why the majority of scholars accept 586 you can read the two articles I referenced
If you could link the articles that don’t require membership or login, great. I did read briefly about the Rosetta seals which they concluded the kings of Judah stopped using around 587 and using their dating methods dated 586. So they believe. And therefore Jerusalem fell in 586. If you can link the complete works as I mentioned, great. I can read with an open mind but I am skeptical to begin with because prophecy required the land to pay back its Sabbaths counting back from 539 and 586 wouldn’t add up. If 586 is the factual date, it would be a problem relating to prophecy.
The crucial year WT uses to establish the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecy in Daniel 9 is 455 for the 20th year of Artaxerxes
Correct. As I also posted, I didn’t remember at the time where that date came from. Insight on the Scriptures under the topic 70 weeks explains WT reasons why believed but doesn’t link to 539 —although 539 and 29 are “pivotal” dates WT uses in phase with WT Bible chronology according to Insight article on chronology. Theoretically, using 539 as the standard other historical dates such as 29 should coincide (if linking historical events was possible) and so should theoretical dates such as 586 or 607.
reconstruct when biblical military campaigns occurred and uses 586 as an anchor for the destruction of Jerusalem, which the majority of scholars accept.
So it depends upon conclusions or interpretation of evidence by majority of scholars same as the evolution of man from other life forms.