New understanding

by elder-schmelder 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • elder-schmelder

    Does anyone have any idea's on what the next new understading could be. I think that it might be that they are going to make the 144,000 a symbolic number not a actual number. Could it be making a new date for the start of the last days?


  • yknot

    They could re-interpret the mediation and keep the literal 144,000.

    Most JWs don't want the 144,000 to be symbolic.

    It is a viable concept within the new system ideology that Christ could use 144,000 as kings and priests.

    I think changes within structure such as 'mainstreaming' in JW community and lifestyle would be far more profitable as it helps with retainage and conversion.

    Of course they could just as easily says college is acceptable if a person pioneers from 18-21 yrs old and agrees to be of 'benefit' to Bethel needs for another 2 years. By incorporating secular choices into a more regulated view instead of flat-out bans the WTS achieves control and direction of many college bound JWs.

    Either way they are approaching one generation dying off and another ready to call bullsh*t on most of their doctrines and drudgery.

    Guess ultimately it all depends on who is doing the influencing.

    Note to Bethel lurkers...... Please inform legal that after looking at the last 25 years.... There was far less financial loss when we just quietly paid off the person and gag-ordered the case before trial. I don't know who has the demi-god complex but a good lawyer keeps the case from proceeding any longer then necessary and out of the public eye.

  • sacolton

    "This Generation" ... those anointed living today (with no end in sight).

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The most likely doctrine to change:


    It's a tough one - it will result in some bleed-out when they do it. But once the dubs accept the foolish re-applications they apply to the 'Gentile times' and the dates that depend on that date, they will have unshackled themselves from the most notoriously false insistence they use.

    Within 5 years they will have forgotten that they ever believed 607. They were able to unleash themselves from a more currently critical doctrine IMO with the 'Generation' changes. Most Jw's did not blink. I did, and in time it helped me to leave as I unraveled the skeen. But most Jw's did not even notice for all intents and purposes.

    Once 607 is dethroned, with some insistence that we can't mark the 'time of the end' by using 'foolish chronology' like other's attempt to do, and then gently blaming all the flock for having misinterpreted what was stated in the past, they will be free to claim that they don't set time or dates.

    The absolutely least likely doctrine to ever change:

    Disfellowshipping and shunning practices.

    This is the Damacles' sword they use to hold the masses. They can change anything, and if someone objects, they loose their entire social and family network. You control the masses by threats and coercion, not by holding to any eschatological dates that can be shown to be wrong in time. Most cults learn this lesson in time.


  • insearchoftruth

    With the change to the 'sealing date' of 1935, I too think it will be a change in the 144,000 becoming figurative, that will explain the number of anointed not dropping and most likely an increase this year with the change.

    A change to 607 could release them of the bond of 1914, but could they still hold the the selection in 1918/1919 as the selected religion bs?

  • yknot

    Good points all....

    But why dismiss 607, 1914, or 1918-1919 if you can just stop talking about them publically. If they aren't brought up in the Hall or to the "studies" then there is no reason to actually change it, thus losing 1918-1919.

    That said I am hearing more rumbling questions like...

    " Would you remain a JW if 1918-1919 was admitted wrong, are you a JW because of the claims of the society or because you KNOW it is the most "TROOF"of all the denominations?"

  • insearchoftruth

    I was amazed, the one time I sat through a session with my wife and the study sister and her husband, the PO, now I guess the CBOE, I asked when the JWs were selected by God and he gave me a sort of perplexed look. Also he did not seem to know that the anointed sealing date had changed, but of course when I asked for information on the generation change he provided me wt articles......

    It would be easier for them to just stop talking about things and let them fade, wouldn't it, but aren't there enough 'spritual opposers' out here that the questions will continue to be raised, so the FDS will need to speak to let the dubbies know that there is a change....due to more careful examination of the scriptures of course.

  • elder-schmelder

    My brother is DF'd and he had a close friend that is still in ask him if he is going to come back to the hall.

    My brother told him that he will never go back because he dont believe the Watchtower is directed by god.

    His friend asked why and he replied that god would not have directed us to believe that the end would come before this generation would pass off.

    His friend said that not all JW's believed that, only some of the JW's believed that (and that is was not taught by the watchtower).

    I thought that was funny because that was the answer that my dad gave me about 1975.


  • Cheetos

    I think its time to have your own understanding, the so called "slave" "GB" think too much of them selfs use your own brain.

  • yknot

    Over the years things have years things have been so DUMBED-DOWN that many JWs aren't fully aware of doctrine, policy, or foundational understandings.

    I was chatting with a 50+ year old born-in pioneer yesterday and she couldn't tell me much about 1914 except we were found worthy (which of course was 1919). When I asked her if Jehovah was directly leading us via the "slave" she said yes. When I asked about the 'not inspired' comments of last year she admitted she didn't always fully read the publications. Excusing her ignorance with the comment of if it was really important then it would have been a study article or letter read to the congregation.

    Calling them sheeple...... insults sheep everywhere!

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