Unlike what the Witness's teach,you don't have to go from door to door marking up hours and telling reporting it on paper to men and living in dread that you have some how not done enough to receive the benefit of Christ ransom sacrifice because the power of his sacrifice it goes out to all people. Its like someone handing a starving thirsty person a cup of water they can have it for free if they put forth an effort to swallow it. Jehovah even goes so far as to provide help to all those who never ever heard of his plan who are dead in the grave when he raises them to life again and even then they will only have to be willing to be reeducated in his ways under the best possible circumstances. Wow what a god.
Jehovah's Witness's take too much upon them selfs as far excluding this group or that group or this individual or that one, either certain ones mentioned in the bible or ones they personally feel in modern times will not be remembered by Jehovah and his son Christ Jesus by means of the ransom sacrifice, this outlook puts one in a very precarious position in Gods sight.