So who said that seperating the sheep and the goats would be such a difficult task? Just shout "Boo!!" very loudly and the goats will faint and the sheep will run away. Simple.
JoinedPosts by Wallflower
Fainting Goats!
by gumby innever heard of such a thing till now?
me either.. yip....these goats actually faint when startled and look like they have rigor- mortise when they fallm over.
after a few seconds....they get up all dazed lookin.
I'm beating myself up today....
by BrendaCloutier inwe're getting ready for vacation so i'm doing that odd-ball stuff that needs to be done.
i'm walking into the bedroom with my suitcase, catch it on the doorframe, and it puches me in the gut and knocks me to the floor.
my gut and ribs are still sore 3 hours later!
Geez, you need a holiday for sure :)
No one noticed that Iron Gland...
by Badger in.
is a honest to god jedi!.
happy kick ass, my enigmatic friend...
Iron Gland has gone Jedi : May the the ferris lymphatic force be with you!
Beatles or Rolling Stones Fan, which were/are you?
by eyeslice inperhaps you have to be one of those who grew up in the 60's to really appreciate this thread, but then my kids love 60's music too.
who did you think were the best, the beatles or the rolling stones?
is there a bit of a psychological angle here too?
Forced to choose, Rolling Stones. But Gretchen has got the right idea, Led Zep the best band ever.
by sistaintheback ini have been dealing with one for the past few years.
not constantly, but about once every three months.
for those that don't know, an incubus is a demonic presence that only bothers women when they sleep.
I've checked the 2001 CD and there is no mention of a demon type called an Incubus, or the type that attacks men, a succubus. So the elders infomation was not from the FDS, but based on hearsay and ignorance.
They are not even mentioned in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
It's all ancient fokelore, see here :
IMO ancient explaintions for Night Terrors and Sleep Paralysis before medical science came along. -
Waiting outside the second ministry school room at the hall, early on a Saturday morning, to be called in for your own JC hearing, not knowing what was happening or what to expect.
Who is the most cynical on this board?
by stillajwexelder ini can be pretty bad - but who is the most cynical on this board?
Narkissos, I will be forever indebted to you for the link - I've just found home.
Have you purchased your Girl Scout cookies?
by Thechickennest ineven when i was active with the cult i always bought the forbidden mother-in-law a lifer in the borg, always forbid my wife to even take a bite of one, let alone purchase them!
my wife works in a small doctors office everyday with two witness gals.
gets real dicey at times with my wife being dissassociated.
If you are worried about Girl Scout cookies, I'm sure Adware or Spybot will remove them off your hard drive. You get them at apostate sites you know ;)
:)) -
This Years Barbie..Oops, BBQ
by Englishman init will probably be held on saturday, july 9, commencing around 2pm.. venue, my home in sunny weston super mare!
home of the second highest tide in the world!.
the date isn't set in stone yet (weddings & stuff), but it's looking likely.
"The date isn't set in stone yet (weddings & stuff)"
Do you mean your goodself and her ladyship are not married????? OMG!!! -
How did 1975 affect you?
by AK - Jeff ini lived thru the 1975 fiasco.
many here did too.. on another board there was discussion about the way the congregations were before 1975. some thought that they were like small country churches in some ways.
we did our own work on repairs at the kingdom hall, like a family.
I was brought up the cult, my parents having been converted in the mid-60's. We lived in the Midlands where all our extended family were. Come 1974 my parents decide to up sticks and move to where the need was greatest. I had just turned 9, we moved to a little village in Snowdonia, North Wales, where everyone was related to everyone else. We were English and couldn't speak the language, we were Jehovahs Witnesses and had no friends or family. At school it was like constantly having a "Kick me" sign on my back, constantly bullied.
After 1975 the urgency of it all seemed to go, like a big deflation of enthusiasm.
We moved back to the Midlands 10 years later. What a complete waste of time. It was my father trying to win browny points with Jehovah at the expense of the families sanity.