So, where I can I specifically go to see Jewish Bibles or some other Jewish books
Soncino Books of the Bible is a great reference. Rashi Torah with Onkelos with English Translation by Rosenbaum and Silverman, Magil’s Linear.
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of adam in wt calendar.
according to “all scriptures inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of adam and the creation of eve and her marriage to adam.
it was at that point in time when eve was created that marked the end of the 6th creative day and the beginning of god’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in genesis.
So, where I can I specifically go to see Jewish Bibles or some other Jewish books
Soncino Books of the Bible is a great reference. Rashi Torah with Onkelos with English Translation by Rosenbaum and Silverman, Magil’s Linear.
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
Cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?
Same dice roll trillions of times. With nobody to roll the dice! —And that’s that.
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
Since brevity is the soul of wit, I shall be brief:
Many years ago, lunch was served at the JW assemblies aka conventions, and it was very cheap and delicious and fun.But when the government in the US passed laws taxing the sale of food at the assemblies, the food was served anyway and people instead of paying, could contribute money for the food they got or hopefully should realize that food is not free. But the people, that is to say the JW, didn’t catch the drift. They were not contributing money for the food that was being served to them at the conventions. And this went on for a few years. One day at one circuit assembly, a co or some other delegate gave this discourse. This is what he said:
Once upon a time a very long time ago in a country very far away there lived a king. And one day, the king summoned all of his wise men and put a burden upon them. He asked them, I want you guys to bring to me the wisdom of the world. So they set out to accomplish their task. They came back some years later and said: Hear oh king, we have found the wisdom of the world and they hand over to the king a library of books the size like the encyclopedia britanica of years ago. The king started to read it but was too much information for him to digest so he calls back all of his wise men and instructs them, “ Look, I am never going to read all of this. It is too much to read. Consolidate it please.” So the wise men head out once again and in about a year they come to the king and tell the king: “ Oh king, We have the wisdom of the world here in this one book. The book was about the size of one Insight book of the WT. So once again the king opens the book and flips through the pages and then tells his wise men: “ You know what, it’s too much for me to read!! Can you consolidate it some more please!! So the wise men huddle around in a circle and in less that a minute they tell the king: The wisdom of the world is: THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH.
A few minutes later at the close of the morning session, they made the announcement that the brethren would have to bring their own food from now on for simplification reasons. —The end of an era.
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
If I didn’t know for a fact that the proximate cause is intelligent design, my only guess would be an infinite descriptive universe and things did not happen by chance but by an inherent descriptive drive of the universe. I don’t believe that a random number generator with billons of digits would roll the same dice billions and billions of times —which is what cofty is saying— resulting in non existence with one bad roll of the dice. Horsefeathers! and birdbrains.
mass shooting at a kingdom hall in hamburg, germany this evening.
at least 6 or 7 killed, dozens injured.
single shooter on the run, police doesn't rule out more shooters.
On the JW website. Pregnant woman and baby also list their lives.
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of adam in wt calendar.
according to “all scriptures inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of adam and the creation of eve and her marriage to adam.
it was at that point in time when eve was created that marked the end of the 6th creative day and the beginning of god’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in genesis.
Therefore, in my opinion, Watchtower took the year 1975 off the table 43 years ago.
How long is the 7th Creative (rest) day?
Paul refers to it as ongoing 2k+ years ago. With the symbolism of 7 in the Bible, God’s rest appears to be 7000 years long( so persuasive!). 1975 still marks end of 6000 years from the creation of Adam. The 1000 year slot that Scholar highlighted is left for the Millennium. The gap for the creation of Eve must be less than 1000 years given a 7000 year rest. Scholar highlighted plausibility of 50 years in 2025–also a grand Jubilee ( the creation of Eve!) 50 years after the creation of Adam in 1975. It would add up. Given the millennium would begin in 2025 means that the GT must begin before the Jubilee starts if the Jubilee symbolizes the start of the Millennium.
WT always referred to the end of the 6000 years which as scholar highlighted is 7k years
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of adam in wt calendar.
according to “all scriptures inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of adam and the creation of eve and her marriage to adam.
it was at that point in time when eve was created that marked the end of the 6th creative day and the beginning of god’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in genesis.
Thank you, scholar. I agree and I understand.
cofty could you answer how the single cell came about by chance?.
i know the argument for complexity in nature says natural selection over billions of years but this could not explain the complexity of the single cell the building blocks of life?.
There is only one possible explanation: Since God is good by definition, there must be a good explanation which God will give in his good time, or the universe and life unjustly happened, and that is not possible inside this universe because nothing cannot become the universe and there are infinite odds every step of the way. There must be a mechanism of action and drive—God. Something must have no beginning for anything else to exist
many people here have expressed faith in evolution and in other theories—but in all honesty, do you have any hope whatsoever in your heart or in the back of your mind ?
Having ''faith'' in anything, doesn't prove anything either
Proof comes before faith. No proof, no faith. Faith involves trust and hope and logic standing on that good evidence. —There is a risk of being disappointed though as with someone that is unfaithful and disloyal but there is no reason to believe that.
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of adam in wt calendar.
according to “all scriptures inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of adam and the creation of eve and her marriage to adam.
it was at that point in time when eve was created that marked the end of the 6th creative day and the beginning of god’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in genesis.
“1975” still marks 6000 years from the creation of Adam in WT calendar. According to “All Scriptures Inspired” book, there is a gap between the creation of Adam and the creation of Eve and her marriage to Adam. It was at that point in time when Eve was created that marked the end of the 6th Creative Day and the beginning of God’s rest, the 7th day as recorded in Genesis. WT had always taught that creation took 6 creative days—and 1 rest day that would last 7000 years. And the last 1000 years of the 7000 years is the Millennium reign of Christ which would start at the end of 6000 years counting from the beginning of the creation of Eve.
Here we are 48 years later after (1975) the creation of Adam and he is still a bachelor. It is ironic if the marriage of Adam would also correspond with the “marriage of the lamb” explained in Revelation. As WT explained in the past, the 1000 year reign of Christ should neatly begin 6000 years after the creation of Eve. And the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ which is also the end of the 7th creative day and the end of God’s rest. God then proclaims at the end of the Millenium, 7000 years of man’s existence, the 7th day, as “good”. —Makes sense but not sure if it is still JW doctrine at present. Makes you wonder because Adam had a 48 year old and counting relationship with God but still took sides with his wife after that instead of sticking with God ( that doesn’t make sense ). On the other hand,it is hard to believe that God waited so long to create Eve.
So, all the Bible prophecies apparently converge at the same time: the seven times, the marriage of the lamb, Armageddon, Christ’s last day’s prophecy, the feet of clay, this generation…….