Remember Sisters the bathroom mirrors are covered please do not remove brown wrapping paper!!
You should be humbly sitting at your husbands feet during the sessions
It doesnt matter what you look like
you are only a woman
my god, this is worst than last years.
i'm not writing the whole thing out, but here are some "convention reminders" for this years district convention.. "let us exhalt his name together" page 3. para 4. please bring a lunch rather than leave the convention site to obtain a meal during the noon break.
this will allow all to enjoy upbuilding association and be present from the very start of the session.
Remember Sisters the bathroom mirrors are covered please do not remove brown wrapping paper!!
You should be humbly sitting at your husbands feet during the sessions
It doesnt matter what you look like
you are only a woman
speaking about 2034 as another end of the world.
im going to be so old by then i probably wont even know what day it is.
i will be so old i wont be able to hobble to the window to see.
Speaking about 2034 as another end of the world
Im going to be so old by then I probably wont even know what day it is
I will be so old I wont be able to hobble to the window to see
jehovah and his army of witnesses kill every man woman and child
Probably by then I will be dead of old age
which will effectivley be my personal end of the world
How old will you be in 2034
excuse me if i ramble...this is hard.
i have even avoided threads in the past where others have had to go thru this because i didn't want to face it.
guess i'm a wuss.
I am so sorry. He sounded like a wonderful man
take care of yourself and your mother
With sympathy,Galaxy7
in some posts i have noticed the mention of smurfs .
was there some publication that i missed from the watchtower that said they were evil??.
i know its a silly question but i never knew it was wrong
thankyou everyone i am now enlightened
Now I know why my house was smurfless
over at channelc, you can find evidence of one of the valued reasons for having circuit assemblies.. they get to lie and deceive - away from the prying eyes of the public.. apparently, a brother novak informed the crowd that phil.
2: 9-11 - in which "every knee shall bend" to christ.
is a command to obey the elders.
Reading this post reminded me of last years assembly
A young lady was giving one of the womans talks and i guess she had met one of the governing body
anyway she said what an honour it was to meet one of the future kings
I almost fell out of my chair.I couldnt believe she actually said that
I think that statement put the last nail in the coffin for me and I realized that these are really weird people.
hey shotgun - .
just a quick note to let you know that i (and others) am/are thinking of you today and hoping that 'the meeting' with elders a and b was not too traumatic last night.
i know you said you'd post the transcript - and there is no rush - just wanted to let you know i (we) am/are thinking of you and sending warm thoughts of support your way.
Shotgun you are my inspiration. I hope things get easier for you and your family
in some posts i have noticed the mention of smurfs .
was there some publication that i missed from the watchtower that said they were evil??.
i know its a silly question but i never knew it was wrong
In some posts I have noticed the mention of smurfs
Was there some publication that I missed from the watchtower that said they were evil??
I know its a silly question but I never knew it was wrong
i have been reading the publication, "pay attention to yourself and to all the flock',
under the subject of the "proper view of disfellowshipped and disassociated persons.
unit 5 (a), it says, " the principle set forth in jesus' words, at matthew 10:34-38 has a bearing on situations involving disfellowshepped or disassociated relatives.
Go visit your mother
i found this on the net.
100 ways to tell if you're a jw author unknown .
source: messages 913 - 917001) if your reaction to someone wearing a cross is the same as a vampire's, you might be a jw.
I found this on the net
100 Ways to Tell if You're a JW Author Unknown
Source: Messages 913 - 917
i want to compile a list of ways the wtbts has gone beyond scripture.
deciding that god will destroy you forever if you smoke cigarettes.
i know someone will come back and say there have been 900 threads on this subject.
Men with vasectomies can't be an MS or Elder (new one they came up with)
This is a new one for me. please where can I find this written in their publications