JW Child Abuse: An Insider's Insight

by silentlambs 77 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • silentlambs

    I post the following at the request of Barbara Anderson.

    As a result of the newspaper report calling attention to my actions I feel compelled to provide further information that has come to light and deserves full exposure.

    The Society is very much aware of my intentions, because of a private e-mail I innocently wrote someone was forwarded to the Society without my permission. You can read it in its entirety, below. I wish to provide some background first, as to the reason for writing in the first place.

    I learned that a male Jehovah’s Witness raped the daughter of a “Witness” friend when she was nine years old. Last year, the then 18-year-old victim pressed charges and in February 2001 the pedophile went to jail.

    The case is typical. Years earlier when the mother of the victim found out about the rape, she went to the elders as she was instructed to do. As any good Witness would, she believed that they would do the right thing. Did they?

    There is no record of a report by the elders to the authorities, even though the state they live in requires reporting molestation by anyone, including ministers. This lack of follow through served to protect the perpetrator, and he continued molesting before relatives of another victim notified the authorities.

    Phoning my friend and hearing the whole sordid molestation story, I decided to break my long silence and told her of my decision to talk to NBC Dateline about pedophilia (child molestation or abuse) within the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. Later, I decided to write an e-mail suggesting my friend to also speak to Dateline.

    Soon after, our local circuit overseer was somehow informed of my involvement with Dateline. The CO called my husband, suggesting he stop me from talking to Dateline, clearly telling him that he would lose his position as an elder if he did not stop me.

    Within a few weeks, my private e-mail was sent to the Service/Legal Department of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, which problem previously would have been handled by the Watchtower Society of New York Inc. Without permission, a relative of my friend, an elder, had sent the Society, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in Patterson, NY, a copy of the e-mail. A full copy of that e-mail is reproduced below for you to see its contents.

    “The Society” acted by means of the Christian Congregation. A copy of my e-mail and a letter of inquiry were sent to the congregation elders where my husband serves as an elder. The letter of inquiry asked the elders whether I had propagated my views locally. The only answer and reply from the body of elders had to be a very clear “No.”

    Last week, when I was at Erica’s trial, another letter arrived from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses requesting that local elders arrange to meet with me. For the record, I refused that invitation. Also, my friend turned down the invitation to appear on Dateline.

    Would you like to know what heresy could prompt such heavy-handed responses? Read for yourself. Publishing this once-private e-mail I hope will also be informative to others who have been injured by policies of Jehovah’s Witnesses through their hierarchy of overseers and corporate entities such as the Christian Congregation of JWs, the Watch Tower Society of Pennsylvania and Watchtower Society of New York, whose inadequate and unenlightened sexual abuse policies result in the protection of pedophiles, even if unknown or not deliberately.

    Its purpose is also to entreat individuals who have been harmed to come forward and demand change.

    I urge you to write letters or make phone calls to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and to news media and to anybody who will listen, to protest the Watchtower policies which gravely injure children, their families and at the same time protect criminals.

    I believe that Elders of Jehovah's Witnesses have no business deciding who is criminally guilty or not guilty of the charge of molestation, or to access the genuineness of a child’s charge, or that of a family member in a child’s behalf. They are simply not qualified, no matter how many counseling sessions they have had with their traveling overseers or in their training sessions.

    The first order of business is the protection of children, not the “purity of the congregation.” The Society’s press releases have called molestation a “serious crime.” They have not acted consistently with that clear recognition. Their actions belie their words. They must ACT accordingly. They must treat this matter as they do other “serious crimes.”

    Crimes should be placed in the hands of Caesar, the Superior Authorities, of Romans 13:1-6. “For it is God’s minister for you.” Secular authorities quite properly view it as their prerogative to examine charges and judge matters. Elders must not under any circumstance interfere with the absolute right of the family or family members to report to the proper authorities. Rather, they should proactively encourage such reporting. The Authority of Romans 13 could extend to the family physician, social services, school officials, health officials, including authorized mental health specialists—and obviously the police.

