from theirperspectiveinterpretation it is a verifiable and reliable date to start from.
How is it written in stone compared to the historical and indisputable 539?
for what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
from theirperspectiveinterpretation it is a verifiable and reliable date to start from.
How is it written in stone compared to the historical and indisputable 539?
for what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
It seems that the study used 586 BCE for the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem as the base date to calibrate their method and measure other dates in relation to it.
These are scientists mind you. Why not use 539 as the base date since 539 is a historical fact. All WT chronology stands on 539.
a specific “day,” or period, when particular groups, nations, or mankind in general are called to account by god.
“i solemnly charge you before god and christ jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead,”- 2 tim 4:1. seems like sins are not paid by dying or the ransom if there is a judgment in-spite of it.
A specific “day,” or period, when particular groups, nations, or mankind in general are called to account by God.
“I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead,”- 2 Tim 4:1
Seems like sins are not paid by dying or the ransom if there is a judgment in-spite of it. How do you see it?
in the us, the 60s and 70s was a great time to be alive except for getting drafted if you wanted to be that age.
they were music years, greatest movies, fun, simpler and enjoyable days—also except for the d&ugs.
Life was hard and short and Caesar was cruel. Love to see Jesus physical appearance, though. DJW:I love the technology and medicine and communication and knowledge and science now ( end is closer too- lol joke) except for tattoos and and the weird stuff but to experience and feel those decades in the US I mentioned would be amazing.
in the us, the 60s and 70s was a great time to be alive except for getting drafted if you wanted to be that age.
they were music years, greatest movies, fun, simpler and enjoyable days—also except for the d&ugs.
In the US, the 60s and 70s was a great time to be alive except for getting drafted if you wanted to be that age. They were music years, greatest movies, fun, simpler and enjoyable days—also except for the d&ugs.
what new light from jehovah did you find hard to swallow?.
the conversations in the attached video are enlightening.
the graphic is hilarious..
She calls pretending she has questions. It’s a lie. She knows her answers. Her real purpose is to challenge JW and advocate her beliefs.
“this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”.
the destruction of jerusalem is insignificant in the large scheme of things.
Do you assert that Jesus favours falsehood over truth? is powerless to stop falsehood?
It is not like believing in idolatry which is sinful. Brother Rutherford was not totally wrong on this. He learned that not everybody goes to heaven and that a great crowd of other sheep (and hopefully you will be one of them, Waton) lives forever on a paradise earth. But he figured that the end would come before all those JW other sheep would die.
“this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”.
the destruction of jerusalem is insignificant in the large scheme of things.
There was nothing salvific about believing in 1874, nor is there anything salvific about believing in 1914.
Your first question was to show you verses from the Bible and I did. What is significant are the events integrated with the dates. Those event, for example the birth of God’s Messianic kingdom in 1914 is important for salvation. It is also important for a Christian to submit to the authority of the Christ and his brothers. As JW interpret the Bible, Jesus appointed a faithful and discreet slave who dispenses food at the proper time, so Christians would need to work along with that. So having authority from Christ, they can explain the Bible. In the JW religion, Christ is king and leader and in a theocratic orderly way, as delegated authority progressively understands the Bible it dispenses it to be learned and accepted by other JW Christians. JW are students of the Bible including Brother Charles Taze Russel, so as students they are constantly learning and of course newer understanding replaces old. Take for example the new version of the NWT and 1975 replacing 1874 and other changes and enlightenment in Bible understanding. Obviously Christian conduct is what describes a Christian and that includes submitting to theocratic order relating to progressive learning of interpretation of prophecy and not pushing ahead.
“this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”.
the destruction of jerusalem is insignificant in the large scheme of things.
What Bible verse makes you say dates
Luke 21:24,Rev 12:7-10,Dan 4:25 are all referring to the year 1914, the year Jesus began ruling as king—as JW see it and JW are required to agree with the belief. If you don’t, you are not a JW and if you are not a JW you are not a Christian.
I'm not sure but I think it was 606 that was changed to 607 because of the zero year to maintain the 1914 date
No. There is no zero AD year and that year needed to be factored in which at first they didn’t realize it.
“this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.
heaven and earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away.”.
the destruction of jerusalem is insignificant in the large scheme of things.
Salvation and baptism have nothing to do with dates.
It does when Christians are required to have the same mind. Christianity is not structured for everyone to go around believing and teaching to others whatever Bible interpretation they like. Dates was not the only teachings of CTR either. And, the dates were believed to be true at the time. Obviously you needed to believe all teachings of the org. Or at least submit to the authority of decision makers. 1874 is 101 years earlier than 1975 which ctr miscalculated but was on the right tract. 1975 is 6000 years after the creation of Adam based on 539. So is 607 and 1914 also based on 539. JW discarded the cross and other beliefs they later realized were false but the dates you mentioned are still significant 1874 was adjusted for the zero year and the 100 year error. There is a human element and tolerance in all of this which don’t nullify the truth of JW beliefs.
Also, at the time the JW were “Bible STUDENTS” which implies that they were only learning. —And doing it in an orderly way.