I don?t think you can avoid it Nos. My children have both sets of Grand parents still in. The Grand mothers are defiantly more preachy then the Grand fathers. My children have been exposed to the ?Truth? and now the outside, because both parents (My ex and me) have since left. My youngest was two when we both left, so he has much less indoctrination.
Actually my kids take it very well. I allow them (they are older, pre teen through almost grown) to accept books or not, go to meetings or not etc. I think giving them the choice, is better then force feeding something. I also told my kids that there Grand parents are a different religion, and try (note try) to subtly tell them not to ?say? certain things around them, that would cause a preaching session. I try to deal honestly with my kids when questions come up, like why doesn?t Grandma celebrate Christmas etc. Basically I try to respect their (grand parents) choices, and hope they respect mine. I also instill in my children that people have diverse religions and cultures (my family is full of it) and try to help them explore the differences with the respect that not everyone believes the same thing.
So far it has worked.
A lot has to do with who your parents are to begin with. I think, also keeping the hate I have for this religion to myself and not allowing it to cloud the relationship I have with my parents or my kid?s other grand parents helps keep things on the straight and narrow.
Posts by Jahna
How do you handle JWs interacting with your children?
by Nosferatu inthis has been on my mind lately.
i'll probably end up having kids in the near future, and i would not want my mother preaching to my children.. so, i must ask, how do you handle your jw relatives who try to preach to your children?
how do you deal with a "gift" like my book of bs?
ExJW Dad Sues Watchtower Over Deception Causing Murder
by oneofmany indead girl's dad sues jehovah's witnesses.
by bill graveland.
canadian press.
I read the story over the weekend and asked myself, "I wonder if the change in the blood doctrine (ie blood fractions) will have any effect on the court case?. As far as I understand, they were not allowed in 2002, but are allowed today. Jahna
Opinions on a letter i am sending my family
by jaredg inhey guys.
both my mom, dad and sister have asked me to write them with my reasons and concerns for leaving the wts.
this is what i wrote them.
Great letter! My only comment is:
You said "If Jesus was executed on a torture stake, with both hands together over his head, as only the WTS teaches, why does Jn 20:25 say "... unless I see in his hands the print of the nailS...", indicating that there was more than one nail used for his hands? Wouldn't?t two nails have been used if Christ was crucified on a cross whereas only one nail would have been used if he would have been executed on an upright pole?"
One hand over the other so that the nail passed through both hands at the same time *wink*
Jahna -
Completely Rediculous WT Quotes Re: Music
by Nosferatu inthere's some stuff i found in the publications that i found completely rediculous regarding music:.
g78 5/8 pp.
16-20a recording artist finds something far better.
I recall back in the early 80's when my mother returned to the ?fold? she was very influenced by the WT and what they had to say about everything. Since I was into metal you can only imagine what she tried to convince me of. All in all by my listening to this type of music I was going to turn out to be ?a drug addict, prostitute, demon worshiping, good for nothing...? need the list go on. It was all that ?bad influences? found in this music. I don?t know, I never really tried to take a bat?s head off just because Ozzy did. I also never found myself chanting ?Satan is god? just for listening to AC/DC, because the WT heard the rumor AC/DC meant after Christ, Devil comes (unfounded btw). I also didn?t like pot even though I listened to Stairway to Heaven, you the one when played backwards makes you take drugs according to the WT.
She still has these same quirky ideas, me, I still listen to my hearts content the music I enjoy. I have found the WT is so into the concept that people can?t control themselves, that they need others to control what is right and wrong for them. Namely the WT btw.
Know the funny thing, take an Urban Legend and the WT sucks it up if it goes along with their policy. Several such legends will live in infamy because of the WT society.
Jahna -
Ban on baby strollers at DC's
by razorMind in...is that at all the district conventions?.
did that rule come from the society or from a safety law on the books(fire hazard)?.
if i take a baby stroller to the dc will i get kicked out?
I recall my first DC with my 6 mth old baby, outside and the first that did not allow strollers. HOT doesn?t even begin to define that weekend from hell. For my third baby, and two small children I got smarter, I took along a baby sling. It sure made those billion trips out to the washroom easier on my back and the rest of my body, it also left me two free hands to take the kids with me. With the sling the DC was almost livable.
I recall years of no stroller, and trying to get an infant to sleep in my lap for three days, non of my children ever took to the baby seat without it moving in the car. I guess not having the baby seat made bringing our cooler much easier, and book bags (one for each kid and adult) not to mention diaper bag filled to capacity so you have everything you might need like change of clothes for everyone (recalls Balsam?s comment), and other such items a breeze.
Nothing like a brisk walk, weighted down like pack mules hauling three kids under 5 in a hot summer morning to get the blood boiling! And to think, this was a blessing!
I have always felt for those mothers with twins and even triplets!
Jahna -
by JOLLYME ini have a jw friend who thinks her husband would look better with facial hair.
(omg, it would improve his face!
) anyway, we all know this is a no no in some congregations.
Hello everyone
Here is what I have always been told about beards. In the old days, beards were considered normal and average on a man. Sometime during the early part of this century they came out of style. Up until the late 60's and the hippy movement beards were normally not seen on upstanding gentlemen if at all in the US and Canada. The hippy movement it made beards even more taboo. Those that wore it were the outcasts (hippies) of society, they sported their facial hair as a finger (you know which one) to society. This kind of stuck over the next few decades. While beards today are more in ?style? for men, the WT still maintains that stand that only outcasts would wear one, and we don?t want to be labeled outcasts do we? Guess beards and longer hair on men are viewed the same as Mohawk hair cuts and the Punk Rock movement, wrong and anti social. While Mohawks haven?t become main stream, beards of various designs have and they no longer define someone as anti anything, rather, they are stylish. To bad the WT doesn?t keep up on the times.
