JW suing Kevin McFree. They wanted to take away his freedom of speech. But in thinking about it, that is the way of the organization
The first amendment legally applies in traditional public forums. But it doesn’t apply on private property or in limited public forums. For example, the preaching work is a form of freedom of speech but you may not have the legal right to preach or disseminate your beliefs on private property. Do don’t be shocked if you don’t have freedom of speech in the “Christian Congregation.”
I don’t know the case you reference but if a person says something that causes personal injury-and I don’t mean when someone is based on 1A and says something that hurts someone’s feelings-such person can be held legally liable. 1A is not only governed by time place and manner but a person can be held liable for saying something that damages another person and that is not taking away freedom of speech.
Based on JW interpretation of the Bible, secular standards of freedom of speech don’t apply in the Christian congregation.