I would like to add that it is immaterial that JC would inherit mitochondrial genes from sinful Mary his natural mother since the perfect seed from God that caused Mary to be pregnant perfected any of Mary’s inherited sinful imperfections being passed on to Jesus. Because had Adam not sinned, his seed would have perfected Eve’s genes at conception and sin would not have been passed on to their offspring. Bible says that is was through Adam than sin gene was passed on and not from Eve. If you read the Gene sis account, Eve was not given the death sentence for eating the fruit. Thus, She died derivatively from Adam. The account suggests that Eve was part of Adam taken from his flesh and sort of like a clone. It is also interesting that the effect of sin began when Adam ate the fruit. The account says that THEN the eyes of both of them were opened but that did not happen at the time she ate the fruit. We at JW belief that had Adam remained perfect could have fixed the sin of Eve probably saving her life but surely not passing sin to their offspring.
The perfect seed, aka the promised seed that made Mary pregnant fixed all imperfect genes passed down to Jesus thus Jesus was born perfect. The point that I was making is that although Eve did not have a human father her dna was taken from the man Adam when she was formed from his rib. Adam’s X and Y chromosome came from God whereas Eve’s dna came from Adam.
Through Mary Jesus inherited Eve’s dna (that originated from Adam anyway) which the perfect seed fixed and made perfect passing perfect mitochondrial genes to Jesus. But Mary also passed on some genetic material from Adam which obviously was fixed in the mix. But the Y chromosome Jesus got came from God his father and not from Mary. Therefore JC had a Y chromosome different from all humanity. —That he did not get from Adam through Mary— but from the promised seed. So God gave Adam and to Jesus different Y chromosomes directly. Jesus dna obviously had genetic material from sinful Adam ( or Adam’s sinful dna). I found that interesting. But because Jesus did not inherited sin Adam’s sinful dna must have been repaired with the promised seed too so that in more ways than one was a perfect Adam.
—This ain’t WT. Im just guessing.