Interestingly their ban on them was caused by fashion, yet their reinstatement of them isn?t.
Jahna -
Should Hand Held Cell Phones be Outlawed While Driving??
by minimus ini use a cell all the time.
some states want to outlaw the use of these phones while driving....got an opinion on that?
Hello Boa
I agree the best way to cover all aspects of distraction is to make the law ?dangerous driving? a more costly offence. I believe that is the way Ontario is going. This makes all distractions an infraction of dangerous driving laws right along with speeding, cutting people off, weaving in and out of traffic etc.
Every scenario discussed is not about cell phones, it is about careless and reckless driving, every scenario could have a multitude of alternative reasons why it happened without cell phones being mentioned. It just so happens today cell phones are better news worthy items to be to be mentioned. Get a hot and debated topic in the news, and you sell more, that is just the way it goes.
I don?t care if an accident happened because of a misguided cell phone user or the kid with the music so loud he/she was distracted and didn?t see/hear what was going on around them, it is the same offence, it remains a tragic example of being a danger on the roads. Now let?s get out there and educate the population and make such things so costly people think twice about breaking the law that already exists on the books in most areas. Let?s use the money that it would cost to create a new law and use it to educate, enforce and strengthen existing law that has a broader range of enforcement. I think it is a much better way to use my tax payer dollars because it has application for today?s hot topic and tomorrow?s.
Jahna -
Should Hand Held Cell Phones be Outlawed While Driving??
by minimus ini use a cell all the time.
some states want to outlaw the use of these phones while driving....got an opinion on that?
Hello Joe
You stated ?Using a cellphone whilst driving increases the chance of having an accident. It is not necessary to illustrate this with studies that prove this, the UK government has already done that, and, based on those studies, thought it necessary to ban the use of mobile phones whilst driving. But we don't need governments to do studies - most of us have a brain to tell us that.?
To tell the truth, anything and I mean anything can and will be a distraction. Blowing your nose, sneezing, shaving (if your stupid enough to do that), hanging your feet out of your window (while driving no less, this btw is a actual ticket issued last summer by the Ontario Provincial Police) and a host of other, not cell phone related distractions which are available to the monumentally stupid driver.
Saving life is always important, that is why it has to start with you. I once took a defensive driving course, and the first thing I was taught was this motto, ?everyone else on the road is an idiot!? This concept actually makes you, and I mean you, the proactive driver, the aware driver and hopefully the one that gets home alive and well driver. If everyone drove with this motto, maybe there will be less accidents because of stupidity and loss of good judgement. Sadly this is not the case in most cities, people are too rushed to get from A to B, all think they are the best driver and sometimes the only driver on the road, and some well, think driving is a nice way to have and eat dinner and pass the time. This is the real cause of our accidents.
I happen to work closely with the transportation and insurance industry in Ontario Canada, I can honestly tell you, people are just looking for something to blame, and mostly not having anything to do with the real issue. For example ?big trucks? are to blame for accidents, not the little Honda who cut off the big truck, therefore big trucks are now dangerous to the road ways and must be regulated to death and back again. No one ever thought for a moment and said, hey maybe we ought to teach the Honda driver, a big truck needs more room and not to cut them off. This same logic can and should be applied to cell phones.
Cell phones are useful, in it?s time and place, and with the right equipment which is readily available. Just like guns don?t kill people, people do, cell phones don?t cause accidents, people do.
Jahna -
Should Hand Held Cell Phones be Outlawed While Driving??
by minimus ini use a cell all the time.
some states want to outlaw the use of these phones while driving....got an opinion on that?
I have seen studies for and against and some that can?t come up with a conclusion on the cell phone issue. Without a doubt, our cars are becoming more filled with technology then ever before. Most of which is a distraction to the driver. It?s not wipers and AM radios anymore, it?s DVD players, G.P.S. systems, complex car stereo equipment along with CD/MP3 players and a host of other distractions. It?s also, driver stupidity. Driver?s in North America are a stupid lot of people, we don?t understand common sense road rules, we all speed and drive well with a me first attitude. At one intersection here in town which happens to be a four way stop and to make matters worse, a school zone, no one knows who goes first, so many close calls have happened there, non of which have to do with cell phones, rather, stupid drivers.
I agree, hand held cell phones are an issue, and I am all for hand free units, while driving, I use one. With the advent of cheaper voice activated cell phones, which dial on voice command you can?t get much better. Yet if for you, it is a distraction that impairs your driving, use common sense, then again use common sense if you are distracted by passenger or your radio.
It all boils down to driver responsibility in their own vehicles, knowing common road rules and applying them, as well as stop being an aggressive driver and start being an aware driver. Law can not replace common sense, it can only make a poor attempt at trying to compensate for the lack of it. If today it is cell phones, tomorrow it will be a new technology, we can continue to make rules or we can start being responsible for ourselves now.
Jahna -
by kilroy2 inwhat is the offical policy of the dobdem about going to watch the fire works on the 4th?
i can still remember some of the lesser minds in arcadia fla. cong, debating about if it was a sin to watch them from you house if you could see them or if just going to the display was a sin.
what do they teach today?
Many moons ago we were at the district convention in Ottawa Canada. Our hotel over looked Parliament and the River where the grand fireworks show for Canada Day were displayed. On the hotel?s upper floors there was an observation level which gave you a spectacular view. We as well as most people viewing were all Witnesses going to the convention. I don?t know if it was forbidden or not, but it did not stop the lot of us from enjoying a beautiful display.