it is little known fact that everyone that dies now will be ressurected.
So the logical conclusion would be to kill as many people as possible for their own sakes - Every person you murder will be resurrected into a paradise earth. What a loving gift to impart that would be. Why bother going thru' all the rigmarole of studying, converting, baptising and then hoping they stay faithful? Sod the Bible, here's a bullet. There are a lot of faithful murderers in the Bible, King David, Samson, not forgeting the Almighty himself.
With that logic I can see no point in staying the course yourself - unless the only sin not to be cleared thru' death is suicide. So, on the same theme, why bother using blood at all, why not reject ALL medical treatment, this would not be blatant suicide, but your motive would be sound.
So, if Jehovah was a loving God he'd kill us all himself and then resurrect us free from sin.
Have I missed some thing fundamental???? Is my logic flawed????