have a hard time reading any book other than the Bible.
Did you figure out what everything means all on your own? Or did you read a translation?
mark jones explains the watchtower gospel much better than i can.. "the good news that christians in the first century preached was the birth, death and resurrection of jesus christ; that all those who believed in him were saved and reconciled to god through the death of his son.. unfortunately jehovah’s witnesses) have been led to believe it is something bizarrely different.
the good news according to the watchtower society is as follows:.
the the good news (according to jehovah’s witnesses).
have a hard time reading any book other than the Bible.
Did you figure out what everything means all on your own? Or did you read a translation?
i was thinking about freedom of speech after watching a clip about the jw suing kevin mcfree.
they wanted to take away his freedom of speech.
but in thinking about it, that is the way of the organization, save they want to control thought as well.
By the way, they are very funny videos.
i would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
the “faithful slave” itself was wrong about its own identity for most of its existence.
The unforgettable Marvin Shilmer detected that point and posted that many years ago. A lot of people didn’t even realize that and wonder how many do now. But Marvin said it in such a funny way, I couldn’t stop laughing. He was so funny. We had so many heated arguments on this forum but I highly esteemed him. What a loss to the JW organization.
mark jones explains the watchtower gospel much better than i can.. "the good news that christians in the first century preached was the birth, death and resurrection of jesus christ; that all those who believed in him were saved and reconciled to god through the death of his son.. unfortunately jehovah’s witnesses) have been led to believe it is something bizarrely different.
the good news according to the watchtower society is as follows:.
the the good news (according to jehovah’s witnesses).
Van did you study the wt book Greatest Man and the latest revision on the 4 gospels?
i was thinking about freedom of speech after watching a clip about the jw suing kevin mcfree.
they wanted to take away his freedom of speech.
but in thinking about it, that is the way of the organization, save they want to control thought as well.
if you don't have an issue with someone misusing the courts to try and get someone's personal information --not because of an actual copyright issue, but to silence criticism-
A person’s feelings of what constitutes abuse of process may not be the case. However, anyone that feels wronged has the Courts opened to them. In the case I referenced about police running plates without having any legal grounds to do so was very surprising to me. It seemed to be abuse of authority but Scotus sided with police. Goes to show that what seems to be abuse may not legally be the case. I’m not advocating any sides here. Only showing the difference between feelings and what may be legal. You may feel that you have been damaged and you are free to feel that way but what a person os doing to make you feel that way may be perfectly legal and protected by law. That is the point.
i was thinking about freedom of speech after watching a clip about the jw suing kevin mcfree.
they wanted to take away his freedom of speech.
but in thinking about it, that is the way of the organization, save they want to control thought as well.
The method they are employing is unethical and legally questionable.
That’s what the courts are for. And the State Bar. If an act is legal and people don’t like it based on personal ethics, too bad. What prosecutors do for example is to threaten a defendant to plead guilty to lesser charges or face added charges whether or not those added charges will stick. They would need to be defended and very expensive to do so and there is a risk that a person can be convicted. A defendant doesn’t like that but the law says if is legal to do it.
If you want to me mess with someone’s copyright, that infringed person can pursue legal action. You can run but you cant hide from the owner. Don’t like it, sue them back.
i would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
Thanks for your view UTR. I am not trying to be a WT apologists or defending WT under this topic. Obviously WT has classified the conduct you mention in your post compared to WT interpretation of the Bible. There are many other Bible interpretations on the subjects you described. Ultimately it is a person’s conscience and personal relationship with God that can allow a person to do the things you mention in your post, but those are the beliefs and religious practices of JW and a person that doesn’t live by those standards of conduct cannot be a JW. That is why some people choose not to be JW or come to the realization that they want to leave. However, the reasons the WT gives for the beliefs seem logical to me. I don’t know how many people posting here belong to other churches and like their beliefs, but for example, you mention in vitro fertilization with donated sp$rm. I am not criticizing what people feel is morally right here, but there is a reasonable moral argument against IVF and I don’t see how wt position on it is not valid.
i would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
How about answering my question instead of going of on a tangent. We go back a long time PON. We had our dialogues in the past.
i was thinking about freedom of speech after watching a clip about the jw suing kevin mcfree.
they wanted to take away his freedom of speech.
but in thinking about it, that is the way of the organization, save they want to control thought as well.
When they do, the WTS usually loses the case and/or (as in the McFree case) drop it.
That is for the Courts to adjudicate but any owner of a copyright is within his legal right to defend it. Don’t like it, too bad.
This is, effectively, a misuse of the legal system.
You can pursue that claim legally except that there is no law that says that it is abuse of process. For example SCOTUS decided not too long ago that police are within their authority to run anybody’s plates for any reason they like. The decision stemmed from a complaint in lower Courts that rogue police were getting personal information from the plates and selling it. The legal issue was whether or not running plates requires the standard of arguable reasonable suspicion. Court decided that they don’t need any legal grounds to do it. Many other examples. The principle here is that wt owns the copyright and at any point in a lawsuit they can legally drop it. And that is the law. Don’t like it? Write to congress for example.
i would belief so but if you can point something out, it can be discussed.. i don’t mean what jw taught in the past that they later realized was not correct and amended.
—unless you think and can show something like that is relevant.. i’ve spoken to a lot of believers from different religions.
i don’t want to bash any religion here under this topic but their beliefs are inconsistent and their reasons are sophistry and made up and grounded on circular reasoning.
the unusual sentence structures and spelling errors. All part of the joke?
Is that what you conclude after being on this forum longer than you? Also, it was 3AM, mate when I posted this thread. Try to use a little common sense.