For me personally I thought about three possible solutions and there three outcomes.
1. Fade and don't get caught doing something that could get you DFd.
This option you keep your family and friends for time. You basically associate with new people and try to make sure you don't get caught up in anything. Witnesses will try to encourage you from time to time. You send mixed signals to those who don't know the truth about your wake up. You essentially play by their rules by fading for a small period of time. People will think you are stressed, depressed, and weak for slowing down and becoming inactive.
2. Fade and live your life.
Same as above except you aren't going to let it stop you from living life to the fullest. People will still think you are depressed, weak, etc. Eventually you get caught doing something like a holiday photo online or something and you get summoned to a meeting, eventually getting disfellowshipped. Or you move away from the congregation area and live happily ever after.
3. Write a letter to disassociate.
I told my friends all personally why I was leaving. I then wrote the letter to the elders because I have no kids or family besides my mother that are witnesses. I wasn't concerned with losing friends because I would lose them all eventually anyways when they decided I'm bad association. People will still think I'm crazy, depressed, prideful, demonic, etc. But we will all know the at I stood up for what I believe. And I feel like I can move on.
Ultimately, different things work for different people based on their circumstances. Be patient and think far in advance.