I'm more interested to know if they are back to bashing the UN
The latest wt study about this topic reaffirmed all the beliefs including the UN and Babyon the Great.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
I'm more interested to know if they are back to bashing the UN
The latest wt study about this topic reaffirmed all the beliefs including the UN and Babyon the Great.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
all of those having been slain on earth.
Doesnt describe Rome. Also, is was Religion that wanted Jesus killed and was behind Jesus being turned over to Pilate. —Religion throughout the centuries past present and future is responsible for the bloodshed. Do the math.
with whom the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality
Rome was also one of the kings of the earth and like the other kings had sex with this woman. This is obvious.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Compare Revelation 17:18.
Rev 17:5 Describes the woman. Religion particularly the symbolic wife of God such as Jerusalem is personified as woman.
It makes sense to me. I don’t want to win an argument or have the last word here. I think wt is correct. I come to the same conclusion on my own. It is false religion at its treacherous corrupt practices and it us so ironic what happens to her. And this is a global event involving all mankind's history not just the puny Romans in comparison. She is in bed with the kings of the earth. Sounds like religion to me. But believe as you wish. I’m convinced.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
WT interpretation is quite logical because she is a political consort and could not also be political herself, and the blood of all the prophets & her drunkenness with blood of the prophets or the holy ones past present and future would obviously not fit Rome but as WT explains remarkably and a bitter pull to swallow, it can only apply to false religion for child sacrifice, the mur$er of JC, inquisition, behind persecution…. etc. An old girl that the kings don’t need or desire anymore. It is also consistent with the Bible pattern of how God punishes religion with the kings attacking her
One way or another with or without empirical evidence from God, the religion era in human history will come to an end.
do jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
Just had a wt article some months ago reaffirming JW beliefs such as 1914, Babylon the Great,etc. If you’ve ever been in NYC and driven on the old FDR, the FDR passes in front of the UN. I remember that in front of the UN on a tiny Island on the East River there is some sort of a church that is devastated and in ruins. and its surroundings. Spooky and so ironic. I don’t know if things are the same at this point in time.
there are good reasons to belief that paul wrote hebrews.
i am convinced he wrote it.
is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?.
Thank you again TD for your posts. You always give something of value like the Greek comparison between Rev and Hebrews.
there are good reasons to belief that paul wrote hebrews.
i am convinced he wrote it.
is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?.
Those aren’t reasons, they are speculation.
They are not speculations.They are reasons.
Just before Paul was baptized and commissioned for his work, the Lord Jesus said to Ananias: “This man [Paul] is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel.” (Acts 9:15; Gal. 2:8, 9) The writing of the book of Hebrews was truly in line with Paul’s commission to bear the name of Jesus to the sons of Israel.
It stands to reason that God would use Paul to write Hebrews. —Obviously if the Bible is a sham, it doesn’t matter. But given the authenticity of the Bible that all scripture is inspired, it is very reasonable to conclude that Paul is the writer.
there are good reasons to belief that paul wrote hebrews.
i am convinced he wrote it.
is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?.
Paul may have deliberately omitted his name in writing to the Hebrews in Judea, since his name had been made an object of hatred by the Jews there. —Acts 21:28
The writer of Hebrews was in Italy and was associated with Timothy. These facts fit Paul. —Heb. 13:23, 24
there are good reasons to belief that paul wrote hebrews.
i am convinced he wrote it.
is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?.
There are good reasons to belief that Paul wrote Hebrews. I am convinced he wrote it. Is there any any convincing evidence or argument that can validate the belief?
supposedly, god jehovah, el , or whatever else he may have been called many thousands of years ago, or so the storys goes ,dealt with humans on a regular basis communicating with them for either good or bad.according to how they pleased him or displeased him.. so the bible record says.. how is it that god , jehovah or whatever other name you want to call him has not communicated with humans on any level for the past 2000 years ???.
in this scientific ,technological age ,wouldn`t you think this would be the time he would communicate with the potential dangers we face in potentially destroying ourselves and ruining the planets wildlife unless he interveined ?.
that`s if you even beleive that such a god actually exists .. and if he does why so silent in this day and age,?.
And if he does why so silent in this day and age,
Another good one, smiddy. In brief, he does communicate with people today.
When Jesus converted water into wine, how many people realized what he did ? When a voice from heaven spoke saying this is my son the beloved, how many people heard the voice and the words and not some thunder or some noise? Another example is when Peter cut off the ear of the slave of the high priest, how many people realized that Jesus put it back? That is why the scriptures read: “the kingdom of God is in your midsts” and, “go subduing in the midsts of your enemies” and, “they listen but they do not hear.” God spoke in the past like an elephant in plain sight and people didn’t hear him. —-The same thing today. “ If you people this day had discerned the things having to do with peace, but now it has been secretly hidden from your eyes/ears” That’s how God does things.