1st centurygreat tribulation in Matthew as being the same as the one in Revelation. To do so totally dismisses his guarantee
Not only Mathew but in all three gospels. These also describe events such as separation of sheep and goats and miraculous signs in the heavens and seeing the son if man, etc.. These events did not transpire in 70. Jesus reference to not occurring again obviously refers to the great tribulation before Armageddon but Jesus was also foretelling the fall of Jerusalem and the great tribulation Jews would experience. That tribulation was not worldwide so the book of Rev also adds features and events to the greater fulfillment of the prophecy as JW interprets it. 2 great tribulations are involved: the one involved Jerusalem and the involving all of mankind and we at JW see they are parallel —and reasonably ironically, and poetically, Jesus was referencing both in the same prophecy as JW see it.