    I believe there are those at bethel who have similar feelings but are afraid to speak up for fear of lack of support.

    Herewith is the e-mail forwarded to “the Society” that prompted the actions above from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The text below is entirely unaltered from its original other than the names.

    Dear -------,

    Maybe you don't want to talk to me after reading the newspaper articles I e-mailed you. [About Bill Bowen's resignation as an elder because of disagreement with how Jehovah's Witnesses deal with the problem of pedophilia within its ranks.] Perhaps what I have embarked upon is frightening to you. After all, we were trained not to run ahead, or to criticize God's organization. The training was meant to control us, to think for us. Is this the theme of the Bible? Do we allow injustice because we are told that it is not for us to be involved in the fight for
    truth and righteousness. I can't help but remember what Jesus told the seven congregations in the beginning of the book of Revelation. He condemned some of the congregations for allowing wickedness to exist. He scolded, he berated Christians for their apathy. We have this example of how not to be, so It is time we stand up and be counted by Jehovah God as fighters for righteousness and for justice for his little ones.

    Remember Matt. 18:1-6. Read those verses in different translations and the same thought comes through loud and clear: those who cause the little ones to stumble or sin will have a mill stone tied around their neck and be thrown into the sea. Children who are molested, who are raped, are stumbled. They have lost their innocence and it affects them for the rest of their life.

    When I was fighting for a change in the WT's policy regarding molestation in the organization in 1991-92 in Bethel, your dear child was being molested by a man who would never have been trusted by you if the Watchtower's secret policy was not in existence.

    I know that you and all the other JWs who might watch Dateline interview me will be shocked by what I have to say about the indifference and outright hostility by the leaders of Watchtower towards the victims of sexual abuse that I saw in Brooklyn. I can say before God that these men have blood on their hands for the misery and suicides that took place because of their protection of pedophile elders and ministerial servants.

    I can prove what I say. If all of the details don't make it on Dateline, because there will be so many others speaking out, I guarantee you, my information will make it into Time or Newsweek. Watchtower is in deep trouble and they were warned over and over that something like this would happen, but their arrogance knows no bounds.

    They will reap what they have sown and they sowed a whirlwind that shortly will begin to blow back in their faces.

    I gave your phone number to the Dateline producer who I'm working with. Please think how important it is for you to speak out about the damaging effects the policy of the WT caused in your family and all the other families in your town. I hope you read Silentlambs.org. [site on the Internet.] When the camera crew from Dateline read the victims' stories, two of them cried.

    The last thing in this world I wanted was to go public about the results of an awful policy that certainly God has to hate. I can't imagine a loving mediator, Christ Jesus, not caring what happens to the children all in the name of protecting God's organization from reproach.

    If you decide to speak publicly about your girl's nightmare of a childhood, Dateline would accommodate you and hide your identity, if you desired. Here is your chance to expose horrific wrongs that were done by predators and some misguided people. Think of all of the children you will have helped if you speak out. If the elders had done the right thing so long ago; if they had obeyed State law and the law of the Bible in Titus 3:1 "Continue reminding them to be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers..." so many children in your congregation wouldn't have lost their innocence during the past ten years.

    You're a gutsy gal. Stand up and be counted for your child's sake. If you don't, in the future you may live with regrets. Take the power and control in your hands that is offered you, which was taken away from your daughter, and talk to [producer’s name excised] from Dateline. His number is [name snipped for privacy].

    I spoke up and I anticipate the loss of loved ones over this, but I'm doing it for the victims. I'm doing it for my grandson, xxxx. To think he is not safe from being molested by cunning predators within the organization is more than I can bear. I will not go to my grave knowing that I could have spoken up and saved more children from molestation, but didn't. I made my choice, now it's up to you to make one too.

    My heart goes out to you and if I have put you in an awkward position, I apologize. But my Bible trained conscience made me do it.



