….Even the word apPOINTED times of the nations aka Gentiles Times(as JW see it) deals with war in the heavens and end of trampling Jerusalem.. Compared to magnetic pointing.
JoinedPosts by Fisherman
New method to absolutely date Fall of Jerusalem.
by waton infor what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
New method to absolutely date Fall of Jerusalem.
by waton infor what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
good for establish in whether other military campaigns were earlier or later.
Magnetic pointing.
Funny and Ironic how the word “pointed”occurs twice in God’s Word and both refer to military campaigns against Jerusalem. Once when the king of Babylon used uncanny power and God caused it to point to Jerusalem in 607 and 2 when Jesus prophesied about a fortification of pointed stakes that the Romans would build around Jerusalem in 70. Eze 21:22, Lu 19:43
Was / Is God biased ? prejudiced against certain Peoples / Tribes or Nations ?
by smiddy3 inlet me explain :.
after the creation account of the bible, tribes of people and nations began to form and spread around the land.. god first chose noah and his family to protect them as he destroys all others in the flood.. and he ticks off everyone in babel ?
and then he favours abraham and his descendants as the nation of israel culminating in the jewish lineage to jesus the son of god.. he has never had any dealings with any other people`s or nation isn`t that some form of favouritism ?
Perhaps you're recalling Deut 7:7 : Least not last.
Yes! There is a commentary on the verse from one of the Rabbis that explains the verse as last but the Hebrew word does not mean last. I was quoting verbatim from that commentary. It makes sense though. The Bible doesn’t actually say that God went to all the nations and his last choice was the Jews and they accepted. But that is what Rashi says God did.
Judgment Day
by Fisherman ina specific “day,” or period, when particular groups, nations, or mankind in general are called to account by god.
“i solemnly charge you before god and christ jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead,”- 2 tim 4:1. seems like sins are not paid by dying or the ransom if there is a judgment in-spite of it.
Hi Smiddy,
The issue with government and other powers judging is that secular laws are based or arbitrary standards and as chief justice Berger said that they are Courts of law not Courts of justice. Laws are not just. Judgment day has to do with good and bad not legal and illegal. Secular courts adjudicate unlawful conduct and not morality. Judgement day is payback and justice and vengeance and setting things straight and vindication. Justice is for those getting recompensed for injustice like when God executed the first born of Egypt in retaliation for Pharoh killing first born of Israel but in judgement day the dead get resurrected too totally defeating the enemies of God’s friends. So there is a big difference between secular courts that try law breakers and prosecuters even punish innocent people and forcing them to plead guilty or face with death or 4 times the punishment and that ain’t justice. Judgment day will satisfy thise wronged and those who repented too.
Was / Is God biased ? prejudiced against certain Peoples / Tribes or Nations ?
by smiddy3 inlet me explain :.
after the creation account of the bible, tribes of people and nations began to form and spread around the land.. god first chose noah and his family to protect them as he destroys all others in the flood.. and he ticks off everyone in babel ?
and then he favours abraham and his descendants as the nation of israel culminating in the jewish lineage to jesus the son of god.. he has never had any dealings with any other people`s or nation isn`t that some form of favouritism ?
Hi Smid!
First, broadly speaking, the Bible doesn’t record all of God’s dealings with individual humans throughout human history—not enough pages and tangent to the Bible theme. It only focuses and recounts some dealings. Take for example Job who was not a Jew which is in the Bible record but why not others too that are not in the Bible. Of course we don’t know but it is logical.
I’m trying to find the verse. But says something like you were the last of all the people or the last of all the nations.
Take for example Adam and Eve, he gave them a chance. He could have created somebody else that would have been obedient. Esau didn’t want it. Look at king Saul too. The evidence is that God is fair but if you loose the opportunity it’s on you. The faith that Abraham showed was so huge that he swore by himself to bless him and his descendants. Was Abraham his first choice? We know that God first chose Saul. David was his second. Finally God rejected natural Israel and selected Gentiles to be part of the seed with Jesus.
New method to absolutely date Fall of Jerusalem.
by waton infor what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
drivel. Start a new topic and argue why Jeremiah is not the author of Jeremiah or why Einstein should not have set his equation to zero or whatever you like to believe. It’s only your belief. Other views are also valid. You disagree ? Too bad. You always go off on a tangent subject and immaterial(s) and moot while all other posters on this forum stay with the subject matter. See you later. This is a pointless discussion with you.
New method to absolutely date Fall of Jerusalem.
by waton infor what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
your evidence
Doesn’t belong to me. It’s public.
New method to absolutely date Fall of Jerusalem.
by waton infor what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
An emoji isn't a ‘fallacy’ of any kind.
It is.
New method to absolutely date Fall of Jerusalem.
by waton infor what it is worth to those interested.
1914.. tel-aviv university.
"biblical military campaigns reconstructed using geomagnetic field data.
Poor Jef. Has to resort to logical fallacies.
Was / Is God biased ? prejudiced against certain Peoples / Tribes or Nations ?
by smiddy3 inlet me explain :.
after the creation account of the bible, tribes of people and nations began to form and spread around the land.. god first chose noah and his family to protect them as he destroys all others in the flood.. and he ticks off everyone in babel ?
and then he favours abraham and his descendants as the nation of israel culminating in the jewish lineage to jesus the son of god.. he has never had any dealings with any other people`s or nation isn`t that some form of favouritism ?
My point is GOD only dealt with one tribe of people and chose them as his nation / people whereas other tribes and nations never got this same favouritism
Hi Smid!
What I was trying to show is that God needed to choose the right people for the job with the virtues I described. Bible says that the Jews were his last choice so it seems he first reached out to others but no good. God’s goal was ultimately to save humanity for sin and death and that’s what the Messianic kingdom is about. He started off with Abraham but then it got to the point in Jesus tome when the job was open to Gentiles. In the end God is all things to all. No need for rulers or kings or princes. Even Jesus returns the agency to God. We will see what Good things God has in store for everyone.