Also, Smiddy as you and the rest of us know, sin is very enjoyable and to become a JW we had to give up sinning. We dedicated our lives to God and put that first in our lives and that also requires giving up a lot of things.
JoinedPosts by Fisherman
Did becoming a JW influence you to give up something you enjoyed ?
by smiddy3 inwhen i was a teenager a younger fellow workmate was involved in the sport of judo.i got interested and went along to a number of sessions and took to it like a sponge to water ,and as a sport i was happy participating in.. not that much longer another workmate was getting re-activated in the religion of jw`s.
which i had never heard o before and then got interested in that .. conflict : was judo a sport that was compatible with j.w beliefs?
sadly i decided it was not and stopped any further involvement.. to this day i resent that decision i made back then .and i`m 82 years old now.. it was a sport i was comfortable doing and i enjoyed it.and i gave it up because of the religion .who knows what i may have achieved had i continued with it.
According to Jehovah's Witnesses, who will be saved?
by Vanderhoven7 ini know who won't be saved according to witnesses and that includes just about everyone alive at armageddon who is not a jehovah’s witness.
others who are permanently lost include adam and eve, those who died in the flood, people of sodom and gomorrah and apostates to their one true religion..
Can you walk faultlessly? If not, you got a problem. Why quote the scriptures that condemn you and ignore the ones that save you?
You can look up the word translated faultlessly in the NWT in Strong’s meaning integrity. I understand and get the sense of the Hebrew word, you don’t. A person walking in his integrity can fall and the ransom covers sins but this doesn’t mean that a person can ignore this scripture and not walk in his integrity. However, this scripture also alludes to human perfection. The NWT loyal to the Hebrew language uses the English word faultlessly. After humanity reaches perfection at the end of the thousand years and walks faultlessly can eat of the tree of life and be saved. In the meantime, we can walk in integrity and remain in God’s favor even if we fall at times. -
Canada : Baby of Jehovah's Witness parents may receive blood transfusions
by yalbmert99 incanada, province of québec : baby of jehovah's witness parents may receive blood transfusions.
in french, use google translate for english.
Hi Smid,
ever regretted what they had done.
There is no place to hide. First of all JW parents are not quacks except for their no blood beliefs which are deemed unreasonable . So, being loving parents, they will run to the hospital for their children. And guess what will happen at the hospital. They will take better care of their child but if the child “needs” blood, there is nothing they can do. Marvin Shilmer and I had a very heated discussion on this Smid, many years ago. Like you, he was a very likable person, as a person, not his views. But I feel such a loss to JW to lose a man like this. I’m sure he was hurt very profoundly by something inside the org. My discussions with him were a real pleasure though— although very heated.
I do know of cases where a blood transfusion saved children’s lives. One was an open heart surgery and back then they really didn’t have the technology to do bloodless. Another case involved a newborn with RH and there was no other way for the baby to live and the blood transfusion was successful and he is still alive today. There are negative cases too. One premature baby in-spite of the JW parents protests was transfused and died immediately after the transfusion another one got hepatitis from the blood and it was a real tragedy to mention but this was many years ago. My point Smid is that if the child needs blood the doctors will give it to him and there is nothing the parent can do. Oh I forgot to mention this case. A JW parent sneaked a child out of a hospital and took him to another hospital to avoid a blood transfusion. The other hospital successfully treated the child without the use of blood but the parent was arrested and prosecuted for doing so.
According to Jehovah's Witnesses, who will be saved?
by Vanderhoven7 ini know who won't be saved according to witnesses and that includes just about everyone alive at armageddon who is not a jehovah’s witness.
others who are permanently lost include adam and eve, those who died in the flood, people of sodom and gomorrah and apostates to their one true religion..
The great crowd will be saved according to Rev.
But if you die before A, we can only guess what the Bible means by righteous and unrighteous being resurrected. Then the Bible says that there is a final test after humanity reaches perfection at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ.
This is the algorithm for salvation past present and future:
“O Jehovah, who may be a guest in your tent? Who may reside in your holy mountain? 2 The one who is walking faultlessly, Practicing what is right And speaking the truth in his heart. “—Compare Proverbs 28:18
Should laws be passed compelling the church to report crimes?
by Fisherman inif laws were passed compelling the church to report crimes to government authorities and there was no legal way around it and the church was forced to comply and did comply, nobody would confess their sins.
it wouldn’t stop people from committing crimes, they just wouldn’t tell their church about it.
The point is that in the US of A, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and the US government is not going to discard it. The constitution also protects the rights and privacy of criminals.
Relating to how the constitution applies to ecclesiastical privileges, here is what chief justice Berger said:
"The ecclesiastical privilege is rooted in the imperative need for confidence and trust. The... privilege recognizes the human need to disclose to a spiritual counselor, in total and absolute confidence, what are believed to be flawed acts or thoughts and to receive consolations and guidance in return."
