I know this isn't much help, but you'd be amazed at the people who want to help you. I only wish I were in a position to tell you to come stay with me. If it weren't for the fact that we're complete strangers and I have no idea where you are; I have the room. I'm sure there are plenty of other people who feel that way
JoinedPosts by Kymegg
I knew I couldnt avoid them forever... Hi there, new here
by Butterfliez inwhew*....i finally registered, and guess what?!
it wasnt as hard as i thought it would be lol.
i've been lurking here, quietly and observing the board for about 2 years now.
cosmetic surgery!!!
by Debz inall these shows lately on telly - like nip/tuck etc.
highlighting cosmetic surgery got me to thinking of about 20 odd years ago as a dub..how prevalent cs was.
i knew two young women (aged about 17 / 18) who had breast reduction operations in the same cong, of course it was very `hush, hush` at the time but considering it was a small country cong - that seems like a rather high ratio of non-necessary surgery to me........any other experiences of this?
I just thought the whole "turn" around thing was rather fishy. After her suicide attempt I expected there to be problems and maybe there was; we just didnt't know about them. We're kind of holding our breath because she's been a JW for almost 11 years and now there are "signs" that they might be getting away from it. I'm trying not to get too excited because there still is a mental health issue to deal with, but it will be nice to go from a paranoid schizophrenic JW mother-in-law, to just a PS. Then MAYBE she'll consent to seeing a doctor and getting some help.
cosmetic surgery!!!
by Debz inall these shows lately on telly - like nip/tuck etc.
highlighting cosmetic surgery got me to thinking of about 20 odd years ago as a dub..how prevalent cs was.
i knew two young women (aged about 17 / 18) who had breast reduction operations in the same cong, of course it was very `hush, hush` at the time but considering it was a small country cong - that seems like a rather high ratio of non-necessary surgery to me........any other experiences of this?
My MIL is JW and she had her stomach stapled. She did have medical reasons for doing it and her doctors recommended it. Now she says that the congregation has been very judgemental about the surgery. I'm thinking that she might not be being entirely truthful about what's going on. See about six months to a year before the surgery she attempted suicide. I'm thinking that there is where the judgemental attitudes are coming from and not the cosmetic surgery. Can anyone give me some insite on that? Would they be more likely to be judemental about the suicide attempt or the surgery or could this vary by congregation? Just curiousity on my part. My MIL has had mental problems all her life and isn't exactly known for telling the truth all the time.
Are you a blood donor?
by nicolaou inso many of us on this forum have criticised the watchtower society for their obscene blood transfusion/fractions policies.
quite right too.. it begs the question though; what are you doing about blood now that you have a more tolerant and informed perspective?
it's a rhetorical question.
I used to be, but I'm not allowed now. I have a heart condition and the doctors feel it's too much strain on my heart to give blood. I've had a blood transfusion, back in the days when they were just starting to find out about AIDS. I'm sure I have had more than that one because I've had major surgery on my heart since then. I don't remember them saying anything, but I'm pretty sure that I lost some blood while on the table. I don't remember the whole day of my surgery at all. They could have shaved my head and dyed me purple and I probably wouldn't have noticed.
JW usage of Jehovah
by Kymegg ini have been talking with two jw ladies and we got on the subject of the name of jehovah.
i was trying to make the point that they cannot claim to be the only "true" religion.
at first they wanted to start pointing out why they felt they were.
Thanks for the welcome. I usually do my research on my own, but I really was stuck on this one. I've been to most of the JW sites. Some of them are great and some are so-so, but I'm amazed at the things I learn. Sometimes I wonder how blind you have to be to not see that "the organization" doesn't have your best intrest in mind. But in cases like my in-laws ,I see that my MIL especially, was looking for something to prove her self worth. For some reason the JW's fill that need in her.
JW usage of Jehovah
by Kymegg ini have been talking with two jw ladies and we got on the subject of the name of jehovah.
i was trying to make the point that they cannot claim to be the only "true" religion.
at first they wanted to start pointing out why they felt they were.
