Listen Amensian,
I was out of line. You are right I should wait and conduct a proper investigation of the "individual" prior to slaming him anymore. Much like what I did with the blood doctrine that clearly shows there is culpable homicide going on here. Who is responsible. I don't know but I know it is hurting this organization and its members.
My own horror knows no bounds at the thought that I at one time held the no-blood doctrine as scriptural. I often wonder what accountability any of us misguided souls may suffer before Jehovah for having taught and ensnared others, to say nothing of the deaths to which such teachings have contributed as a result of the WTS's botched interpretation and criminal arrogance. Are there some of the heavyweights in Brooklyn who know this doctrine is in error and still support it? It's nearly unfathomable and yet most of what I've come to learn about this organization is unfathomable.
One would think that Mr. Johnston must have known the score when he signed up as the alternative representative and he may have thought it just wasn't a big deal even though 1,000s in Malawi Africa may seem to differ. But you are right. One must wait and get all the facts prior to unleashing a serious accusation.
RP is very bright/thoughtful and, even in defense of the person I recall him to be, I cannot seriously construct any scenario whereby he was not fully cognizant of the extreme seriousness such a course represents. Though it certainly places him in no better or exonerating light, I would more easily wonder if he has not found himself---older and with far fewer options than even 10 years ago--- promoted to a place wherein he's succumbed to deafening fears and insecurity that, of necessity, drown out the bellow of his conscience. I don't know. Like I said above, I've often wondered how the man I perceived, knowing now what he must surely know, can still be involved with this organization.
I apologize to you and the board for sounding "strawman". I should have waited, like you said for the facts of this specific individual prior to slaming him.As for simple black and white thinking. No I don't think in black and white. Never have. Sometimes I just don't have a lot of time to give or read things like last nights' post or this morning's post - Yet it is still no excuse as to what I said. But I am willing to listen. If I make a mistake I will admit it as I have here. I have listened to you and agree.
This sounds more like the Hawkaw whose posts in the UN threads I've followed. Thank you for making the effort to hear what I'm saying, even when I'm not saying it as tactfully and respectfully as you or anyone else deserves.
But I am not on any high horse or want thunderous applause. I would prefer people like you recognizing, gaining and enjoying freedom and honesty any day of the week over over applause.
And you will please accept my apology for this jab. In all of your posts in the UN threads, you've been very generous in acknowledging others' comments and contributions and reasonable in your discussions. I was angered in this thread by your suggestions regarding RP and was/am even more hurt and disappointed by the prospect that you might be correct that RP has sold out. I get pissy with each additional step I take toward the total loss of faith in everyone and everything I've known and believed for over half my life. Not your fault, I'm in so very much pain in my life it's become kneejerk on my part.
Please accept my apologizes Amesian and you too, Mr. Johnston.
Thank you for your humility, Hawkaw. It's quite refreshing on this board and I appreciate it more than you know.
One other thing, Amnesian - I know of only one other person who uses the
word "monolith"
You kid. Don't you???