Of course they have to admit they are wrong when time runs out on their false predictions
They don’t have to admit that all of the anointed are not FDS for example.
Also, interpretation of BiBle prophecy is not a prediction whether it turns out true or false. It was Jesus who prophesied aka predicted the last days. He spoke in symbolic language so he obviously wanted his disciples to form a belief. Such interpretation of Jesus’s prediction, what he meant by it is only a belief, a conclusion, an interpretation— and not a prediction.
The entire Bible needs to be translated and interpreted not only prophecy: remove the turban and lift off the crown it will not be the same put on high even what was low and remove even the high one a ruin a ruin a ruin I shall a ruin I shall make it and it shall certainly become no ones until he comes who had the legal right and I must give it to him 7 times will pass over you until you know that God is ruler in the kingdom of mankind and to the one he wants to he gives it even to the lowliest of mankind this one will be called God holy Gods son and God will give him the throne of David his father. Jerusalem will be trampled by the nations until the Gentile Times are fulfilled. JW interprets this to mean 1914 the year this was fulfilled. That is interpretation not speculation and not prediction….