The older one did tell me that they were not infallible and on occasion did make mistakes, but they were corrected.
Time was running short. Once we got started the discussion lasted about 70 minutes, and the older gentleman had a building committee meeting to go to. I told them I had two last quick points to bring up before they left, and that we could talk about them next time. (In fact when we first started, I told them I had some specific things that I wanted to get on the table today and if time were running short, I would at least inform them of what they were, just so it didn?t look like ?Hey, and what about this, and what about that?.)
I asked about the YMCA. Could I join to use the gym? The answer was ?NO?, however if I paid for services as I go, that wasn?t the same as a membership. If I had a clear conscience about a pay as you go, if there were no Gold?s Gym around, then it would be OK. A membership however implies support of the organization and the JW just couldn?t really condone that.. (wowwww I thought) OK. THANK YOU.
Next came the image of the beast. I mentioned that I heard a KH talk about 4-5 years ago, the subject was something like Why We Can Believe the Bible. In that talk, several things were discussed in some detail, like archeological evidence, etc, but there was a short list that was blitzed through A,B,C,?The speaker, in going down the list said something like ?Oh, and of course we all know that the United Nations, formerly the League of Nations is one of the beasts referred to in Revelation?. I told these guys this morning I found that to be amazing. Do they believe that? The older one said ?AH, now were getting into some good stuff!? He was genuinely excited. I thought for a fleeting moment, he was ready for my next move. He wasn?t. We all agreed that the JW vehemently opposes the UN. I even had printed the section from the 1963 Resolution off the CD, and we read it together. It blasts the UN. Everyone was in agreement.
Then I asked how for 10 years the WTBTS could be a NGO member of the UN. ?HUH?!!?? I said, yes, the UN. I apologized for getting information from the internet, because I know there are apostate lies out there, but everything I showed them was official. I showed them the letter from the UN indicating the 1991 application and 1992 approval of NGO status. The same letter states what NGOs are obligated to do. The letter also confirms the WTBTS withdrew their membership in 2001, so indeed, they are no longer a member. I also showed the copy of the Branch Committee letter issued by the society, talking about the membership, UN library access, and subsequent withdrawal from the UN. Then I showed them straight from the UN website the list of support publications various NGOs had submitted to the UN in partial fulfillment of their membership requirements. There was listed an Awake! Article, which I had printed from the CD. It extolled the virtues of the UN. This was all news to them both, and my wife believes that at least the older one, if not both of them, holds some position at the KH. I actually felt kind of bad.
In response to the Awake article, he said that no one would deny that certain parts of the UN have done good things for people around the world. I said sure! And no one would deny that advances in medicine have occurred due to the witnesses? stance on blood! I went on to say that, look, if this is true, it would disturb me. They were vehemently opposing the UN from the pulpit at the same time they were members, supporting the UN. If the society says I can?t have a YMCA membership just to use the gym, I surely cannot reconcile how they for 10 years could be officially associated with one of the beasts in Revelation just for a library card. Can you see that???? They both answered yes and asked if they could take the stuff with them. I said sure, absolutely.
At that point, we were running over time. They were not in great hurry to leave after I dropped the UN on them. I believe they seemed genuinely disturbed. We said our goodbyes and they left. I wonder if their eyes glazed back over when they got in the car, or if they are still awake right now. They both seem to be pretty good people. I?m kinda pulling for them. That?s all I can write tonight. I?m wasted. I?ll give you my wife?s reactions tomorrow.