Ever have those days when you feel really lost? Feel purposeless? No direction? Well this must be my day to be haunted by emotional suffering, and anguish.
Please, puternut, know that so many of us are going through or have gone through what you are going through, and we have come through, albiet, scarred and affected, with a new perspective on life and the world.
I went for 10 years, after physically detaching from the org, not allowing myself to cultivate any real or deep relationships, not experiencing any real joy or happiness. It sucks. The guilt of betraying Jehovah would not permit me to move on since I had always been taught, and believed, that, everything is vanity except for serving Him by knocking on doors and attending 5 meetings each week.
I implore you, friend, not to spend so much time in tumbledown. Find away to turn the sense of loss and those other negative emotions into something that empowers you to move beyond. All the emotions we experience, posative and negative, are God-given, and they serve a purpose. (Jesus, while being a perfect man, did display an incredible range of human emotion that did not make him weak by any means) They are something like the underlying conduit for our conscience to prevail in guiding us toward the right path. How so? Every emotion that we feel at any given time is our brain signalling us to take some sort of action that enables us to draw away from the pain and move toward more posative perspectives. And it is the gaining of new perspective that enables us to give even the most tragic experiences a posative meaning, which in turn, enables us to move on and become happy and productive again. While I might be over-simplifying things, it only took me ten years to realize this and genuinely laugh again. You are on the diffucult verge of growth. There can be no growth without pain, without suffering. But you will come out of it a better, stronger, happier man.
The dark cloud of the organization that remains looming over your head will begin to evaporate when you allow yourself to get pissed off and confident about your decision to leave, as you begin to cultivate new relationships with quality people of feeling and intelligence, and as you begin realize that you can still serve God, if it is your desire, in a way that is acceptible to Him, without the approval or reproach of any man.
Warm Regards,