When I was a JW I would have used special pleading to argue that whatever the first cause was, it had to be eternal, since if everything needs to be created, and someone created God, then that someone was the first cause, not God. We could regress with that argument indefinitely, but as the Bible tells us that God was the first cause and has existed eternally, and the Bible proves its veractiy with unerring prophecy (barf), we can be confident that it is true. As God is supernatural, and invented the laws of physics, he is not himself subject to the laws of physics, and can exist outside of the universe, thus not needing to have a beginning (whereas there is evidence that the universe itself did have a beginning). Ugh, I can't believe I just typed that BS.
westiebillie11: ...I have a circular thought re universe expansion....if it is expanding..what is it expanding in?..ie.what is outside it for it to expand into?....after a while I get a headache!
As for what the universe is expanding into - I think people often misunderstand what 'the universe is expanding' means (not saying you do, but it is easy to get the wrong idea). It does not refer to matter spreading out in space, it refers to space itself getting bigger. Imagine a two dimensional universe by drawing little pictures of stars and galaxies on the surface of a balloon. Then inflate the balloon - the dots and galaxies move away from each other because the balloon (space) is expanding, not because the dots are moving along the surface (that's not to say stars and galaxies don't move through space, they do, but that's not what expansion is about).