    This thread also offers opportunity for you to express your thoughts on this issue, and to say anything you wish to me as I will be following it closely the next few days.

  • Maximus

    Some background for the first-time reader.

    A newspaper report appeared in the Tri-City Herald, noting a name unfamiliar to the board: "Barbara Anderson, part of a group fighting clergy-based sex crimes, is one of about 20 advocates from around the country who traveled to Adams County for the trial to lend support to Rodriguez. Anderson previously worked as a research assistant in the Jehovah's Witnesses New York headquarters. She said she gave the Dateline news show, which had a crew covering the Beliz trial, documentation describing how the church's
    leadership is well aware of sexual child abuse within its organization and helps cover it up. The Dateline show plans to air a program this fall detailing how the organization deals with child abuse."

    AlanF did some homework for another thread. He wrote:

    I've done some checking around and I found some interesting things about Barbara Anderson:

    She was a primary research assistant to Karl Adams for the 1993 JW history book Jehovah's Witnesses: Proclaimers of God's Kingdom (Adams has held a number of important positions in Bethel: head of Writing Dept. from early 1960s to about 1980, head of writing teams that produced Insight, Reasoning and Proclaimers books, currently a Gilead Instructor; see Crisis of Conscience for more details).

    She was a research assistant to several other senior members of the Writing Dept., doing at times historical research, and research into complaints the Society received about its handling of child molestation and abuse of women by JW men. Likely this research contributed to the Society's change of policy stated in the January 1, 1997 Watchtower, where they for the first time recognized that child molestation was a serious matter and decided that a 'known molester' could no longer serve a congregation in any position of responsibility, or be a pioneer, or serve in any other special, full-time service (of course, the Society still gets around this 'rule' by keeping the definition of "known molester" unclear; a man can be convicted in court of multiple molestations but if a group of elders decides that the evidence that led to conviction is not 'scripturally based', they can ignore the court's findings and still appoint such a molester to some "special privilege").

    She wrote several articles that appeared in Awake!.

    For the entire thread see

  • Farkel

    : This thread also offers opportunity for you to express your thoughts on this issue, and to say anything you wish to me as I will be following it closely the next few days.

    Well Barb,

    As the verbose son-of-a-gun that I am, I will offer my comments to your letter now:



  • bajarama

    Hi Barb,

    Don't worry, your holding all the aces. At times like these I like to turn to scripture for support. I really draw a lot of srength from this verse.

    Give em' hell, and hit em' with a big stick. Bajarama 130:5
    I hope you draw as much enlightenment from that verse as I do.


  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    I'm tempted to just read this, try to take it all in and reflect deeply on this example of courage driven by Christian conscience. I'm left speechless and yet wanting to say something.

    First, this is solid evidence that there are persons willing to stand up for what they believe, in disagreement with a bad policy, and not just grumble from the sidelines or speak of the community responsibility of others. I'm deeply touched by Barbara's actions, more than I am capable of expressing in words.

    This is not about reform; it is about justice.

    It is chilling to think of a mother who does the right thing by going to her spiritual shepherds, but who experiences selfish wolves looking out for the interests of the organization. That's so wrong.

    I am more than reasonably confident that Ms. Anderson does not have a battery of attorneys as does the Watchtower Society or Christian Congregation. More proof positive of courage driven by conviction. How many males would have the courage to stand up against the powers that be? That should serve as an empowering impetus to many women--and men.

    I have not written the Society before about anything, because I thought it would do no good. I'm going to write now because I need to affirm my own convictions and to take a stand. When I write, their power over me will forever end.

    As to her research:

    : Likely this research contributed to the Society's change of policy stated in the January 1, 1997 Watchtower, where they for the first time recognized that child molestation was a serious matter and decided that a 'known molester' could no longer serve a congregation in any position of responsibility ...

    That's a powerful revelation.

