cypher50 init is snowing in atlanta, georgia!
i grew up in new york (a few miles from wallkill) and snow is actually something i miss....i used to love sitting back inside a warm house and watching everything turn white.
well, now it is really coming down here; i thought it was just a flurry because of the huge flakes but it has been going on for an hour now.
I grew up in New York (a few miles from Wallkill) and snow is actually something I miss....I used to love sitting back inside a warm house and watching everything turn white. Well, now it is really coming down here; I thought it was just a flurry because of the huge flakes but it has been going on for an hour now. I know, many of you get the real thing (like 2 feet of it) but for us Southerners here in the States this is a big deal to just see snow .
What did you miss out on when you was a JW kid?
by dustyb inas a person that grew up as a dub, i realize i missed a lot when i was a kid.
i'm sitting here watching mr. rogers on pbs (for those who aren't american, its a kids show like sesame street, which i really wasn't allowed to watch either).
it makes me sad because i've missed out on so much when i was a kid, such as watching mr. rogers.
No, you didn't upset me at least Mouthy...I am a realist and I totally understand your point. I haven't had to live in poverty ever in my life and I have always had many luxuries compared to others in the world...
I guess I am angry not necessarily because I missed these things but because I didn't do them based on some false pretenses made up by a religious book company. Plus, I (and the majority of former JW kids) really have a problem socially adapting to the world around us...that is something that just shouldn't of happened but it did. So, I do get angry thinking about these things but you have to keep things in perspective and not get bitter...
Heh, so much for JW kids being able to watch reruns of that show....
What did you miss out on when you was a JW kid?
by dustyb inas a person that grew up as a dub, i realize i missed a lot when i was a kid.
i'm sitting here watching mr. rogers on pbs (for those who aren't american, its a kids show like sesame street, which i really wasn't allowed to watch either).
it makes me sad because i've missed out on so much when i was a kid, such as watching mr. rogers.
Amazingly enough, I don't think I missed much about being a kid besides the birthdays & holidays. I could watch any show I wanted (we even sneaked in the Smurfs once in awhile), I got toys around Christmas because of my 'unbelieving' father and we had to go to school during the Holiday seasons so I know about most Holidays.
However, I think I really missed out on being a teenager. I really wanted to just be a normal teen (play a sport, have a girlfriend, hang out with my schoolmates) but I couldn't because this was all deemed 'worldly'. I literally was tearing up when senior prom came around because it was one of the few times where I had several really attractive girls ask me to the prom and I looked like a dumbass by saying no because of 'religious reasons'. This is one of the few things I actually get angry about when I think back...I wish that one time I would of just been my own person and done what I felt in my heart was right.