Vancouver is the best city in the world. Where else can you go golfing in the morning and snowboarding at night?, it's pretty damn expensive but it's worth it, the quality of life is good
Posts by JV
I'm going to an HRI conference in ENGLAND!! :-)
by Cady inmy prof wrote me and invited me to attend this conference:
i'm in absolute heaven!!
i don't imagine i'll have much free time, but if anyone's close by maybe we could grab a drink?
Can I come?
the seven year itch
by Crumpet inex -mr crumpet and i after just shy of 8 years together have found we are arguing more and more and have decided to split up.
since we made the decision on monday this week we have been getting on like a house on fire.
the arguments have stopped, he is on time for all his appointments to meet, which hasn't happened in years, he phones if he's going to be late and i have stopped being a moody cow and drinking all his wine without permission.. the hope is that we will get back together and find eahc other attractive again after a break from one another.
Umm PMJ it's called I'm at school getting an education that you witnesses aren't allowed to get
the seven year itch
by Crumpet inex -mr crumpet and i after just shy of 8 years together have found we are arguing more and more and have decided to split up.
since we made the decision on monday this week we have been getting on like a house on fire.
the arguments have stopped, he is on time for all his appointments to meet, which hasn't happened in years, he phones if he's going to be late and i have stopped being a moody cow and drinking all his wine without permission.. the hope is that we will get back together and find eahc other attractive again after a break from one another.
PMJ, you retarded little troll, what goes on in your head that makes you think you can come here and maintain your " good witness conscience? " I'm sick and tired of pompous arrogant judgemental witnesses like yourself. You come on this website, which is forbidden by the society, how do you explain that?, and cast your judgements, I call BS. Second, you don't call Lola an animal, you're lack of humility makes me sick. You wonder why people leave " the truth " i dare say people like you are the number one reason. Go back to your sheltered little world and don't come back
Erickson says Poms scared of the Aussies in World Cup!
by ozziepost infrom today's news service:.
eriksson wary of socceroos.
9:29 am december 9 .
I don't know if Italy will go out, but look out for Ghana to be a darkhorse in that group, they shouldn't be taken lightly
Erickson says Poms scared of the Aussies in World Cup!
by ozziepost infrom today's news service:.
eriksson wary of socceroos.
9:29 am december 9 .
Forget england and australia, we all know portugal is going to win it FORCA PORTUGAL
JV's super fantastic Oct 1st education article review!!!!!! (LONG!!)
by JV inwhere to start?
first off i want to say that i actually took notes with my really cool 4 colour pen, and i colour coded my comments accordingly.
green = vomit inducing, red = furious, blue = makes me sad, and black = makes me want to die, lets just say that my article was really green .
Where to start? First off i want to say that i actually took notes with my really cool 4 colour pen, and i colour coded my comments accordingly
Green = vomit inducing, Red = furious, Blue = makes me sad, and Black = makes me want to die, lets just say that my article was really green .
Ok lets get this thing started. To start the conductor said that this article was very controversial, damn right it is, when you mess with peoples futures like that. He said that education is very important to jehovahs people, (haha yeah, what kind, he failed to mention that only "theocratic education is important")
The attack began with a person's reasons for going to college. One sisters comments was that people go for the "esteem" just so they can say that they went to college, isn't that the same reason why people pioneer? so they can be held in high esteem by the people in the hall?
Next they talked about how the school system is set up to groom students for a post secondary education so they can do well on university entrance exams rather than on courses that will equip students for the work place. I call bullshit on that. In my city they just built a brand new state of the art multimillion dollar highschool which focuses on non traditional courses such as carpentry, computers, technical trades, etc..... WTF do these people want? for some reason they think that the whole world revolves around them, they want their kids to finish school after grade 8 so they can full time pioneer, well too bad, that's not gonna happen
The article went on to say that students are under tremendous stress from teachers and fellow students to aim for enrollment in the higest universities. Since when is working hard and aiming for the top wrong? They make it seem like teachers are slave drivers, BS! they just want thier students to do the best that they can do? is that wrong? I think not.
