It has been interesting seeing all of the m situation all I can think about is the religious leaders and pharisse of Jesus day --- rules and tradition of men -- Of course -- they will have to answer to Jehovah in the is not for me to judge :-)
JoinedPosts by scrubmaster
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
Sorry -- I should have added this part I sent her two letters -- of course I tried to be diplomatic and did not acuse of of anything..I tried to be discreet with the questioning...she did not respond to the letters.......
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
She would not even talk to me or should I put is this way -- becuase she has made it clearly know she does not want to talk to me another person I know approached her on my behalf and her comment was I am not going to discuss that with you. When pressed she made it clear she was not going to discuss this situation with anyone.
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
Thanks for the advice -- I stop watching the house a long time ago -- no need to cause any trouble for myself.
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
Of course I just wanted to see everyones input and see what type of experiences people have had. I was just trying to play by their rules -- Just as the Borean christians search the scriptures to see if what the apostle paul was telling them was true -- I have found no scripures to back up their point of a "time frame for scriptural freedom" as I told the brother in bethel I know people have been DFD wrongly before and my would be just another case of wrong DFing -- to be honest the amazing thing to me is how the elders have information the publishers are not privy to look at -- I wonder what God thanks about that :-)
I will be helping on people in my situation to make sure they use the right wording if they are ever in my situation and what to get out :-)
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
To further make it clear "I DO NOT WANT HER BACK" I want out so I can remarry
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
Jedi Master -- from Indiana -- you know it is people like you -- it is people like you and my ex-wife that have no sympathy for people who cause 99.9% of the problems in the world -- just so you know what kind of person she was and to shut you up -- she cheated before in the marriage and because she begged for forgivness and pleaded with me not to leave -- I was kind enough to forgive her-- then she turn around a few years later and left me -- knowing full well what she had done and I would not free to marry -- these are facts it is not crying when a person is stating facts -- no worse then you would be pissed off if someone took something of value from you -- or maybe in your case some one could steal from you and you would be okay with it
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
Just so you know Jedi Master a public street is anyone domain -- stalking is when a person fills threaten -- did I mention by the way I was not involved in looking at house -- any one can play detective -- therefore basically it is some one who is famaliar with dectective work who did the survellaince -- so therefore it is not stalking -- just so you know the.. i will repeat again anyone has access to a public street..I could park on the street corner in your neighorhood 365 days a year and you could not do a thing about it unless I threaten you or approach you private property -- please read the stalking laws --- detectives do these type of things all of the time and so does the US goverment ---
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
Okay -- let me add more to the situation. First my ex-wife has already divorced me. When I presented the survellaince information to one of the elders he told me the man could be sitting in the house "drinking coffee and reading the news paper".... I said in the dark with completely no lights on in the house. When I called the society about this situation(of course by this time I had written several letters)....the brother at the society told me it could be a "repair man"..(it is a repairman,probably a plummer,alright but it was not working on any regular equipment :-). I said to this brother what is this repair man working on with no lights on in the house and no flashlight seen in the house either. Then the repairman takes her to work each morning. He would not respond. As for the scriptures they tried to use to prove their point I told then thessalonians..does not apply to my situation and Romans was referring to spiritual light and darkness and not to be taken literal. So then I wrote back to told them why Micah 2:1 showed where bad things could happen duing the day "which" in part states woes to those who are practiving what is bad upon their bad...and because of the power in their hands they proceed to carry it out in the morning. Of course they have not responded to my last letter and even told me they would not. (As for the overnight. I found out another person who was in my situation, did survelliance on the house with another witness. He watched his wife go into the bedroom with another man and close the door. they stayed and watch the house all night. When he presented this information to the elders do you know what he told by the elders, how do you know some one did not go out of the back door.) The thing I find interesting is why is so much benefit of the doubt given to some one who is not attending the meetings and if the tables where reverse the committee would already hve been form.
Proof of adultery to get scriptural freedom
by scrubmaster ini am in a situation where my ex-wife left me.
i had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family.
this was done over a several month time frame.
I am in a situation where my ex-wife left me. I had survellaince done on her place by two members of my family. This was done over a several month time frame. The people watching the house for me notice a man would arrive at the townhouse on several days during the week early in the morning. On Thursday's he would arrive at about 5:00 am and use his own key to enter the townhouse of my ex-wife(by the way the townhouse also has an alarm system). This happened at least a few times. During those occasion my family members walked behind the house and to see if any lights every came on in the house. The house stayed completely dark until the man and my ex-wife came out and got in his car together. This is the kicker through some contacts I found out the man was married. I presented this information to the elders and they told me this was not enough information to free me, because the man has to stay over night for circumstianal proof of adultery. I could not believe it, I wrote to the society to see their standing on the matter and they came back with the same response and tried to use the scriptures at Romans 13:13 and 1 Thessalonians 5:7 to state that badness only happens at night. The funny thing is upon getting my hands on a copy of the flock book I found this to be the stance written in black and white. Does any one know where this idea came from? Also what has been done about it?