I have recentley fallen for a very nice female, I myself am a complete non believer/agnostic, my partner of five months is a recent convert to the witnesses since February of 2003, previous to that she was a practising christian.
She's in her early twenties and I am 31, age we dont have a problem with and to be honest and soppy we truly love each other, her family have disowned her because of what she believes, my family have their doubts but again thats not a problem, I value my familys opinions who have already voiced their doubts, but I would like to make this work, albeit for her beliefs.
I feel she has been shown this way, firstly by her best friend who was born into it and has recentley been disfellowshipped for falling for a non Jw, and also by things which have happened to her in her short life. I knew after the first month that she was a Jw, but she kept telling not to worry, as it wouldnt affect our future. It didnt at the time, Could I have been more wrong. She has not been baptised therefore I foolisly thought maybe she was just going through a phase and her mind would change.
I was completley ignorant to what this religion was about untill I started to read up on this forum, and to be honest it freaks me out and does not make my future look very rosey with her.
The blood thing I found absurd, straight away always have, I made all the standard jokes about door knocking and inviting them in, it bothered her but not excessiveley and the novelty soon wore off, I make a point of trying to steer clear of religion at all costs, she talks about meetings to her friend and I switch off or vacate the room swiftly.
We have got to the moving in together stage, however she know tells me that she wont move in untill I marry her first, 6-12 months time I dont have a problem with, I would rather live with her first and find out all her bad habits, than get sucked in. I really cant seem to have a sound conversation with her about simple things, sounds silly but its as if she looks down on me, like as if because she has seen the light so to speak and she feels better than non Jws. Is this the norm?
Because her friend was recentley disfellowshipped, her friend is getting married to a non Jw in like six weeks so she can be welcomed back by her family, however after reading some of the posts on this board then even there relationship seems doomed. I know they say love is blind but it seems a very three way affair, my love for her, her love for jehovah and then me. I dont want her to change but is it really as bad and strict as Im reading it.
My partner was going to the meetings up untill the time she started seeing me, then she felt as she was sinning she could not go untill we marry, however last week she started to attend again, despite my objections and having sex before marriage and seeing me. Talk about being a hyprocrite she stated she would not attend again untill we got married, could she be losing her path from this ?
A joint savings account for our wedding was set up a few weeks ago and an engagement ring was bought a few weeks but now despite the fact that I love her, I really dont fancy the prospect of my future of having my front room filled with members talking shop, my kids being pushed into this belief, and just her looking down on me and the fact that she may try to convert me in the future. She has already asked if I would like to attend a meeting just to see what went on and to stop me from being so cynical about it, to which I politeley replied in the best phrase I could think of go away and no..
Should I just start running now
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance