In the last few days I have complained bitterly to a district overseer who has been around the block more than once. To my surprise I found him very familiar with the abuse issue and most sympathetic for real change that would embody a clear message to all that there must be reporting.
He says if no major changes take place in the organization soon, elders will be leaving in even more droves. His take is that the Society is promising the moon to drum up hope to hang on until the next Ministerial Training School November/December, and that he was personally told by a member of the GB that the school would redirect the brothers' thinking along more spiritual lines, with more attention to advancing Kingdom interests with urgency rather than just living clean lives, having good jobs, and so on.
I swear to God I laughed out loud at this language-- it sounded so ridiculous. He did too! We both shook our heads at the silly article in the km just out, and agreed that if this is how they really think, they deserve what they get in the way of a mass exodus. It was one of those lucid moments of truth you have. I wonder if he will pull down the mental curtain, or tune out the dissonance, or --
What does this have to do with the Andersons? Everything, I think. I believe that this issue is like a fulcrum. "Give me a fulcrum and I can move the world." Well, I think this is happening, and I don't think it is wishful thinking.
To say "thanks" sounds puny and artificial, but I can do nothing less.
Thank you, Barbara.