What the Watchtower does just makes me search for words.
Like duplicity.
did you know that the watchtower uses confusius as support?
they do, and in a looooong article our favorite childs attorney, carolyn wah, shows how they do it.. i don't care to quote this stuff, but interested ones can find it here:.
What the Watchtower does just makes me search for words.
Like duplicity.
:::: conversely, if god declared that from now on marriage was a dead institution (new scrolls opened and all that), and men and women should be like bonobos and free have sex with whoever they pleased, what humans could properly tell him that he had set up an improper standard?
jw leaders and other pharisees?
Upward bound.
What is your motive for asking?
1. Term paper.
2. Not doing anything today, like working
3. Other, please specify.
disinformation, noun.. 1. deliberately misleading information announced publicly or leaked by an organization, government or especially by an intelligence agency in order to influence public opinion or the government in another nation: he would be the unconscious channel for a piece of disinformation aimed at another country's intelligence service (ken follett).. 2. dissemination of such misleading information.. attributive.. often used to modify another noun: disinformation operations; disinformation experts.. [possibly translation of russian dezinformatsiya.].
maybe we need a reminder from time to time that the fds manual includes a proviso to "be wise as serpents" in their war strategy.
Really needs a bump
disinformation, noun.. 1. deliberately misleading information announced publicly or leaked by an organization, government or especially by an intelligence agency in order to influence public opinion or the government in another nation: he would be the unconscious channel for a piece of disinformation aimed at another country's intelligence service (ken follett).. 2. dissemination of such misleading information.. attributive.. often used to modify another noun: disinformation operations; disinformation experts.. [possibly translation of russian dezinformatsiya.].
maybe we need a reminder from time to time that the fds manual includes a proviso to "be wise as serpents" in their war strategy.
Needs a bump.
the thread started by maximus named gb admits it has no answers, blood ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=9056&site=3 ) is chock full of good information and is what this thread stems from.
if you have not already read maximus thread, you should.
i felt like adding my two cents about one aspect of that discussion.
See http://jehovah.to/legal/blood/index.htm
Who are Jehovah's Witnesses United? Anything to do with blood policy?
"this good news will be preached for a witness to all the inhabited nations and then the end will come" nobody else is preaching any good news as far as i can see?
what do you think?
No one comes close to what? Take off the organizational glasses and what do you see?
The organization is who tells you this is an organized deal, no Bible scholar, no such teaching anywhere. We're so steeped in it we cannot see it.
What is the preaching work? Did it mean knocking on every door with records of hours spent to prove it's being done? What is it that is being preached?
The good news that this generation will not see death? Based on chronology that Jesus came in 1914 invisibly and just just biding his time waiting to see who does what to vindicate God's name? Just marking people like Santa Claus as to who is good and who is bad?
When I hear this nonsense about JWs being the only ones to preach I really want to grab for the nearest vomit bag.
hi all you ex-bethelites out there(and anyone else who may know).. i was just curious if ray richardson is still at bethel, and if so, in what dept.?.
he was an elder in my congregation in brooklyn many years ago-bergen congregation.. he was a wonderful brother, soft-spoken and mild-tempered from all my recollections.. boozy
Try Writing Correspondence department. I think he's still there. Does what he's told, like everyone else.
"in contrast with humans, who have a limited life span, jehovah never feels pressured by time to reveal his secrets prematurely.
this fact should prevent us from becoming impatient when certain bible questions cannot presently be explained to our satisfaction.
"modesty on the part of the faithful and discreet slave class, commissioned to provide the christian household with food at the proper time, prevents it from presumptuously running ahead and wildly speculating about things that are still unclear.
For those reading the Shilmer thread.
this is especially for farkel, whose good name has been stolen but who has not been robbed of the affection so very many of us have for him.. recently we've been treated to philosophy that has been a bit opaque to many.
i thought i'd expose you to the german philosopher johann wolfgang von goethe (sounds somewhat like gert.uh).
he really makes sense most times, once in awhile i think him out to lunch.