A church elder or minister or priest or pastor has a duty to hold in confidence any information obtained during a counseling session.
A church official who violates this trust might be on the losing end of a suit for an invasion of privacy or defamation.
WHEN is the Kingdom of God coming?
by Fisherman inwhen is the kingdom of god coming?.
on being asked by the pharisees when the kingdom of god was coming, he answered them: “the kingdom of god is not coming with paratherisis; 21 nor will people say, ‘see here!’ or, ‘there!’ for look!
the kingdom of god is in your midst.” —lu 17:20,21. .
then would/could have been told By Jehovah when the GT and the big A will occur .
Absolutely remember that and think it was in print too.
Also, that God would not do a single thing before telling the “prophets” meaning that or implying that gb on earth would at some point know.
Sinthetic human life. No parents needed except the stem cell donor.
by Fisherman inwith this process, there is no spe&m, no egg, no conception but a developing life.
what is the world coming to?.
Don’t know if what this guy says it’s true.
Anybody know? -
Did becoming a JW influence you to give up something you enjoyed ?
by smiddy3 inwhen i was a teenager a younger fellow workmate was involved in the sport of judo.i got interested and went along to a number of sessions and took to it like a sponge to water ,and as a sport i was happy participating in.. not that much longer another workmate was getting re-activated in the religion of jw`s.
which i had never heard o before and then got interested in that .. conflict : was judo a sport that was compatible with j.w beliefs?
sadly i decided it was not and stopped any further involvement.. to this day i resent that decision i made back then .and i`m 82 years old now.. it was a sport i was comfortable doing and i enjoyed it.and i gave it up because of the religion .who knows what i may have achieved had i continued with it.
Hi Smiddy,
I remember someone at an assembly give a similar story to yours. He really expressed how he did not want to give up martial arts. I could see in his face how much he liked to practice the sport.
There were a lot of likable characters like yourself back then that I met, for example JWs who had done all sorts of things in the past and stopped. From pr0$titution to dr&gs, scientists, g&ys and a whole bunch of other people that gave up things like you did. I truly admired them. Not so much for the religious aspect of it. But because of the integrity of their heart, their sincerity, their generosity. The courage, the completeness of their heart. I felt like they were giving me this gift. What respect I had and how much I cherished what they did. I took it personal. That was how I measured people. I wasn’t impressed by years of service. The older you get, the more you understand, especially when you go through things and experience them yourself.
Should laws be passed compelling the church to report crimes?
by Fisherman inif laws were passed compelling the church to report crimes to government authorities and there was no legal way around it and the church was forced to comply and did comply, nobody would confess their sins.
it wouldn’t stop people from committing crimes, they just wouldn’t tell their church about it.
AM, I posted a very simple solution that Uncle Sam can implement . Have Scotus re-interpret Berger’s decision and the constitutionality of clergy privileges and do like the recent Roe v Wade decision leaving it up to the State to legislate statutory reporting laws. End of story. Then the church cannot use the defense that Federal law and the constitution protects confidential communications that conflict State mandatory reporting laws putting the church at risk for a Federal lawsuit.
( Decades ago, Scotus put a doctrine into effect called qualified immunity. Simply put, this decision protects the police nationwide from lawsuits and criminal prosecution. I can write an essay on this. But simply put the police are protected from lawsuits and prosecution in the course of their job, which pretty much gives police a lot of power to hit you, falsely accuse you, steal from you, violate your civil rights, etc. But because of a national outrage and bad publicity these past years due to rampant misconduct, some States on a State level have revoked police QI— to appease the public. But guess what, QI does not come from the State but from SCOTUS so even if a law enforcement officer is sued in a local court and QI applies, even if the State revoked QI, the SCOTUS doctrine applies. Likewise the clergy privilege could apply even if invalidated by a State with a reporting statute. —I may be wrong.
But why only pick on the church? If you get rid of the constitution altogether criminals will have zero protection. No more guns and no more privacy inside people’s houses to commit crimes. Police can go inside anyone’s house and put an end of crime altogether. No more 5th Amendment to protect criminals either. Criminals will need to confess to crimes. No more attorney’s defending guilty people either. No more criminals. No legal defenses. Simple.
Should laws be passed compelling the church to report crimes?
by Fisherman inif laws were passed compelling the church to report crimes to government authorities and there was no legal way around it and the church was forced to comply and did comply, nobody would confess their sins.
it wouldn’t stop people from committing crimes, they just wouldn’t tell their church about it.
Over the years here I've been challenged and insulted. It can be stimulating, even helpful, intellectually and philosophically.
So, what? The issue here is law and my topic is about law. Don’t like it, kick rocks.