filming children in beds
What’s wrong with that? “He who knows no evil suspects none.” Seems JW had good intentions in doing that.
wieso werden von den zeugen jehovas auf dem diesjährigen kongress, kinder in betten gefilmt und diese filme im internet untereinander geteilt?.
warum liefern jehovas zeugen auf dem diesjährigen kongress die vorlage das mit kindern im bett die bibel studiert werden soll?.
warum liefern jehovas zeugen, in dem erwachet vom oktober 2007, dann eine der umfangreichsten und besten tipps im freien internet, wie man kinder erfolgreich missbraucht.. .
filming children in beds
What’s wrong with that? “He who knows no evil suspects none.” Seems JW had good intentions in doing that.
for those of you who still respect the bible, which translation/s are you using now?
agree with the 'no comparison' part.
Obviously, you understand what I mean because of my context.
for those of you who still respect the bible, which translation/s are you using now?
The Amplified gives you an expanded broader meaning of the verse. I used it a lot in the past. It’s pretty good. The NWT though is just amazing. No comparison.
ultimate justice means that conduct is not inconsequential.
Ultimate justice means that conduct is not inconsequential.
for those of you who still respect the bible, which translation/s are you using now?
do you guys believe the bible is the inspired word of God?
Thats a different topic ,
But to respond to you: It is like listening to the evidence presented at a trial. You come to your own conclusions. You evaluate the evidence on both sides and decide what you want to believe.
i would like to ask the ex-jws on this site to put their ‘apologists hat’ back on for a moment, so that i can go through the overlapping generation teaching in an attempt to make sense of it.
i apologise if these points have already been addressed on this site.a quick background for the reason for my request… having never confronted a jw apologist on the topic, i recently engaged with a jw regarding the official understanding of a ‘generation’ and unfortunately he didn’t have an answer to the points i was making.
i was left a little confused as to what the official jw response would/should i was hoping that my thoughts below might be considered from an apologist’s perspective.the point in question relates to this section of the watchtower article below from 2008, as well as the video explanation of the overlapping generation:---:w08 2/15[box on page 25] can we calculate the length of “this generation”?the word “generation” usually refers to people of various ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period or event.
Watchtower does not debunk 587
So what? They have their reasons and we have ours. Too bad,
i'm using google translate, my native language is spanish .
hola, esta es mi primera publicación en este sitio.
tengo 22 años, me dediqué a jehová y lo que creo que fue la organización de él a los 18 años.. ai am currently inactive in spiritual activities, which led me to wonder and question if the watchtower has the truth.
“Since brevity is the soul of wit, I shall be brief.” :
You don’t have to come up with excuses. If you don’t want to be a JW, you are free to go.
for those of you who still respect the bible, which translation/s are you using now?
without any reason for that.
The OT uses the divine name. When the NT quotes a verse from the OT that uses the divine name, it is also reasonable to conclude that the original Bible writers of the NT also used the divine name in the NT. By the same token it is also axiomatic that Jehovah is God and any verse in the Bible that implies or infers the true God is referring to Jehovah. It is also interesting that Bible translators of the OT also substitute the divine name with titles.
for those of you who still respect the bible, which translation/s are you using now?
NWT both newer and previous versions. Magnificent!
I also use the Equipped app.
i would like to ask the ex-jws on this site to put their ‘apologists hat’ back on for a moment, so that i can go through the overlapping generation teaching in an attempt to make sense of it.
i apologise if these points have already been addressed on this site.a quick background for the reason for my request… having never confronted a jw apologist on the topic, i recently engaged with a jw regarding the official understanding of a ‘generation’ and unfortunately he didn’t have an answer to the points i was making.
i was left a little confused as to what the official jw response would/should i was hoping that my thoughts below might be considered from an apologist’s perspective.the point in question relates to this section of the watchtower article below from 2008, as well as the video explanation of the overlapping generation:---:w08 2/15[box on page 25] can we calculate the length of “this generation”?the word “generation” usually refers to people of various ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period or event.
Gentile Times Re
does not debunk 607