    We have had reports on the board and suggestions about "insiders" with conviction who want to see change. Now we have the proof, even if just about one person.

    Thank you, Barbara, for opening the window to your soul and for letting us be a part of something that will doubtless be historic.

  • bluesapphire

    Thank you for being such a brave person. You had much to lose but your actions show that you care about the little ones. My daughter was molested by a little JW girl her same age who spent the night at our home. The girls were only eight years old. After about a week, my daughter came to me and told me that the other little girl had rubbed her privates, french kissed her, rubbed her boobies and tried to get on top of her and spread her legs with her knees.

    I was very upset so I told the elders. The reason I was so upset wasn't only because this had happened to my innocent child. It was because I knew the other little girl had learned it from someone. The elders told me to drop it. I literally begged them to investigate how the other little girl learned to do those things. They said they asked the girl's father who told them she had learned it from "watching music videos." Now if that wasn't a bogus story.

    My mother's intuition told me there was more to it and now I knew the girl's father was sweeping it under the rug. (His reaction was not concerned the way I had been. It was not natural for a loving father to not care.) The elders told me that once I inform them of a situation it is "no longer [my] business." They also informed me that they would investigate no further, nor even talk to the little girl because they had to "respect the wishes of her dad who was the head of the family." They also told me to "never, ever, ever say the word 'molest' about anyone in the organization!" The elder who talked to me even said that at the Ministerial Training School this topic had been discussed and it was orders from God's organization. Talk about a guilt trip.

    At the time, I believed it was an isolated incident. My daughter didn't suffer nearly as much as little Erica nor many others. Now I know how widespread this problem is. And I also know why the elders acted the way they did. They made me feel as though *I* was the one doing something wrong in wanting to investigate. They even implied that my daughter could have been lying or exaggerating. Imagine a little eight year old making something like that up! It seemed to me then, and I can see it clearly now that the organization not only covers up what they know to be molestation, but when something like this comes to light, they instruct the elders to "nip it in the bud." They literally closed their eyes to it.

    I have no knowledge what really the situation was. I only know nobody wanted to find out. This little girl possibly needed protection, but the name of "God's" organization was much more important. The gag order was put in place and it was buried deep in the closet, along with all the others.

    Anyways, this was long-winded. But I just wanted to say thank you and God bless you!

  • UK Rector
    UK Rector

    : They also told me to "never, ever, ever say the word 'molest' about anyone in the organization!" The elder who talked to me even said that at the Ministerial Training School this topic had been discussed and it was orders from God's organisation.

    The word 'orders' carries the meaning of an authoritative command that requires obedience. How many persons have received such orders, to cover up, to look the other way, not to rock the boat, either directly or indirectly by example. Such thought pattern becomes second nature very quickly, and is passed to every new elder.

    I think that many people will verify this kind of behavior, learned from a Ministerial Training School yet! At first everyone assumes there must be some exaggeration, because Jehovah's Witnesses are a clean organisation. It is, however, engrained very deeply that the organisation is vulnerable to attack and persecution, and it must always be protected even at the risk of not telling the truth.

    This last poster has just mightily underscored your argument, Barbara. Looks like it is going to be downhill all the way with this one, with so many things going that will expose the bad policy and more importantly PROVE the bad behavior.

    Mario Moreno, the Watchtower lawyer, lies when he says it is elders who "screw up" and not the Society. They are merely doing what they are trained to do, to protect the organization! What would it look like if some little child claimed that an elder raped her with his fingers? That MUST be covered up; we will take care of the elder and bomb him with scriptures and advice to pray and study and go to meetings. After all, we are in the last days when Satan the Devil takes advantage of human imperfection and weakness, are we not? And who is he after? The glorious ones--the elders. I wish you could hear my sarcasm!

    Only Jehovah's crazy Witnesses would understand the psychology of this insanity. If Dateline can tell that story, it will be a program to remember for everyone. I hope it will be put on the Internet in MP3 or some such format.

