Hi Smiddy,
The issue with government and other powers judging is that secular laws are based or arbitrary standards and as chief justice Berger said that they are Courts of law not Courts of justice. Laws are not just. Judgment day has to do with good and bad not legal and illegal. Secular courts adjudicate unlawful conduct and not morality. Judgement day is payback and justice and vengeance and setting things straight and vindication. Justice is for those getting recompensed for injustice like when God executed the first born of Egypt in retaliation for Pharoh killing first born of Israel but in judgement day the dead get resurrected too totally defeating the enemies of God’s friends. So there is a big difference between secular courts that try law breakers and prosecuters even punish innocent people and forcing them to plead guilty or face with death or 4 times the punishment and that ain’t justice. Judgment day will satisfy thise wronged and those who repented too.