I am about half way through it (I read sections prior to reading that portion of the bible.) I don't think it is poorly written, I think he purposely tried to write it as a regular joe blow talking. The title itself kind of leans toward that.
Posts by amac
Don`t know much about the bible!
by Beans inhas anyone read this book?
my good friend quotes read it and gave me a brief description about it and said that if the research done on this book was correct it gives great sceptacism on bible facts and credability!
now i believe one example was the dude who wrote the first five books in the bible (moses i think but i can`t remember) but in the fifth book it says that he lived to be 900 so odd years in the third person revealing that it was not this person who wrote these books?.
Elijah caught up to heaven???
by amac inhere is a question...the account in 2 kings 2:11 (i may be off a verse or 2) refers to elijah being caught up to heaven by a fiery war chariot.
the organization has explained several times that he did not die here but was transplanted to another part of the earth.
their proof of this is that "years later", "at least five years later" he writes a letter to king jeho'ram of judah.
The only thing that pops to mind is that Jesus said no one had ascended to heaven before him. So logically Elijah could not have gone to heaven—as in the spirit dwelling of God.
Unless, of course, it is a contradiction.
The Enoch case is interesting, albeit a little ambiguous and open to interpretation. The Elijah case is a little more direct as it clearly describes an ascension.
amac -
Elijah caught up to heaven???
by amac inhere is a question...the account in 2 kings 2:11 (i may be off a verse or 2) refers to elijah being caught up to heaven by a fiery war chariot.
the organization has explained several times that he did not die here but was transplanted to another part of the earth.
their proof of this is that "years later", "at least five years later" he writes a letter to king jeho'ram of judah.
Fred and Yer,
With all due respect, please don't hijack this thread. I would like to keep it about 2 Kings 2:11 and the dating of the letter spoken of at 2 Chron 21:12-15. A new thread would be fitting for your discussion on the soul.Thanks,
amac -
Elijah caught up to heaven???
by amac inhere is a question...the account in 2 kings 2:11 (i may be off a verse or 2) refers to elijah being caught up to heaven by a fiery war chariot.
the organization has explained several times that he did not die here but was transplanted to another part of the earth.
their proof of this is that "years later", "at least five years later" he writes a letter to king jeho'ram of judah.
Read John 3:13
So you ARE saying the bible contradicts itself.
I fully understand the Organization's explanation of what happened at 2Kings 2:11. They say Elijah did not die but was actually transplanted to another part of the Earth. Their proof is that at 2 Chronicles 21:12-15 it speaks of a letter that Elijah wrote to King Jeho'ram of Judah, supposedly after the events in 2 Kings 2:11. However, there is no proof that this King Jeho'ram wasn't in power BEFORE 2 Ki 2:11? Unless you know of any? That is what I am asking...how do they know that this letter was written at a later date?
Thanks (again) Yer for your reply. I had read that somewhere else as well. I guess I just find it curious that the bible speaks of so many "skin diseases" and curious if anyone has done any research on this.
Elijah caught up to heaven???
by amac inhere is a question...the account in 2 kings 2:11 (i may be off a verse or 2) refers to elijah being caught up to heaven by a fiery war chariot.
the organization has explained several times that he did not die here but was transplanted to another part of the earth.
their proof of this is that "years later", "at least five years later" he writes a letter to king jeho'ram of judah.
Fred, are you saying the bible contradicts itself? If not, then what is the explanantion for what occured at 2 Kings 2:11?
Elijah caught up to heaven???
by amac inhere is a question...the account in 2 kings 2:11 (i may be off a verse or 2) refers to elijah being caught up to heaven by a fiery war chariot.
the organization has explained several times that he did not die here but was transplanted to another part of the earth.
their proof of this is that "years later", "at least five years later" he writes a letter to king jeho'ram of judah.
Thank you for the reply and I do realize that. The reason why I ask is if you were to pose this questions to a knowledgable JW, would they be able to provide evidence that the letter written by Elijah to King Jeho'ram took place AFTER the events at 2 Kings 2:11?
amac -
Why was leprosy so prominent in Bible times? Was this really the case?
Elijah caught up to heaven???
by amac inhere is a question...the account in 2 kings 2:11 (i may be off a verse or 2) refers to elijah being caught up to heaven by a fiery war chariot.
the organization has explained several times that he did not die here but was transplanted to another part of the earth.
their proof of this is that "years later", "at least five years later" he writes a letter to king jeho'ram of judah.
It seems that the events at 2 Kings 2:11 COULD have taken place during King Ahaziah's reign of Israel, but there doesn't seem to be a way to prove it either way, which makes the societies explanation unfounded. Can someone please correct or verify this?
Elijah caught up to heaven???
by amac inhere is a question...the account in 2 kings 2:11 (i may be off a verse or 2) refers to elijah being caught up to heaven by a fiery war chariot.
the organization has explained several times that he did not die here but was transplanted to another part of the earth.
their proof of this is that "years later", "at least five years later" he writes a letter to king jeho'ram of judah.
Here is a question...The account in 2 Kings 2:11 (I may be off a verse or 2) refers to Elijah being caught up to Heaven by a fiery war chariot. The organization has explained several times that he did not die here but was transplanted to another part of the earth. Their proof of this is that "years later", "at least five years later" he writes a letter to King Jeho'ram of Judah. (2 Chron. 21:12-15) However, King Jeho'ram of Judah began his reign in the 5th year of the reign King Jeho'ram of Israel, so he could have wrote the letter before he was "caught up", unless he was caught up in the first 5 years of King Jeho'ram of Israel's rule.
My question is, is their any proof that the society can base their explanation on? How do they know that what occured in 2 Kings 2:11 happened in the first 5 years of King Jeho'ram of Israel's reign and before King Jeho'ram of Judah took throne?
And, please, no emphatic responses about how the "borg" are lying devils and of course it is not true. I simply would like to know if they have a basis for this explanation before I dismiss it. Too bad the organization doesn't have a Q&A on their web page, otherwise I would go there!