    I thank you, Barbara, and I will myself urge others to write and to do the things you have outlined. This is no longer a pebble dropped into the sea; it is a boulder dropped in a frog pond that will be noticed everywhere.

    UK Rector

  • waiting

    Welcome Barb,

    Nice to meet you - even under these circumstances. We've e-mailed on several occasions, and I've always been the one to benefit. Thank you. I'm sorry for the Gestapo-like treatment your receiving for following a Godly-trained conscience. Like a crazed animal, the WTBTS will kill it's own, eating their own children for their selfish survival.

    The first order of business is the protection of children, not the “purity of the congregation.”
    For "purity of the congregation" to be protection business of the first order, there would have to exist purity. Congregation purity was lost, or never existed. The WTBTS is still preaching an Earthly Spiritual Paradise with pure and chaste followers.

    And many of us who bought into this flawed preaching saw our children raped.

    And we did the right thing - we went to the elders for help and counsel.

    And we were told to be quiet "for the good of the reputation of the congregation."

    And we were told to be quiet "because this sort of thing isn't upbuilding for the brothers & sisters to hear."

    And we were told to be quiet "and wait on Jehovah."

    And most of us were quiet - as long as possible, until it ate us up inside with pain and hatred. Until we saw the consequences of our actions in our children's strange behaviors.

    And then it was too late.

    I urge you to write letters or make phone calls to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and to news media and to anybody who will listen, to protest the Watchtower policies which gravely injure children, their families and at the same time protect criminals.
    You've given us much to think about - a reality of actions to do. I wrote the WTBTS about the handling of my daughter's situation by our elders. I received a visit from the CO, several visits in fact - I was very angry, but I became quiet for many years. It's time to speak up again, but I don't think they'll listen. But a literal ton of mail - particularily if proved by Certified Mail - Return Receipt Signature - might be effective to prove that we tried - to anyone who might listen to us, eh?

    Again, I hope you and your husband, and family, are doing well under the circumstances. I hope you don't suffer shunning because of having a fine conscience. Nobody but the WTBTS said that they play fair - and they lied.


  • MadApostate

    In the 4 weeks I've been here, I have previously started 2 threads warning folks about sending emails to "supposed" friends and relatives. If such contains any hint of negativity re the WTS, much less things as strong as what BA's said, that is all they need to DF you. They do not need additional witnesses, and as shown in Exodus's case, avoiding them or the jc meeting will not slow them down. How many of us will be "ratted out" by supposed friends and relatives before we learn what we should already know- NOONE HAS LOYAL FRIENDS OR RELATIVES IN THIS CULT. The CULT can "turn" anyone by simply threatening lose of eternal life -the selfish "goal" of the whole bunch.

    In BA and BB's cases, the WTS may be trying to DF them prior to the airing of the Dateline program so they can then portray the program as just another Apostate Lie.

    However, this SHOULD backfire and cause Dateline to dig even further into this CULT'S crap re DF, DA, shunning, etc.

    BA: Is something missing here? With your close connection with Dateline, I would think that their efforts to DF you would almost be welcomed? Just more evidence of their guilt, etc.

    Bill: What's going on in your cong? I thought they were leavig you alone to keep down bad PR? Is there things you haven't told us? Their actions re Barbara are inconsistent.

    Whatever... those Dumbasses, as usual, will probably turn out to be their own worse enemies.

  • Pathofthorns

    What a courageous woman and an obvious class act. Good for her.

    The more the Society and their men try to protect themselves and rid the organization of people that raise concerns, the more they reveal how much of a cult they really are. They also reveal that they are more concerned about protecting their own interests than that of children.

    People like Bill and Barbara have the Society in a difficult place. High profile media coverage and a sensitive issue leaves them with their hands tied. In the past they would have been disfellowshipped in the blink of an eye. "But how would that look?"

    You are in the driver's seat now. Change is coming.


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