I think its time to have your own understanding, the so called "slave" "GB" think too much of them selfs use your own brain.
JoinedPosts by Cheetos
New understanding
by elder-schmelder indoes anyone have any idea's on what the next new understading could be.
i think that it might be that they are going to make the 144,000 a symbolic number not a actual number.
could it be making a new date for the start of the last days?.
Is it rude to not include "Gifts are not necessary" on a b-day invitation?
by White Dove inis it necessary to include it in order to not be thought of as tacky?
Same here it is rude, let them bring something dude they are helping you enjoy your day its your day man at lest take something, shed the JW Crap..
WT backtracking fast on Book Study -High Gas Prices
by stillajwexelder inso tonight the congregation discussed the front page of the october km -the new meeting schedule.
straight away it was emphasized it was not because of high gas prices that the meetings were being reduced.
it was pointed out that in parts of the world the brothers do not have cars so it was not high gas prices.
Oh yes makieng more time for personal study that is such BS. Anyone crazy enough to go and do that is nuts how about spending more time with family or making a living or boweling or fishing or making love on that evening, or just plain get drunk. Can anyone tell me what else we could do with that free time?
Is it the JW's or the God of the bible you no longer believe?
by reniaa ini have a question for the ex-jw's on this forum after months of reading the forum..... many say how good it is to be free of the oppressiveness of the jw's that they can now enjoy the freedom to... have sex, celebrate christmas, gamble, embrace politics etc.
there are still biblical scriptures and principles in place that if you still followed the bible would mean you avoid these things and yet these are now embraced as one of the perks of no longer being a jw so in my confusion i ask.... if these are what you want, isn't it more correct to say you no longer follow the bible as apposed to just the jw's?.
You must be a JW, it's easy to worship Jehovah apart from being a JW mostly cause you can read the bible on your own or in groups with out having your butt kicked for it and being chased down by the elders.
Was there ever a GOOD time to be a JW?
by gaiagirl inconsidering the history of the "organization", and how beliefs, practices and attitudes have changed through time, was there ever any time that a "international bible student" or jw was relatively more enlightened or had more freedoms than members of other religions?
or have they always been enslaved to one set of superstitious beliefs or another, to a greater degree than most other religions?
Yeah, back in 1970 it was fun telling people that ARMAGEDON was going to open a crack in the earth and the shit would hit the fan in 1975.
Russell's Deathbed Recant?
by StAnn intoday i was talking to someone who is a history professor.
he said that he heard that, on his deathbed, russell admitted that the whole religion was just something that he made up for profit.
i've never heard anything like this and kind of dismissed it.
That is rubish.
do you feel posting on JWD helps or hinders your recovery?
by burningbridges insometimes i wonder if posting on this site helps me "recover" from the trauma that the witnesses put me through, and have no doubt it does at times.
no where else is there such a support team of individuals who know personally what you've been through and how you feel.
but at the same time, i often wonder if coming on here causes me to obsess in a way, preventing me from "moving on" with my life.
Helps of course!
Here are the scans for the upcoming Tract Campaing 2008
by outofthebox indownload the zip file here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/wl7ouz.
the tract is in spanish.
the zip file has 4 jpgs :) enjoy
What a Farce
Stuff I have read here that I liked and kept:
by Cheetos in"not to know is bad.
not to want to know is worse.
not to hope is unthinkable.
"Not to know is bad. Not to want to know is worse. Not to hope is unthinkable. Not to care is unforgivable." - Nigerian saying.
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
Theologically speaking, Jehovah’s Witnesses are a family hurtful cult of Christianity. The oppressive organization does not represent logical historical facts, sociologically; it is a destructive cult whose false teachings frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse, as well as needless deaths.
I understand the dictionary definition of an "apostate" and I suppose that definition fits me. However, I have my own definition, which makes me more comfortable as it does not fit me. I (and it is my opinion that is important to me not one that benefits a religious organization) one should in all seriousness apply the term apostate to those that have knowingly bent and twisted the word of the God in the Bible to their own advantage. Using my definition makes the WTS an apostate organization (one of many). I don't like apostates and this means that I don't like the WTS the word draconian fits how they deal with their baptized members under the pretense of love.
I never did enjoy being judgmental namely the (Governing Body) rules are supreme - elder, pioneer, ms, co, do, governing body, weak, strong, active, inactive, in the truth, worldly, pagan, on and on. Every label gave you a mental picture of how to treat, love, hate, ignore and or otherwise judge the person on the receiving end of that label. Apostate is a simple term - it means to leave basically, - but they have made us a mental image of 'evil slave'.
Hard to get over those mental pictures for most I think -
By the way I am a real 'apostate' - a good one - most witnesses would like to be as good as a lot of 'apostates' but if you think about it don’t the watchtower Society’s 'label' everything? If it was really part of the "New Light," that god miraculously sent to them somehow if it would have been right in the first place, and would not need updating. From time to time. So what is current light now may very well be old light next year, and at times it has. Why would Jehovah give them the wrong understanding to begin with? If they are god’s spirit directed organization that Christ has chosen to use during this time period?
"I think a full, free talk is frequently of great use; we want nothing secret nor
underhanded, and I for one want no association with things that cannot
be talked about and will not bear investigation."
Mormon President John Taylor, Journal of Discourses, vol. 20, p. 264.{Ask yourself, does the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses desire their members to - think apart from what they want them to think, - they call it running ahead" and independent thinking" again they attempt to brand you with labels to if it will make you feel unworthy then they can control you, this is starting to taste a little like Cool Aid to me and I see Lemmings running over the cliff.} I am an American here in America we still have free thought and speech, I am not a number I am a free man.
Everytime I think I want to go back to the Borg, all I have to do is watch Jim Jones no pun intended, lie like like the sack he is and then I lose all desire to come crawling back to the cult. He is a company man if I ever seen one, it would be neat to see him wake up and smell the cat food. Poor Sabrina had to go through that shit, her ex-husband Leonard is such a Pud.