JoinedTopics Started by Cheetos
Prove That JWs Do Not Act As "True Christians"
by minimus ini have heard witnesses proudly say that are the only true religion following the bible.
they put down anyone else that claim to be christian, stating they are merely "counterfeit christians".
jehovah's witnesses believe they alone can rightfully be called "christian".
Go Ahead and Have a Marry Christmas
by Cheetos in"fear not: for, behold, i bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
for unto you is born this day in the city of david a savior, which is christ the lord.
" luke 2:10-11.. although we cannot agree that this is the proper day for celebrating the birth of our dear redeemer, but must insist that it was about october first (volume 2, p.54), never-the-less, since he did not intimate his desire that we should celebrate his birthday, it is quite immaterial upon what day that event, of so great importance to all, is celebrated.
by whereami inis there any way to get ray to explain this?.
...Do you Appreciate Life more?...
by OUTLAW in..i`ve watched jehovah`s witness`s live and die for decades..they really seem to have a lack of appreciation,for the limited time they have on this earth.....and..why should`nt they?..jehovah`s witness`s are going to live forever!.....there`s no rush to do anything.except to get to the next meeting,assembly or get out in the field service.....celebrations of almost any kind are avoided..excelling at anything is discouraged..a death in the congregation is no big deal.that person will be resurrected.....jehovah`s witness`s don`t have a hunger for life,because they`re stuck with it!..there`s no way out,unless you stop being a jw..if you stop being a jw,you loose your family and friends! basically,jehovah`s witness`s are stuck with living forever!!
! that you realize,that your life has an expiration you appreciate life more?................................outlaw
Society's view of stained glass windows
by Bonnie_Clyde inback in the 50's the society used to criticize the churches for their stained glass windows.
now they proudly point to their assembly hall in jersey hall with their chandeliers and stained glass windows.
i know there are a number of kingdom halls with stained glass too.. i think few congregations owned their kingdom halls in the 50's.
Banned expressions= Pioneers abused me for saying "that sucks or peeved"!
by Witness 007 inyes as a young man on 20 out witnessing with the special pioneers one brother said his bible study wasn't home...."oh that sucks" said i......well, you would have thought i said "that sucks balls" three pioneers completely freak out and as a "trinity" start telling me off...i didn't think it was a swear word....anyone else?.
once the c.o used the term "peeved off" during his talk...well, everyone did research on the word to see if it was the same as "pissed off.
Another One Bites the Dust!
by Dino inhow is everyone this fine evening!.
i just got a call from a very close family member yesterday.. he/she has come out of the borg!
i couldnt believe what i was hearing at first.