Hmmmmm, interesting post.
I have been sitting on the sidelines watching you all duking it out.
I make an effort to stay out of these types of threads because, well, I'm a LOVER not a FIGHTER
As a white woman, what has always bothered me about the black community as a whole, is that if a young black woman or man is successful in the corporate world, they have sold out. Or, if they don't choose to "give back to the community" they have some lost some of their "blackness". Or if they don't hold the same opinions as the majority of blacks then they are an Uncle Tom.
I remember seeing a television show a few years back. It interviewed this group of high achieving black kids. Now, they had to put up with alot of crap from their black peers. Why? Because they were acting "white". Good grades equal being white. It seems that the only "acceptable" way to be successful in the black community is through music or sports.
I think that is one heck of a burden to carry. First off, there is still obvious discrimination that goes on in this country. So, that must be dealt with. It's not there as much a many alarmists like to think, but it is there. Then there is a pressure within the black community itself. It seems to say "go ahead, go to college, get that good job (as long as we find it acceptable) and then! You MUST come back to us! And if you don't, you are no longer one of us!" So many dang conditions! It sucks! It's like prison within a prison.
Being a woman who has suffered harrassment and descrimination, I know that it can be extremely frustrating. Yet, if the women of the world sent me the message like the above, I would be giving them the single finger salute!
I won't even go into the subjugation of women on here. That, quite frankly, could blow the issue of racism out of the water.