Thank you for your reply. It is obvious you have concern. I wasn't going to reply to your post, as I have just finished a very longwinded couple of posts, but I needed to deal with these:
Leave her alone. Respect her views
By continuing to turn only to the society for answers she cannot come up with herself, and for continuing to say flip-flopping on doctrine is OK, and for continuing to buy into "new light", her view are deserving of respect??!! C'mon. It's intellectual dishonesty.
Does she really have to see things YOUR way, or the marriage is over? C'mooon! I may have read you all wrong, but it sounds like you want to snap up for yourself the power the WTS appear to have over your wife.
NO! She does not. Some people feel they need god in their lives. If you read the posts I just finished writing, you will see that I was raised a Catholic. I started doubting them shortly after my first communion, when my little buddy and I were busted one Friday after mass because he went to communion with me. I was told that he could not participate because he was not catholic. OOOPS! The notion that god loves everybody just got discriminatory. I BEGGED my wife to come investigate other churches with me, to find a place where we could both worship. She absolutely refused. My investingation in the witnesses led me down several paths of biblical history and religion. It ultimately led to my lack of belief in god. I see no evidence whatsoever of a supreme being. My belief is that all relgion man-made. BUT, atheism can be and is discussed on other threads. The point of this paragraph it to point out that I wanted us to find a common demominaiton that we could both live with. Now, that isn't possible. SO, I do not try to 'convert' her to atheism (this is not something that is done anyway), nor do I want to 'snap up for myself the WTS power' WTF? I only encourage her (and my children) to read freely and arrive at their own conclusions. When we do talk about the bible, I do NOT say "Oh, this is all horseshit." I do say "I understand this passage to mean... or this appears to be an historical account of blah blah" (such as Revelation is merely John coming down on the early Christains of the first century and admonishing them for worshiping Rome... it has nothing to with the end of the world).
Of course, if you want your marriage to fail and have religion as the scapegoat, go right ahead.Thank you for your permission, but that is not my intent. The safety of my children and my sanity and ability to lead a normal loving life is more my motivation for trying to get her to see the society for what it is. I realize you say in a later post that you may have been too harsh. Thank you for that admission. Sincerely. Others here who have been in similar shoes seem to have an appreciation for my situation. I hope you see now where I am coming from.