Thanks for the idea. I'm not exactly sure where this conversation is going to go. Sometimes I think that I'm just going to tell them not to come back, but then I think that #1. I might be able to plant a seed of doubt about the organization that might lead to their getting out. and #2 That the time they spend talking to me; they aren't out talking to someone else. Call it a public service.
A question for dubs - Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter? Which can u watch?
by truthseeker inthe answer?
it depends on the context of the film.. .
a number of witnesses in my cong absolutely refuse to watch harry potter.
I might be completely wrong, not being a sci-fi fan or interested in either Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, but I was told that the problem with Harry Potter was not about the spell casting, but the fact that power both good and evil came from the same source. I have no idea about the Lord of the Rings, not having read the book or seen the movies. Maybe someone with more knowledge of either could verify or deny that claim. I'm a "when in doubt don't" kind of gal, but those movies have not been an issue for me since I am not at all interested in them.
My husband watched Harry Potter and wanted to let my daughter watch it. I objected only for the fact that it wasn't something she needed to do and the only reason she would have been interested in the first place is because of all the media hype. She might have watched half of it and gotten completely bored and wanted to do something else. I was also a little concerned with the violence. I thought it might scare her.
JW usage of Jehovah
by Kymegg ini have been talking with two jw ladies and we got on the subject of the name of jehovah.
i was trying to make the point that they cannot claim to be the only "true" religion.
at first they wanted to start pointing out why they felt they were.
I'm not sure I want to go that route. That seems just too logical to me. I know that sounds weird, but if they have that mind set of "this is how things should be" my telling them something that they have to think about probably wouldn't work. I'm going to try and stick with proving their arguments illogical to get them out of that mindset before I go throwing things that actually make sense at them.
I also want to stick to black and white ,in print, either from the Bible or their own publications. I'm trying to keep it simple both for me and the one lady who seems to have a little trouble keeping up. I'm bringing up questions that ,to me, are all about the same subject and she keeps asking me to stick to one topic and discuss it completely. It might be easier for her to keep up if she can look at it all in print when she goes home.
JW usage of Jehovah
by Kymegg ini have been talking with two jw ladies and we got on the subject of the name of jehovah.
i was trying to make the point that they cannot claim to be the only "true" religion.
at first they wanted to start pointing out why they felt they were.
Actually I had a perfect oppertunity to "give it to them", but I passed it up. I understand that these ladies are not the enemy and I'm not out to win arguments. I'm not even out to get into an argument. I thought that I would talk a little with them and that as soon as they knew that I was no dummy when it came to JW doctrine and beliefs they'd move on. Most have before, but these women keep coming back. I almost wish they wouldn't, but I keep telling myself that I can make a difference for them if I can only plant a seed.
I'm actually practicing. My in-laws are JW and I've been studying their beliefs so I can try and get them out. If I screw up on approaching them I might not get a second chance. And I don't want to be the cause of a major family crisis. We've already had one brewing for a few years. My sister-in-law married a man who was JW, but decided he didn't want to be. In his deciding he didn't want to be; she decided that she didn't want to be either. They haven't offically left the JW's so her parents and other brother are still able to talk to her, but I'm afraid it might only be a matter of time. Someone says the wrong thing or someone outside the family that is JW finds out exactly what's going on; well it's a powder keg waiting to blow. And my mother-in-law has already tried to commit suicide several times. All but once was before becoming a JW, but the last attempt was only a few years ago. Like I said "powder keg". Thanks for the advice and keep it coming I can use all the help I can get.
JW usage of Jehovah
by Kymegg ini have been talking with two jw ladies and we got on the subject of the name of jehovah.
i was trying to make the point that they cannot claim to be the only "true" religion.
at first they wanted to start pointing out why they felt they were.
Thanks! That was more than I had hoped for. I figured that the information would be very, very old and therefore rather unimpressive. I didn't know that it's only about 70 years old! I'm printing that out for future reference. I don't know that I will use it with these ladies, but I plan on more oppertunities in the future. Thanks again! You made my day.