Hello SBF!
Thanks for your insightful posts.
As 1914 recedes into the distant past it could remain as technical teaching, and chronological curiosity,
“By what authority do you these things?” 1914
In 1914 the kingdom was established and thereafter the FDS became Jesus’s agency on earth, not to mention the miraculous evidence experienced by FDS AND all the prophecies that have been fulfilled all tethered to 1914. The foundation of JW religion is 1914. “ God kingdom rules.” The kingdom is in place.” —What do you say now with no gt after 108 years? JW were wrong about 1914? 1914 is another 1975? The Horsemen of the apocalypse never rode? FDS never received authority, etc? It is not falsifiable that God’s kingdom was established in 1914 because that happened in the heavens according to JW and how are you going to debunk that? And to JW it is validated with empirical evidence experienced by FDS. At this time there is zero plans to jettison 1914. JW will never ever ever ever discard 1914 because JW are true believers and are in expectation of the gt as long as it takes. Unlike bro Russel’s beliefs that although wrong (as TD points out) can be reconciled because CTR was not an inspired prophet but nonetheless was right about Christ returning in that era.
I remember 1914 was in every paragraph in every publication and wt study but now as you point out—it’s gone. But although the date is not mentioned anymore as in the old days, everything JW does stands on 1914. Without 1914 JW have no standing. The establishment of the messianic kingdom in the heavens in 1914 giving FDS the authority that JW practice is well established in the minds of JW. The one and only one single issue is length of generation which even if nothing happens in the next 100 years would not affect 1914 as the year God’s kingdom was established in the heavens. It is unreasonable though that a generation linked to 1914 should last such a long time without the climaxing gt, which is part of the sign of the last days. That is the dilemma. As TD so eloquently put it once: “When do the wheels touch the ground?” And cofty observed in one of his posts that the meetings and JW are about Christian living nowdays as if the WT is no longer concerned with eschatology like in the old days. I don’t see any logical explanation that disintegrates generation from 1914 without disintegrating 1914 and 1914 is well established. There are 2 positions, looking at 1914 so far away from generation that falsifies 1914 and the way JW look at 1914 that God’s word will come true even if it seems delayed.