Probably around 1,500 CDs, somewhere around 1,000 records and probably 300 45's.
Posts by amac
How many CDs do you own?
by Nosferatu in.
i started buying cds back in 1991. i haven't counted them lately, but i believe my collection is hovering somewhere around 500. how many do you own (not including burned ones)?.
i've also got about 100 (prerecorded) cassettes, about 150 lps, and 100 (pre-recorded) 8-tracks.
I Got a Response to my letter from the Watchtower Society!
by Dolllie inwow!
"i knew they would answer".
about a month or so ago i posted about a "witness" who was a white supremicist/racist who told me i was not allowed to go to the local kingdom hall, could not have a copy of the watchtower or awake, & that the bible was not for blacks.
You are correct RR, but that was more so to comply with local traditions rather than to segregate the brothers. Imagine if JW's integrated in certain areas, alot of the JWs could have been the targets of abuse and discrimination.
I'm a wordling married to a JW
by wordlywife inhi all- just found this forum.
i'm married to a jw, i have never been a jw.
we got together while both still married.
I don't mean to be brash, but I am anyway...
This is particularly diffucult concerning the older children spouse has, who are JW to the core along with ex. They make me feel like I am a "demon" if you will.
Could it be that it has nothing to do with the JWs and more of the fact that you are the "other woman?"
You and your spouse face a challenging situation...for him to remain in a congregation, which is not a whole lot different then a close knit group of friends or a click or whatever you want to call it, I imagine hostile feelings toward someone who has hurt one their members/friends/etc will be pretty normal.
If he is determined to stay a JW, he should probably switch congregations.
Hopefully, for your sake, he is not determined.
Jehovah's Witnesses really are JERKS
by roybatty invery early this morning i was driving to work.
i live out in the country so usually it's rare to see anyone walking down the road esp.
at 6:30 in the morning.
You really expected him to get in the car with a dead guy?
anyone read SURVIVOR by chuck palahniuk?
by doogie inyeah, i'm not sure how to spell his last name.
he's the guy that wrote fight club.. i read this book a while ago and was amazed at the way he describes cult life and especially post-cult life.
the story is about a guy that left a cult and the premise is he's the only left on a plane that is almost out of gas and he's telling his life story into the plane's black box so that something will be left after he's gone (i thought that was a great idea for a book).. i was sure chuck palah...whatever-his-name-is used to be a jw.
I've only read Choke and can't say I was a big fan of it...Survivor sounds interesting though, I'll have to look for it...
And that Survivor thing sounds funny, haven't seen it but sounds funny. My friend is a radio DJ and Survivor did a free concert a week ago, so he had them in and they did that to one of the DJs names on the air. They should just sell custom recordings of them chanting people's names to that song, they might finally get rich....
Some questions?
by def insince iam a new member of this board, ive got some questions maybe someone can point me to the answer.. 1. is it stated anywhere in the bible that you cant marry/date a non-jw?.
2. does the bible state that you have to go door to door and be at "x" number of meetings?.
3. why do most jws not know there history?
1. Is it stated anywhere in the bible that you cant marry/date a non-JW?
The bible warns against marrying a "non-believer" which to a JW is any non-JW.
2. Does the bible state that you have to go door to door and be at "x" number of meetings?
The bible does say that you should preach and make disciples. Because the early apostles went door to door (this is even debateable) the JWs say we have to do the same.
It says nothing about the number of meetings, only that we shouldn't forsake the gathering of ourselves together, which could mean numerous things, but to JWs it means that you have to go to all the meetings.
3. Why do most JWs not know there history? They told me the first witness was Able not Charles Taze Russell?
Most of them do know their JW history, or at least a white washed version of it. They just believe that they are an extension of true worshippers that originated back with Abel. -
Help...How should I handle this...
by fyahzwife in...dilemma?
my husband's ex-wife(a baptized jw) has been sending hateful messages with his children(a 4 and 10-year-old), whenever they come to visit us.
(i'm expecting), and she says hateful things about our unborn child to her children, and sometimes they repeat things they overhear her say about me and the baby.
It's worth a shot...if they are decent guys, they might actually try to do something about it, but all they really can do is have a talk with her.
The other thing you can do is tell her to stop or your husband will sue for full custody. Judges hate to hear about parents involving the children in their divorce disputes, and will usually judge against them. It is extremely unhealthy for the children. It's bad enough their parents are not together, but then to hear disparaging remarks from one of them about the other can be very damaging.
We finally saw Fahrenheit 9/11
by Mulan indave got home early on wednesday so we hustled off to the afternoon showing.
(cheaper seats).
it was amazing...................very compelling, and thought provoking.. one of the most upsetting things was towards the end when he revealed that of all 96 (not sure of that number) members of congress (senate and house) only 1 member had a child in the military, actively serving.
Moore often has valid points that he tries to cover, unfortunately he is deceitful for the sake of persuasion and entertainment which takes away alot of his credibility. I find him close to as irritating as Bush, but he is a little funnier. I laugh with Moore and laugh at Bush. Much of the movie was sensationalistic and skewed. At first I thought he was going to portray soldiers as gung-ho cowboys, but fortunately he showed both sides of the coin.
I did enjoy the sound bites of Bush though, who provides endless entertainment through his stupid quotes. Loved the one at the end where he forgot a common cliche and ended up mixing in some old Who lyrics with it.
I found it ironic that Bush could recently lambast Kerry about calling entertainers "the heart and soul of America" as he hypocritically told his crowd of blue collar supporters that they were his people, despite the fact that the movie shows him addressing a crowd of the "elite and wealthy" and Bush telling them they were his "base." What a jackass.
Malawi vs UN scandal and the #$&* hits the fan
by amac inso the $*&# is starting to hit the fan as far as our fading away goes.
a friend approached my spouse and confronted her on our kids going to a birthday party.
it turned into a long discussion and at one point the un scandal came up and my spouse compared it to the brothers in malawi who died rather than get a political card.
Thanks for the repsonses...this friend is hopelessly dense, so trying to get them to follow logic is near impossible...too brainwashed. So we really don't plan on attempting to even discuss the topic with this friend. I am mostly just curious for future reference since I think I will be having similar discussions with other friends.
I checked CoC as well and you all are right. It was a one party system that simply required a purchase of a party card. If you can be declared a citizen and be part of a political nation, why can;t you buy a stupid card? Any future discussions will have to where they learned about them having to renounce their faith, because that doesn't seem to have been part of the problem.
Thanks again!
1914 Generation Doctrine on their Website
by Sirona in
how long a time period would these last days prove to be?
jesus said regarding the era that would experience the "beginning of pangs of distress" from 1914 onward: "this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
don't you see the downward spiral humanity has been in since that date, add to it all the weird diseases/weather plus the level of evil in violent crimes that keep growing in number?
No. I only see the average lifespans increasing. I see worldwide reporting that makes more people aware of all the atrocities...but I don't see anything to show that there are more atrocities. I read the Bible and thank God I don't live in those times, because they REALLY sucked.