I wish most witnesses would use their heads before they speak, because to quote john goodman from The Big Lebowski, "their out of thier element" One middle aged brother who's been out of high school for 30 years, (therefore that makes him the best candidate to talk about the subject) said that everybody focused on going to the best university and they said that the alternatives to university were for and i quote "losers" and today it's even worse, 'cause you know you've got you're finger on the pulse of todays education environment, what a tool, he's out of his element, Like I just said they build a brand new state of the art high school specifically for not traditional studies.
The article went on to say university is such a horrible place everybody binges and has one night stands and that up to 80 percent of college students take part in that kind of behaviour. Wow, where to start? Man university is such a bad place guess i shouldn't go there now, hey wait, they do that at work too, shit, i guess i better go live under a rock or in a cave, mabey osama bin laden's got something with the whole living in a cave thing. If you have the said article, please turn to page 28 and look at the picture, It depicts "bad" college students openly drinking alcohol in a couryard. Now correct me if i'm wrong that's illegal, that just shows you how much the "society" knows about education.
There was one delicious bit of irony when a young brother commented about the statistic that 80% of students binge drink. The funny thing was that this younger brother aka. "fornication boy" (i'll let ya figure that one out) said that it's prob worse than that. the funny thing is fornication boy and another younger brother "flake guy" binge drink in his mothers basement all the time, hell who needs school to binge drink, do it in your mothers basement.
The rest of the article goes on to espouse the benefits of becoming a full time pioneer and how much happier you'll be and it is truly a career that will give you everlasting life. Since when do people go to university and get a degree in history and what not, thinking that, hey, if i get a degree in american history i'll live forever? a university degree is just a means to an end, to help you find employment, nothing more.
The conductor went on to say that there are many people where he works, that couldn't find work in their field that they studied. Well that's gonna happen if you study abstract topics. If you take engineering, law, medicine, etc i don't think you'll find many of them unemployed for very long. He went on to say that the society can't tell you what to do, they don't but they become very good at implying what should and shouldn't be done, they just pussy foot around giving you a straight answer.
Finally the po asked if the the wts was against higher education true or false, and of course the answer was false, which just left me speechless, after sitting through an hour of anti education bullshit, they're gonna piss in my ear and tell me it's raining. The balls that these people have, it's just dumbfounding.
Well that's my rant for today, what a load of crap
PS. This is for nocturne, don't be so condesending it hurts my feelings
WT Study on Education - How did it go?
by Inquisitor ini didn't attend the meeting today and i haven't spoken to any fellow witnesses about the study yet.
anyone care to share how their meeting went?
any interesting comments made for or against the wts policy on higher education?
Hey inquisitor, I didn't take my nick from that, it's a secret. Anyways i'm leaving for the meeting in a bit so i'll report on how it goes, i'll be taking very detailed notes
WT Study on Education - How did it go?
by Inquisitor ini didn't attend the meeting today and i haven't spoken to any fellow witnesses about the study yet.
anyone care to share how their meeting went?
any interesting comments made for or against the wts policy on higher education?
I haven't been to a meeting in months but i've made a special point to make this one. I don't have my meeting for awhile but when it's over i'll make sure to report back on what was said and how people try and rationalize this article.
Just on a side note, how do you define rich? is rich making a million dollars a year? cause that's what i define being rich, and I'll tell ya something if you get a college degree in history ( not saying there's anything wrong with that just using it as a example ) you're not going to be making a million dollars a year, I'm sure the average college grad will make $40,000 a year or higher that's probably the minimum standard if you want to have a house and a family, but you're not going to need an armoured truck to bring home your paycheck. The fact of the matter is that a college degree is the minimum standard of education that you need nowadays, getting your high school diploma and going to work at the factory just doesn't cut it anymore and this is lost on the entire GB.
Is it just me.....
by JV inor is arrested development the best show on tv???
it's definately the most original, i know what santa is getting me for christmas, the first two season on dvd!!!!
Or is Arrested Development the best show on tv??? It's definately the most original, I know what santa is getting me for christmas, The first two season on dvd!!!!!